
Monday, November 23, 2009

What a tangled web we weave...

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read unless you have finished chapter 38 in VOYAGER. 

Ho. Ly. COW BATMAN!!!! Didn't see Laoghaire coming!!!  I knew Jamie was probably marrit. But I thought it was going to be Mary McNabb. Not the WEE HO!!!!!!  I canna BELIEVE what I just read. God I canna STAND her.

You know - I was angry in Outlander when Claire didn't tell Jamie Laoghaire was the one who sent her to Geillis' house. I thought we deserved that; I thought we had earned it. But now that I'm past the Laoghaire business - and she STILL hasn't told him - I don't know what to DO with myself! If she had told him in the FIRST place - he would have HATED the wee ho. And he never, EVER would have MARRIT HER!!!!!!

I had a conference call with my sister Tracey and my friend Jenn M yesterday... as we seem to do a lot on Sundays since being bitten by the Outlander bug. And we discussed Jamie being married to the wee ho. And Tracey is usually the one who can't see any wrongdoing where Jamie is concerned. But this time around I was the one who didn't have a problem with him. He didn't know how evil she is, or he never would have marrit her. And as for not telling Claire... I dunno... I think he was absolutely terrified of Claire leaving - so much so that he kept his mouth shut for the time being. I think he knew he'd have to tell her eventually, but maybe he figured if he could just get her to Lallybroch, knowing how much she loved it there, she'd accept it more readily. I just canna fault the guy for making a bonehead move in such an extraordinary circumstance.

And do I want someone to kick Laoghaire's big fat arse for making Jamie pay her all that money when she SHOT him and doesn't deserve a penny???

Weeeel... yes Sassenach.. yes I do.


  1. OMG I AGREE! When I read that he married her I was about as pissed as Claire. I felt that he BETRAYED ME! Okay so Claire was with Frank for 20 years but JAMIE MADE HER GO! Was this his way of getting back at Claire for actually leaving him? NOT FAIR! But I suppose if it had been written so the person he had married you liked you would feel back for him leaving her to go back to me I mean Claire. STIL Loaghaire for ALL PEOPLE! Man thats just rough

  2. I just finished this chapter and boy am I mad! I was even hoping Claire would at least tell Jenny when they had their talk when they went to fetch some onions. Why isn't Claire mentioning this?!! And Jamie had to marry that wretch to boot!!! What a chapter!

  3. That was my biggest problem: Why didna Claire SAY anything???

  4. At least Laoghaire is fat and ugly now

  5. I was so mad when I found out it was Loaghaire he was married to I almost threw my book. I figured he had married, not that I was happy about that, but I was furious to find out it was her. Every other woman he was with I felt was a betrayal even though it isn't rational, he's a man. I really didn't expect him to never have sex again, but you can't control how you feel. I was mad at Claire for being with Frank too, and I never understood why she never said anything to anyone but Gellis and the ho.

    I'm sorry this is way late, but I just found your blog. I love it! I'm so glad I'm not the only one obsessed with this series.

    1. No worries- I'm glad you found the blog, Elise! Tracey (my sister/Outlander mentor) actually DID throw her book at that point. LOL!

  6. So I am super late in joining the Outlander Family (only discovered the books 3 weeks ago and i a 3 books in). Since Claire returning to Jamie , I have had this sinking feeling that he had married and then when it was Laoghaire - i was so angry . I put the book down and left it alone for about 2 hours until the pull of wanting to know more was so great I started reading again. I feel betrayed

  7. Oh you poor thing, Megan. I am sorry. I know. We've been there. Tracey flipped OUT. She threw her book across the room. But dinna fash, lass. Keep going. You have so much ahead of you to look forward to. I am jealous of you right now!!! :)

  8. Just found this blog (am rereading the series). Knowing this complication was coming and how Jamie pretty much screws it up by being a chicken, I thought it was a great touch of realism. Jamie is a better character by not being perfect. One of the things that I love about Outlander is that you can actually learn good usable things about love/intimacy. Today's lesson is "the perfect mate cannot be perfect" and "second chance love is usually complicated."

  9. I've noticed a number of things we know but are not communicated between Jamie and Claire. Re his son, Jamie does not tell Claire that the mother threatened to hurt his relations at Lallybroch if he didn't sleep with her. Claire does not tell Jamie that Loaghaire was the one that got her involved in the witch trial. Claire doesn't tell Jamie that the reason she did not stay in the hold of the ship on the pirate raid is that Marsali left so Claire went to get her.

    1. oh yeah and Jamie doesn't tell Claire about sleeping with that women before he leaves Lallybroch cave. Maybe there are even more occasions that Diana hasn't yet revealed where Jamie slept with other women.

    2. I thought the same thing....there could be other women...we are not told about them because they don't further the story in any significant way.
