
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Helen Mirren IS Jocasta

Took this picture of Helen Mirren looking fabulous - as always -  on the Golden Globes tonight. She is SO my Jocasta. Truly.


  1. Excellent suggestion! The only other suggestion I've ever heard is Frances Fisher (she played Rose's mother in Titanic), but I didn't think she fit the part. Helen Mirren is PERFECT!

  2. Still must go with my Meryl--she has the perfect combo of lightness and steel, IMO. Helen, while AWESOME (and quite smokin' on the GGlobes) is a little too "harsh" for the Jocasta in my head.

  3. I agree, Helen would make a wonderful Jocasta, Frances Fisher as well, nice idea Diana. Carol you need to put Gerard Butler as a posible Jamie choice too...LOL!!! I don't know why I would feel that way.

    I posted a picture on my site of Gerry as Jamie Fraser. Now hold on to your hearts girs cause Jamie is coming to life... Just click on my name an scroll to the bottom to see it!!!

  4. Ooh, I was picturing Frances Fisher as well...but Helen Mirren works for me!

  5. i imagined her a little rounder... hahaha... just a little though ;-)

  6. oh, I've got one, what about Judy Dench?

  7. Oh I loveeee Dame Judy. I'd be OK with her in anything. Seriously.

  8. I don't see Frances Fisher but I do see Jamie Donnelly. She'd be perfect.
