
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless you have read chapter 82 in AN ECHO IN THE BONE. 

Lads and lassies - I canna believe what a wild ride this book has been. Mr. Toad's got nuthin' on Jamie and Claire. And I'm not even finished yet. But honest to Bride; I'm terrified to finish. I can tell you right here - right now - in all seriousness... I dinna know if I want to finish this book before the next one comes out. I like where I am now. No. Scratch that.  I can HANDLE where I am now. Claire has made the decision to go to Philadelphia and operate on Henry Christian. It's scary - but it hasna happened yet. As of right now - Jamie and Claire are going to have a wee dram. Or two. And something tells me we'll get some tremendous going away sex out of the deal. So yes. I can handle it fine. But what's to come???? I dinna think I can handle what's to come. Not if I have to wait for two more years before I find out what happens. So I said to myself, "Myself", I said, "Why not stay on a good note? Why not bide my time in contentment, rather than anguish and despair?"  Yes. I am seriously thinking of putting out my best Blackjack hand and saying "I'LL STAY".

One bad thing about this book? It's making me eat. It's making me NOSH.  I canna take the  drama - and yet I thrive on the drama - all at the same time. So bring on the Cheetos (or microscopic 100 Calorie popcorn bags) because I needs myself something to CHEW.

Characters - I have such mixed feelings about so many characters right now. Here are my thoughts on two:

Jenny - Love Jenny. Hate Jenny. Love her for being her... hate her for refusing to accept Claire. I understand what she's going through with Ian and I give her a lot of slack for that. But to say Claire has nae soul? That is some cold-hearted stuff right there. Dems fightin' words. For god's sake, the woman poured our her heart and soul to you about being in Boston all those years. You KNOW that CLAIRE SUFFERED now. How about giving her a BREAK ye wee beastified woman?!

Laoghaire (now renamed "Cougar Ho" instead of "Wee Ho") - as a chick and a lover-o-Jamie, I loathe her with every fiber of my being. But honestly - now that the dust has settled - and Jamie and Claire have had 12 happy years together - for the first time since LEOCH - I can understand why she's been so horrible to Claire. I understood before... but I never really stopped loathing her long enough to really feel what she had been feeling all those years ago. She loved Jamie - and he somewhat led her on. Oh yes he did with his not-so-virginal kisses behind the curtain in the alcove....and his decision to sit next to her at dinner and such. Oh yes he did lead her on.  And when he married Claire she was heartbroken. And she thought it was a forced marriage - and years later, when she married him, she thought he'd come around. But he didn't. Ultimately, if Claire didna come into the picture, Laoghaire might have had a really good chance with Jamie Fraser. You really can't begrudge her the uh, grudge. And even now - she is entitled to a little happiness. Jamie is, right? So why shouldn't she be?  He married her with the promise that he would take care of her and her bairns - for good or for bad. And he bolted. Right - because she was an uncaring, unfeeling, frigid disaster... But I dinna blame her for hating him - and I can finally see her side of things. She didna show him love because he didna show her love. Plain and true. COMMA-MOTHER-EFFING-HOWEVER.... She is the devil's spawn and I dinna care if she falls into the loch with yon annoying servant-boytoy. How DARE she just show up at Lallybroch all humble and beg Claire to look at her, let alone TRAVEL TO PHILADELPHIA (Philly represent!!) WITHOUT JAMIE to take care of Henry Christian???? After she tried to KILL Jamie??? And bled them of all their money over the years??? And carried that grudge? (Which, remember now, I don't begrudge her) Forget it. SHE is the witch and Jenny is a DUMBASS MORON if she canna see that.

Here's what kills me. Laoghaire is once again sending Claire to the wolves. We've seen it before. Does she truly have good intentions this time around? Only time will tell. 


  1. Oh come know you won't be able to shelf the book for the next 2 yrs! Things only get more interesting :)

  2. By the way, I love how you say, "canna, dinna" and such! Hillarious! Anyway, not to be a blog stalker and comment on every post... but I love this Blog and I canna get enough Outlander!! I agree with so much! Especially about Laoghaire (AKA "cougar ho" HA!) I am glad to hear her side of the story, even though I've hated her from day one! I really did feel sad for her that she thought that Jaime was REALLY forced into marry Claire and if things had been different, he would have married cougar ho. OUCH! That must have been a big blow to her poisoned little heart! It was also fun that Jaime found out who she was messin’ around with when he took her beating back in Leoch. Little tramp!

  3. Love your blog, videos, & twittering. I got bogged down at the start of Echo with William and put it down for a while & started rereading the series. You blogging's got me interested in Echo again!
    I'm terrible at pronouncation and always read Laoghaire as La Ho so your "cougar ho" cracked me up.

  4. CAROL STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!Do not read an inch!!!
    Let me tell you I finished 4 months ago and I am in dire need of some therapy!!*coughMOTHERofallCLIFFHANGFERScough*

  5. Karen: I was on the phone with Carol literally THIS MORNING and she was railing against Laoghaire (aka CouHo) something FIERCE, along with bashing Jamie for going to see her--so I agree, the almost-turnaround left me openmouthed.

    Carol: do you have an estimated date for when you're going to finish? Because as your Outlander mentor, I think I'm going to have to clear my schedule. Once you are done, I will need to be on call 24/7. It will not be safe to leave you alone with your thoughts. (P.S. I believe you are now at the part where Jenn M. is.)

  6. Dear Carol. Keep reading. I am also really curious to what you are going to think of the ending of this book.

    And don't worry about waiting another 2 years for the next one. Just re-read the series. I am telling you, these books are sooo good the second time around. I am seriously thinking about reading it a 3rd time...I know...Can't get enough...Especially after finally getting outlandish companion yesterday...

