
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Philip Winchester for Jamie Fraser

I think I may have chosen my Jamie Fraser. I stumbled upon Philip Winchester on a site that I canna remember; I was so excited I just started Googling him and well... that was that. I confess I have not seen him act in anything; a lot will hinge on that. But I have looked him up on a few youtube clips - and from what I've seen, I have no complaints. We'd have to roughen up that pretty little English accent a little (which is not his own, by the way. He's from Montana - but left at the age of 17 to study acting in London where he ended up doing quite a bit of theatre.)

One non negotiable: he must be able to do a proper Scottish accent. I will admit that I'd MOST prefer a Scot to have the role - but just LOOK at this guy! He IS Jamie Fraser. I am dying for Diana Gabaldon's opinion.

Let's see some Jamieisms, shall we?

"What have you done, Sassenach?"

"Oh, aye?"

"Dinna try me too hard, Sassenach."

"Ye're fools, the lot of you."


  1. I appreciate this post greatly. I agree with you that a Scot should have the role. And my preference would be an unknown Scot. And an unknown female actor for Claire. Why? Because to me, if known actors are chosen for the roles of Jamie and Claire, then all of their previous work goes through my mind as I watch. I've heard of many different suggestions for Jamie, including Gerard Bulter (who is totally hot!) and Kate Bekinsale(stunning) but I really hope they go with unknowns...I can dream, right? lol!

  2. Totally agree. There is nothing worse than watching a movie and thinking the whole time "I'm watching so-and-so" - the actor - instead of just being able to relax and enjoy the characters.

    I have thought about this a zillion times; tell me it wouldn't be a dream come true to be involved in the casting? Just to be able to walk through their waiting room and see a sea of Jamie hopefuls? And then to watch them audition and be able to voice your opinion as to whether or not they could ever come close to pulling the characters off? I can't even imagine it.

  3. I love him as Jamie Fraser! I agree with needing an unknown actor... and he fits greatly with the image of Jamie in my own mind (add a little bit o' red to that head).

    Good find, good call :)

  4. Thanks! And you're right, Gabby - just tweak his haircolor a little bit. A little L'oreal 7R Red Penny perhaps?! LOL just found that on a haircolor site. ;)

  5. MMMmmm..good choice!!! There aren't many out there, but that guy fits the bill alright ;)

  6. SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read my comment unless you've read Voyager!

    That's right, Bonnie. He's the closest I've found to my "vision" of Jamie. What is interesting to me is his age. IMDB lists him as being 29 in March of 2010. I could see this guy playing both young Jamie and older Jamie. And I LOVE that possibility. I don't want to see two different Jamie's if this series ever gets made into a mini series.

  7. Maybe a little computer magic - like what they did in Benjamin Button w/Brad Pitt will do the trick. BTW I am so glad that I stumbled upon your blog to know of someone else who is passionate about this love story like I am. Thanks.

  8. Hi Holly! Glad you're here and commenting! I've heard that a few times about computer imaging... I wonder if they'd do that. I hope they use the same actor. I just don't think it would work with two!

  9. I still like Gerard Butler or Mabel Alex O'Laughlin for Jamie Fraser!

  10. Wow. Alex O'Laughlin. That's a new one I don't think I've heard. I loved him in that vampire show they canceled last year. He reminds me of my friend Morgan though - who is the husband of a good friend - so I try not to lust after him. ;)

  11. Philip is Jamie in my head, too. Seems the lad can act, too.

  12. Hi, for some time Philip was my favorite as well. I'd seen some episodes of "Crusoe" and thought "Damn, he would do a great job!".
    But shortly after that I stumbled upon Chris Hemsworth. He's getting more and more famous now, b/c of the Thor-movie, but he is a wonder ful, tall (6'3'') and hot actor with the bluest slanted eyes you've ever seen.
    I've made a short video , showing that he would be an amazing choice.
    Maybe you want to check it out :

  13. Thanks for posting the link, Lisa. Great video! So many Jamies... so little time. LOL! :)

  14. Thank God someone thought of something other than the old and not-hot Gerard Butler! I mean c'mon - Jamie's supposed to be 23! A hot youngblood! How old is Butler? Like 40? This kid is totally cute, I could see it - he's not girly looking like some of the other actors out there, and he's got a cute roguish smile - plus he looks tall!

  15. I think Kevin McKidd (Rome and Grey's Anatomy) would be beyond perfect. He's from Glasgow, has the height and build of Jamie with the fair skin, sparkling blue eyes and the right hair color (naturally btw) Also he's one hell of an actor.

  16. a better clip for Kevin McKidd with his real accent.

