
Sunday, February 14, 2010

My "A Breath of Snow and Ashes Playlist"

 The "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" Playlist has begun...

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  1. Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson. SOO good!!!

  2. I Will Follow You by DCC? Awesome choice. I just love that song.

  3. That was Tracey's suggestion and thought it was great and added it. I love Death Cab for Cutie! They write so beautifully... it's like the seasons come alive in their music. You know how I love "Summer Skin". (I get that sick feeling like it's the night before the first day of school every time I hear it.) That's on my New Moon playlist on that "other blog". ;)

  4. LOVE "Winter Song"! Such a great choice!

  5. Not sure which book this song would fit best into (maybe all of them so far) but I heard it on the radio the other day and immediately thought it was perfect for Jamie and Claire... "Only You Can Love Me This Way" by Keith Urban. I know country may not be your thing but they are in North Carolina now afterall.

  6. I like it Jennifer. I think the same way you do... some country stuff is OK in Drums, TFC and ABOSAA (maybe Echo - I'm not there yet!) I's also like to hear different versions of some of the songs I've added. Some are just OK by the artist but would be really good if redone by a member of the opposite sex - or acoustically - or by someone with a Scots accent. Lots of possibilities...

  7. I keep meaning to listen to some Aaron Copland (Appalachian Spring, for example), but his stuff tends more toward the broad, sweeping, western type stuff. Also, I TOTALLY need to investigate soundtracks of Ken Burns documentaries--I know it's totally the wrong time period, but anytime I hear ANYTHING from The Civil War, I think of the Ridge.

  8. (sucks in air) Ooooh Tracey - I like the way you're thinking! I'll do some research.

  9. YAY! I love your playlists Carol. I have them on my IPOD

  10. Thanks Roberta!! I love making them. Sometimes I'll be driving and hear a song and the whole scene will flash before my eyes. I am a little intense about my Outlander music, I'll admit. LOL!

  11. hi carol
    i was just checking out the playlist for d-i-a, and i found this version of "adigio" by linzi stoppard, see what you think? it might be too fast but it,s seriously cool.


  12. that would be even better if i spelled it right lol
    "adagio for strings"

  13. Oooh Lesley you're right - that is a verra cool version!

  14. Love the play list, especially the Snow Patrol song.

    I have DCC on my NM play list too. It is such an Edward song to me.

  15. Agreed on both counts. Wow I saw your screenname in my email (I get email whenever there are new comments on the blog... because I kept missing them) and got a little giddy. I was like "What?!?" and then realized it was an email from the blog.

  16. I'm usually hanging over at the Outlander Book Club and discovered your blog. It's lots of fun.

  17. I LOVE your outlander playlists! Great, great choices.
    I'm sure you have a billion ideas already, but the song played at the end of the film The Young Victoria - Only You, by Sinead O'Connor ( ) - instantly brought Outlander to mind. Maybe it was a little bit the lyrics, and a little bit the lilt to her voice. Can't wait to see the rest of the songs on your playlist! I think I'm at more or less the same place in ABOSAA.

  18. (More sucking in of air)Ooooh Sirena - I love Sinead O'Connor. I will go listen to that right now!

  19. It's such a good song! And very emotional after such a romantic movie. BTW i've been listening to the other playlists as I read A breath of snow and ashes (since the playlist is still a work in progress) and they even fit this book. (esp. voyager's, for some reason!)

  20. I love the Sinead O'Connor selection. I will add it to my play list. When I heard it, it made me weep as I thought of Claire saying the words to Jamie. Beautiful. Thanks for suggesting and posting it.

    I also bought Run by Snow Patrol and added to my play list.

    I love play lists. I have a few songs for OL. Here is a song that reminds me of the whole series. When I heard it I just imagined Claire falling through, meeting Jamie, Jamie, wanting to be unknown, reaching for her and promising adventures.

    Everything's Magic by Angels &Airwaves Even the video reminds me of going through the stones. Here's the link:

    This is the same song without the background screams/noise.

    Let me know what you think.

    I hope you like it. I have more.

