
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Amusing Email

SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless you've read MOST of Drums of Autumn: 

This is an email I sent my sister Tracey,  and my sister-in-Outlander Jenn M today - and Tracey wants me to post it. Here ya go:

Are you kidding? Tom told me he was going out tonight and my very first thought was "YES! I can READ!" My second thought was "Oh shit, we're not starting until 2010." My third thought was "Damn Amazon! WHERE is that freakin BOOK?!?" I should have gotten it today. I am NOT happy. Then again - I ordered the $7.99 version so it will probably be the teeny book. I have to have the bigger one to go with my collection, but I might have to keep this one just in case I get restless. I seriously don't know what this will be about, other than life on Frazer's Ridge...

PS - Jenn - we have to discuss Lord John more. Tracey and I had a big, ol' conversation about him yesterday and how we'd love to be his "hags". Once we saw him come out of the slave quarters and start sharing about having feelings for Bree's da, I saw him in a whole new light. It's as if he jumped off the page, sporting cut-off daisy dukes and a sleeveless, hot-pink, midriff-baring tank that said "I Love Liberace" on the front. I now love him.


  1. Rupert Everett in "My Best Friend's Wedding" + Niles Crane + Neil Patrick Harris = Lord John.

    I love him more than I can say with mere words.

  2. I'm thinking Ryan Phillipe. What are your thoughts, Hobson?

  3. Oooh. Hobson likee. No one had beaten Simon Baker but that's a good one How tall is RP??

  4. 5'9" He's supposed to be 6 inches shorter than Bree - and she's supposed to be almost 6 feet. So - he's supposed to be between 5'5" and 5'6". I can live with 5'9". He's perfect because he's fair and so pretty. BUT - he's 35. Is that OK?

  5. Mos def--by the time they get to Drums, LJ is at least 35--prolly more like 40 (it's been more than 20 years since his fateful meeting with Claire and Jamie during Dragonfly).

  6. Jamie is around 47 in Drums - and when Jamie was 25, Lord John was 16. So that's cool. 38ish I'd say.

  7. I saw a YouTube "casting" video once which showed Guy Pearce as John Grey...I saw it before I'd even "met" John Grey and it stuck. I can't help it.
