
Friday, January 15, 2010

C'mon Randall! Back the RIGHT Horse!

Ugh. He's been directing a movie about a horse instead of Outlander. The only horse I want to see in the movies will have Jamie's Scottish ass majestically splayed upon it.

Secretariat -- October 8
Sports movies tend to have a lot of biblical parallels. Perhaps that is why the Apostle Paul uses sports as metaphors for the spiritual life. Secretariat was the name of the horse that won the Triple Crown in 1973. With director Randall Wallace, who wrote the screenplay for Braveheart and who was the screenwriter for We Were Soldiers and The Man in the Iron Mask, I expect to see those metaphors fully explored.


  1. Couldn't agree more!!

    What is wrong with all these hollywood types!? Seriously who wants to sit through 3 hours of horse related storyline featuring said horse winning race/not winning race /winning race....yawn...wasn't seabiscuit bad enough!!

    When are they finally going make the right decision and get Outlander into production?


  2. A movie about a race horse? That's soooo last decade! C'mon Randall!!!

  3. Let me preface this by saying, I mean all of this with total respect, and this is in no way a bash on anyone who is pro-movie. I guess I am in the minority as far as Outlander fans are concerned. I really don't want to see an Outlander movie in the theater. I would be afraid that the filmmakers would have to cut out too much from the book in order to fit it into a 2 1/2 to 3 hour time slot. I see the "world of Outlander" in my mind a very specific way, and I would hate to have a movie ruin it for me. (Film adaptations of other books have ruined reading the books for me as well, but I didn't have quite the attachment to those books as I do Outlander.) I would be less nervous if they made Outlander into a TV miniseries (maybe BBC or HBO/Showtime) where the time constraints wouldn't be such a big deal...

  4. Agree about the mini-series idea. I just have no idea how they'd fit the entire book into one movie--let alone something like all 1500 pages of Fiery Cross into a movie!

  5. Agree about the mini-series as well, Diana. I shouldn't have phrased that "in the movies". I want a mini-series - if anything at all. I know I wax on about casting and who's who and yada yada yada... but a part of me doesn't want to see the books on screen at all. I loved the Twilight series, but the movies have really taken away from my memories of the books. At some point down the road - after all the movies are filmed and finished, I'll go back and read the series and remember why I loved it in the first place. As for Outlander, I never EVER want to feel that way about it. Having said ALL of that - if they do take it to screen, please let it be HBO, Showtime, the BBC, PBS, etc. Something that will do it justice.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Also agree with the mini=series idea. It would have to be HBO so we could see, as Carol so eloquently put it, see Jamies majestic Scottish ass splayed upon the back of a horse. With kilt flying of course,
    (deleted my last post because of to many typos - I was too excited by Carol's latest entries to get my glasses, so I'm squinting the best I can).

  8. I absolutely symapthise with Diana's sentiments. I can think of several books that have has their hearts torn out by screen adaptation and I would hate to see the same thing happen to Outlander.

    For me if the film could have the same production values as a 'Dangerous Liasons' then I would be happy. However I can well see corners being cut, second rate actors employed etc etc and the end result ruining the books.

    Its a difficult one but on reflection I'd rather no film than a bad one.


  9. Louse's comment: "I'd rather no film than a bad one" = PERFECTION. Could NOT have said it better, myself.