  17. KiwiGirl - thanks - I have seen that clip before - he's delectable. What's amusing to me is his accent in that clip... it's what I'd call Scoterican. LOL I think actors who speak with an American accent week after week - and live in the states - start to develop this hybrid. Mel Gibson pretty much lost his Australian accent altogether (even when he's yelling shamefully crass things). I'd love to hear Kevin McKidd after he spent a week in the Highlands with his family and mates. Yup. I bet that accent would be even stronger! :)

  18. I first saw Philip Winchester as Robinson Crusoe in a short run series called Crusoe. It also started Sean Bean. Philip would make a perfect Jamie Fraser. That straigt nose, high cheek bones and cat eyes. Yummy!!

  19. My favourite pick for Jamie to come to life is Domhnall Gleeson. He played Bill Weasely in the las Harry Potter film. Very tall, very handsome and a true redhead. He is Irish, but surely could play Jamie well.

  20. Lynda I keep forgetting to comment. Great pick. I had never heard of him. If not Jamie, someone else for sure.

  21. I TOTALLY agree! Nothing worse than someone who's already known for his other work. What's so Jamie is the nose...just a tad bit too long! Add some contacts to brighten up the blue 'een, some haircolor to redden up the hair...but this is Jamie! Character, humor, tenderness...can be made to look really young or older.

  22. I used to think a true Scot should play Jamie, but after seeing his body of of work, where he can seemlessly pull dramatic, comedy, action, and adventure genres, I think Ryan Gosling will make the perfect Jamie. I am sure he can pick up the accent and would do great moving from a younger to the older Jamie - see him do it in The Notebook. Though some may think he is a bit too pretty, he "roughens" up quite well and is swoon-worthy with long hair and a beard. As for his body...just watch Crazy Stupid Love. As for Claire, it may be too much having Rachel McAdams play her as she already played opposite Ryan in The Notebook, but I can totally see the both of them pull off the characters perfectly.

  23. Wonderful post! Out of all the proposed "Jamies" I have seen online, Philip Winchester wins, hands down. The captions you chose for the photos really make it work, too. Nicely done. I think for the first time since I began the Outlander series I will get a good nights rest, having seen the true face of James Fraser :)

    1. Wow - thanks Lauren! I'm glad you like him! :) Philip Winchester is fantastic. For a glimpse of how amazing he is, rent season 1 of Camelot from 2011. I couldn't get enough of him on that series.

  24. Winchester has the right combination of sex appeal to both genders, fierceness (see his work in Strike Back), and tenderness (also see Strike Back) to appear right for the role of Jamie Frasier. He has the intelligence to achieve the multiple dimensions of Jamie Frasiers persona; it is possible a Scots actor will not rise above the nationality dimension. Frasier is much more than a Scot by the end of the story.

    Finally, if Winchester can live a British accent, I think he can take another step and do a Scottish one, especially if it is a mini-series.

    1. Anonymous...I have to admit, I'm intrigued by your comment about a Scot possibly not rising above the nationality dimension. WHAT a thing to ponder! I can't decide if I'm totally against it...or totally on board with it! Thanks - I will absolutely check out Strike Back. The last thing I saw Philip W. in was Camelot...and he was fantastic.

  25. I am new to this series of books. Currently in the middle of Voyager. I love to "google" Jamie Fraser and see other's vision for the perfect Jamie. This fellow certainly fits the part for me. I checked out Chris Hemsworth yesterday and liked him very much, but after seeing Philip I think we have a winner. Perfect face, nose is just right, chiseled but not too pretty. How tall is he? Can't wait to get home and read some more. Thanks!

    1. Oooh Anonymous - I'm so jealous! In the middle of Voyager?! I wish I were you! Spectacular book! Enjoy! :) And PS - Love Philip Winchester. I'm assuming they're going to be casting for Outlander on Starz soon; stay tuned!

  26. I am on my 2nd read of Outlander, I am rereading the whole series to get ready for the 8th book. This guy is how i pic Jamie dead on!!!
    And btw the 2nd read is even better than the 1st.

    1. I should be doing the same thing, Anonymous!!! One night in chat, I asked everyone how I was going to reread them all since I'm not a big rereader. Karen from Outlandish Observations told me I should read all my own blog posts from when I was reading the series! LOL!!!

  27. Well I am late to the party - only having just come across this. Although it is too late for Philip Winchester for Jamie, I would love to see him in something as epic. Strike Back ended too soon!

    1. No worries! The MOP party never ends! Have you ever seen Camelot? It only lasted one season (insert sobbing here) but he was fantastic in that. LOVE him. He could have easily handled that Jamie Fraser wit. :)
