
Friday, January 8, 2010

Diana Gabaldon Explains the Creation of Outlander

There is so much online with the regards to spoilers... so I avoid a lot of it like the plague. But since I'm on Book 5 - The Fiery Cross - I've gotten a little less timid as I tip toe through the Outlander tulips on the interwebs. In doing so, I found this video which I allowed myself to watch and I'm so glad I did. It's Diana Gabaldon - who I've never even heard speak before -  discussing Outlander and how the novel came to be. There are many parts to this video series; I only have the guts to view this one. Baby steps. And it has no spoilers. Enjoy. (And thanks to Suwannee79 for posting it.)


  1. That's was a great watch. Would LOVE to meet HERSELF someday and pick her brain!

  2. Oh tell me about it. In my literary dreams, I've got dueling lunch dates with Diana Gabaldon and Stephenie Meyer - and don't know who to postpone! ;)
