
Friday, January 1, 2010

Have the lambs stopped screaming???

So I'm flipping out just a bit. Why, you ask? Because I just came back from a neighborhood party and got an email from my sister and Outlander mentor, Tracey. Last week, Tracey made a video of herself reading the first few pages of The Fiery Cross... and uploaded it to youtube for us. She later got shy and made me take it off my site, where it sat for maybe 5 minutes. She then agreed to leave it on youtube temporarily. Fast forward to today, where she finds out 45 people have viewed it. And why?

BECAUSE DIANA GABALDON HAS IT LISTED AS ONE OF HER FAVORITES ON HER OWN YOUTUBE PAGE. Thus, the wine folks. This is a stellar day. So without further ado, I give you, my sister and Outlander mentor Tracey... and her "reaction video" for The Fiery Cross.


  1. And I give y'all my most humble apologies for looking like something that's been riding with Jamie and Claire through the highlands for a week without showering or changing clothes LOL. I promise I will look more presentable in the next video!

  2. I know that I'm not supposed to be here. I have only read the first Outlander book. But I cannot help myself! Truth? I enjoy listening to you ladies discuss these books too much! Spoilers mean naught to me.

    Tracey, you are my hero! How could DG NOT put you on a favorites page? LOL! Look forward to your next video!

  3. LOL every time I see "Erie, PA" on that live traffic feed, I'm like, "Jenn's lurking again! Carol's gonna kill her..." LOLOL!

  4. LOL Jenn. I knew you were lurking. Please please PLEASE go back and read the rest at some point (although the rate at which that woman is cranking out TwiFanFic, I have a feeling you will be 80 and still getting your weekly fix!)

    Did you finish Outlander? If so - what did you think?

    And keep commenting! I've missed you! My poor TwiBlog... it's so neglected!

  5. You are so cute.

    I want to see you face when you FINISH An Echo in the Bone. ;)

  6. Oooh Sassy good one--I'm totally taping that.

    I think I may have come across a spoiler that hints at what might be in store for the ending of Echo--but it's NOT GOOD and I'm afraid to even think that it might be true!

  7. Tracey: Email if you want...I'm not sure what you're referring too. Maybe that's a good thing!

  8. (covers eyes) Not looking! Not looking! Not looking! Tracey I didn't even make it past "hints at" in your comment. You know how I feel about spoilers! I don't even want speculation because that will put all kinds of thoughts in my head while I'm reading! Not looking! Not looking! :)

  9. I don't want to say at all, b/c I don't even want a reaction! LOL I finally said the spoiler out loud to my mentor Emily the other day, but I turned around so I wouldn't be looking at her, and said it, and then refused to look at her for about five minutes until I was certain I would get no reaction at all.

    I saw something else yesterday that, while not confirming anything, certainly made the spoiler plausible. I MUST STAY OFF THE INTERNET UNTIL I'M FINISHED THESE BOOKS!!!!

  10. Yeah Trace - you need to stop looking online. I literally close an eye and half close the other when I pull up something - and that's usually to find a picture or something.

  11. I loved this. You brought a big smile to my face Tracey :)
