
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Doctor Doctor, Gimme the News, I've Got a Bad Case of Loving You

SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless you have read chapter 89 in AN ECHO IN THE BONE. 

Whoa, y'all. I'm still processing. And I'm not even finished yet. Diana has done a fantastic job of tying up some of these storylines... or putting them back together again, I should say.

Claire showed up in Philly and SAVED THE MOTHER EFFING DAY, oh yes she did. DAYS, actually. Not only did she take out Henri-Christian's tonsils and adenoids... but she also felt around and took bullet #2 out of Henry. (Oooh I just realized both patients names were "Henry". Interesting little coincidence. Told you I focus on inane things.) I LOVED her surgical field in Henry's room... and how she made Denny wear a mask... and had the ether... and told Lord John he might want to back up a little because it was going to get a little messy. She did a FANTASTIC job of creating the most sterile environment possible. (Have I not mentioned I'm a bit of a germaphobe and am also the resident nurse in not only my house, but my neighborhood. A few weeks ago my neighbor's daughter called and said "Carol, my mom cut her finger and I can't look. Can you come over?) I absolutely LOVE reading about Claire's surgeries. Diana does such a thorough job at explaining exactly what is taking place - along with Claire's own fears and anxieties about all the things that could go wrong - that you feel like you're there, helping her along... like Rachel Hunter.

And speaking of... let me now turn this morning's entry to Rachel Hunter.  There she was - with her future sister in law (I hope) Dottie (whom I love more than all rationality allows.. and almost as much as her father, Hal) and William (he seems so stoic all the time) and there is that bug...ARCH BUG!.. sniffing around down the street. I swear to god, if that fool COMES NEAR RACHEL - ESPECIALLY before her big reunion with Ian (for which I am waiting with bated breath) I will... UGH! I dinna know WHAT I will do. I want to see that girl walk down the aisle in a white SILK dress  (since thee says silk is A-OK!) and with Ian on her arm with his cute little dots all up the sides of his cheeks. If Arch Bug kills her I.... I.... I.....  Sigh. I hate to say it, but I'm hoping he'll come to his senses and at least kill Rollo if he's going to kill a living, breathing soul. (I'M SORRY - I LOVE ROLLO - but c'mon now He's getting to be verra old and will die soon anyway and is a CANINE.)

I canna talk about that anymore, lassies. Next I will mention my love for James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser... and his letters to Claire whilst in France. His little story about the Iroquois chopping off his finger was priceless (along with his admittance that he might have checked out a boobie or two) and I was shocked he was able to write so much without the finger. Claire was right; she left him with a working hand. Outstanding. I just hope nothing goes wrong with his passage to the colonies... and I wonder if Jenny will be with him. Her thinly veiled apology-by-proxy was not enough. I hope she and Claire can make it right when she comes to America. (I willna get started on how bad I also feel for Jenny again... I think I've already belabored that point.)

Lordddddd it's going to be a long day. I am going to read now. Wish me luck. I feel like I'm headed up the Mount of Olives...


  1. Really enjoyed your comments about Claire. And Dottie is one of my favorite new characters. (So is Rachel, for that matter.)

    Hang on tight, Carol, the bumpiest part of the ride is about to begin!


  2. All I keep thinking is "buckle up!" I'm checking back rather obsessively to see what parts your up to!

  3. Oh god, the letters. Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, THE LETTERS!!!! I'm telling you right now, if the rest of this entire book blew (which is SO does not), it would still be WELL WORTH the $30 spend for those two letters to Claire from your ob't servant James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser. I salivated over those things probably more than Claire did. What's interesting is that we've never had the chance to see them apart until this point, so they've never actually needed to write to one another. LOL had I known I would enjoy the letters so much, I would have sent Jamie off on a trip around the world long ago!

    Let me just state for the record, right now, that I would be TOTALLY ONBOARD with a book in which Claire and Jamie are kept apart by something, as long as it involved letters back and forth to one another. What I want is something in the same vein as this: --it's a book of nothing but letters between John and Abigail Adams, who in terms of couples that make me swoon are right up there with J/C. If Herself is ever looking for a new twist on the story, this would be a brilliant solution... :-)

    Lessee, what else...I loved Jenny and her new-found independence in France--that made me smile. LOVED the little scene with William, Rachel, and Dottie sitting on the porch or wherever they were, and the three of them holding hands and just quietly supporting each other even tho William was slowly coming to the realization that Rachel and Dottie were sort of his enemies--a small scene but really lovely.

    And yeah, Claire is in typical kick-arse, Dr. Mark Craig mode throughout.

    Heading up the Mount of Olives...good analogy. Hooo boy....

  4. Also re: Mount Olives--I think I told you back when I was in your shoes reading the last 100 or so pages--it felt like waiting at a deathbed--you know the end is coming, but you don't know when it's going to happen or what it's going to be like. And it's scary as hell. ARRRGH. I feel for you.

  5. I just now set up a Twitter account for the sole purpose of following these last pages. I'm dyin' over here waiting for the next update. Get reading, Carol!

  6. Jaime checked out some boobies? I must have forgot about this part!!! Oh, Jaime... I absolutely loved this part of the book! But all I have to say is that the separation of Jaime and Clair will only get more interesting!!! And I love Ian's kindred spirit Rollo too much! Rollo canna die!!!

  7. Alas, the end IS near at which point you will join the rest of us who are trying to figure out how to get through the next 2-3 years waiting for the next book. It's good to know you appreciate Lord John and his family, you can use the next few weeks reading the Lord John books. They are very different from the Outlander books, but they are your best bet for living vicariously in the meantime.

  8. Carol...Read and blog, read and blog!! I am absolutely dying over here waiting for your reaction to the last of the book...

    Tracey...If DG ever writes a book where Jamie and Claire are separated, it better have a reunion scene (think reunion in Voyager) at the end, is all I'm sayin'

    Anything else...?

    Oh, yeah. read Carol, read!!!

  9. Carol...Read and blog, read and blog!! I am absolutely dying over here waiting for your reaction to the last of the book...

    Tracey...If DG ever writes a book where Jamie and Claire are separated, it better have a reunion scene (think reunion in Voyager) at the end, is all I'm sayin'

    Anything else...?

    Oh, yeah. read Carol, read!!!

  10. ooops, sorry for the double post...Mouse click problems..ehem...

  11. Megs ~ I had to go back and re-read the letter, too, to find reference to Jamie checkin' out the boobies!

    Tracey ~ I love the letters, but I dinna think I can handle an entire book of just letters, ya know what I'm sayin'?

  12. All I can say is ....
    "Your Ink-stain'd Wretch and Most Devoted Husband,"

  13. I have been reading like a fool to make sure I finish this weekend too for our chat on Monday. I am definately going to have to re-read and re-read again the last 1/4 of Echo in order to be able to fully process everything.

    I canna WAIT until Monday night's chat! Lorddddd the Chat!

  14. Jennifer I almost just peed my pantalones. LORDDDDD THE CHATTTT! I am going to post that RIGHT NOW.

    Everyone else - You all ROCK for helping me through this. I. Am. Dying. I canna believe I'm finished. I LOVEDDDD the letters. Seeing Jamie's polished hand (or not so polished, I suppose) - and knowing his thoughts were directed at Claire? Oh wow that was just amazing. Totally new experience.

    Laura - how is the Twitter account going? I am bad about checking - Tracey is the Twitter Queen.

  15. LOL I just have to say I'm STILL laughing at "Lorddddd the chat!"
