
Monday, March 1, 2010

Reminder: Tonight is Outlander Chat Night!

Don't forget MONDAY NIGHT CHAT tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time!

We'll be discussing anything from Outlander....all the way up through the first 50 chapters  in A Breath of Snow and Ashes.

Hope to see you there!


  1. hi carol
    enjoy the chat tonight
    it,s 00.40 here and i,m off to bed, i,ve tried to stay awake a bit longer lol. however if my little ones decide to wake me for a feed a bit later who knows i may decide the sofa is a good place to sit with a brew and a laptop.

  2. Oh Lesley... we HAVE to schedule a chat you can participate in! I will talk to Tracey. Hope you get a great night's sleep and we'll see you on the blog! :)