  21. Nigheandubh - Wow. Just... Wow. I listened to it.. and at first, I'll admit, I was a little "hmmm this might be a little too peppy for Outlander". Then I heard his voice and my ears perked up a little... and then I looked up the lyrics and wow - you are NOT KIDDING!!! It's like it's from both of their perspectives! It's like the first part is Claire... and the second is Jamie. Love it. I dig this band, too. I am a child of the 80s and they've got that 80s sound. Thanks for the tip - I'm going to listen to some more of their stuff.

    PS - what would you think of this song being done acoustically?

  22. PS - Nigheandubh - it's not on I hate when they don't have what I want. They don't have Peter Gabriel's version of "Don't Give Up" and it drives me nuts.

  23. Don't Give Up is a great song.

    I'm not sure about the acoustic for Everything's Magic. Why not? For me, it's a song that just whips all the adventures around. They're up, down; it's magic and I like that there is thunder,it's a gasp at every turn. It's crazy and wild and totally unexpected.
    I feel that as a reader, I'm being pulled into the stones to experience the best and the fastest ride.
    My playlist actually starts slow with the Royal Scot Dragoons playing the theme to the Last of the Mohicans and then it goes right into Everything's Magic. Then I followed it with So Contagious by Acceptance. I've created my list on iTunes.
    My daughter introduced me to So Contagious and I loved it as soon as I heard it. It reminds me of Jamie falling in love at first sight and the embarrassment when Claire breaks down and he draws her to him...and...well, you know the rest. It's his pov, and I love his pov.

  24. Carol, another awesome pick. I've always loved this song but I hadn't thought of it for BOSnow. It really fits in perfectly.

  25. Just clarifying the above post. I'm referring to Shout.

  26. Nighteandubh: I'm giggling at your above post, thinking you want to add "Shout" and imagining Otis Day and the Nights playing a gig at the Gathering (LOOOOORRRRRRD the Gathering). LOL!

  27. Also have to give major props to a suggestion on Karen Henry's blog: True Companion" by Marc Cohn. This has gone in the "general" category of my own playlist, as it COMPLETELY describes J/C's relationship from the beginning to the present and really highlights how the relationship has grown and changed over the years.

    Here's Karen's post on the song:

  28. Oh LOVE True Companion! It's a little difficult for me right now not to assign any super romantic song to this series. I love NigheanDubh's recommendations too! Wish there were some kickass war drum songs for the scenes where Claire hears the drums in the distance. Thanks to this site, I've grown to really love and have been making my own, but sometimes it's really frustrating when they don't have a certain song! Sinead's Only You I understand since it's new and under the radar, but "Don't Give up"? Grr. I'll keep checking back in to the playlist you're making though :-) love the suggestions :-)

  29. Sirena: totally agree for the need of a kickass war drums song for the rescue. I was trying to come up with something contemporary that isn't necessarily taken from the Braveheart or Last of the Mohicans's very 80s and contemporary pop, but what do you think of "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins? It certainly does have some kickass drumming, and the lyrics are very "Jamie is SOOO gonna kill you":

    Well, if you told me you were drowning
    I would not lend a hand
    I've seen your face before my friend
    But I don't know if you know who I am
    Well, I was there and I saw what you did
    I saw it with my own two eyes
    So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
    It's all been a pack of lies...

    I kinda likee....

  30. Another addition to the playlist (since you finally got around to blogging that you read about Ian and his story of the baby dying and the wolves): "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her" by Simon and Garfunkel. This happened to pop up the other day on my shuffle, and I was like, hurray!!! An Ian song!!! I'm not a big fan of including songs THAT obvious/literal, but in this case (since we know what happened to Ian's baby but not to Emily) I think it really works.

  31. hi ladies
    what about this for a kickass war drums song for the rescue
    it has one explicit lyric. and at one point it refers to son but it,s definately kickass and menacing.


  32. forgot to say it.s called
    "counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums" by a perfect circle.
    the title kinda says it all don,t ye think ?

  33. Ho.Ly.Crap Lesley. That is REALLY good. Even just the beginning before the lyrics. Or they could play the lyrics very quietly while keeping the drums/music loud. VERRA LOUD. It really brings across the brutality of the scene. Thanks!

  34. oooh Lesley, I added a bodhran song, too... just for the beginning of the song where it's just bodhran... so Claire would hear that first.. and it would get louder and louder, the closer they got to her... and finally when they were right on top of the kidnappers it would switch to Counting Bodies Like Sheep. Man I would LOVE to see this scene come to life!!