    You didn't blog about Ian's homecoming? I had tears rolling down my face when I read that part.

  7. I'm with you Carol! I was so surprised to find myself feeling a little bit for Laoghaire. But what really bummed me out was feeling so pissed at Jenny. She was so hateful, spiteful, and evil, and the thought that Claire is putting all this distance between her and Jamie is driving me crazy! I couldna handle it either, and I adore little Henri Christian.

    This part of the book is like a whirlpool - I'd bet you couldn't escape it if you tried Carol! I planned to draw it out and couldn't resist.

  8. Ahhh Jeanie you are so right! Ian's reunion! I have to blog about that!

    Sirena did you put the book down and then go back to it? Or did you just say "eff it!" and keep reading straight through?

  9. Andrea - you know me so well. LOL You're sooo right.

    Meg (is it Meg?) I LOVE seeing Cougar Ho being used in a sentence! That's awesome!

    Karen - LOL! You know me and the Wee, now Cougar HO! I canna be gentle about it!!! ;)

    Melody - did you ever finish??

    Emmes - AHHHHH your comment has me in need of therapy! Dang girl! I'M AFRAID, ALRIGHT? I'M AFRAID! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I'M AFRAID! (said like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky)

    Tracey - I will most likely finish this weekend. IF I decide to finish. My heart is currently at war with my head. But I canna read Karen and Laura's blogs or the Compuserve page until I do finish - so that has me majorly leaning toward finishing. One help - this Sunday is Mother's Day. "GET OUT EVERYONE! MOMMY IS TRYING TO READDDDD! Love ya! Mean it!" ;)

  10. Yes definetly read it again. If you can believe get so much more out of it the 2nd time (and 3rd and 4th!)

  11. I think I blocked Echo from my memory, now ya'll have me thinking about it is so strange.

    I couldn't figure out Jenny either, why did she have to go all attitude? I think she was just reacting to the stress of losing Ian....I just wonder what is going to happen to her in the next book....

    Happy Reading!

  12. Carol, if??? IF???? Ain't no way you're stopping. Once you're where you are in the book, there will be no Echointerruptus. You're in till the end, my friend.

  13. carol- yeah my blog name is supposed to be Megs & Luke. for some reason it gets all crazy... I'm megs.

    "I canna be gentle about it" One of the most amazing (and kind of hilarious) lines ever! HA!

  14. Carol - I'm lovin' your posts ... I keep checking back to see how far you've read and get so excited with each new blog post. I know, that screams stalker - but canna help it! :) Keep 'em comin!

    Also, can you tell me where I can find that famous Jamie line ... "I canna be gentle about it" My dh is reading the books and (I'm a bit of a stalker with him too, it must make him crazy) I want to know when he's getting close to it.

  15. Shelly--I believe "canna be gentle about it" originates from Claire and Jamie's "encounter" immediately after he presents her with the wedding ring he had made for her. Remember that the beating stuff had just gone down, and they had talked as they had ridden back to Leoch, and then Claire was all jealous of Laoghaire for a sec--then Jamie comes in and gives the ring and then....mmmphm.

    I believe the passage is on a left hand page in the mass market paperback--top half of the page. Not like I've read it much or anything.

  16. I love how Tracey comes in for the review when lines like this are uttered. That rules. And yes - right after he runs into LAOGHAIRE on the stairway and Claire is all kinds of insecure. They have lots of words... and then he asks if he can sleep in her bed since he hasna in a while since the beating... and then gives her the greatest disclaimer ever spoken: I canna be gentle about it. And right after that, he ____ the ____ outta her... and tells her she can beg for mercy but she'll not have it yet - or something ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL like that.

    Can you imagine someone who had never read these books - and didn't understand Jamie Fraser - reading this comment? They'd think I was highly dysfunctional and needed years of therapy for my masochistic tendencies. LOL!!!

  17. OMG!!I think that scene will have to be one of my favorite Claire/Jamie encounters..."I canna be gentle about it"? Well, then please don't, Jamie. Don't be gentle...

    Absolutely faboulousooo!!!
    Le Sigh....

  18. Jeaniebirdie: the only thing better is when he means to take his time about it. Aye?

  19. I agree wholeheartedly!! I don't want this ride to end and have to wait 2 years for the next one! What is up with Jenny? I don't get why she is so mean to Claire. Is she jealous of who Claire is?

  20. I truly believe Jenny just doesna trust Claire. I canna say I blame her (as much as it pains me to see her be so horrible to her). From Jenny's perspective, Claire left her brother when he needed her most. And stayed away for 20 years while he lived half a life - with her ghost. She watched him suffer all those years - and knew he couldn't even look at another woman - and Claire was nowhere to be found. And then one day Claire just shows up out of the blue - all glowing and healthy with meat on her bones - after they've been starving for years. Sometimes I feel really bad for Jenny. She is just protecting her brother. She and Claire need time alone together. Remember all that time they spent together doing needlework and cooking and telling stories, etc etc, back in Outlander? I think they need to do that again. Claire needs to see the situation for what it is - and get her nose out of that book for five minutes and go spend some quality time with Jenny. She has to earn her trust again - and it's not going to come easily. (Right or wrong - that's the situation and Claire is smart enough to realize it). At the very least, she should explain to Jenny what exactly is wrong with Ian and why she canna save him.

    God - could someone shove me off my soap box please? KThxBye

  21. Tracey,
    The most wonderful thing about Jamie, and yes, I realise I am saying this like he's a real person, LOL, anyway, is that he knows when to take his time about it, and when not to be gentle...Phew!!!

  22. Jo now I'm really LOL at your "Oh Carol". Is that because you knew Claire would soon be DOING LORD JOHN and deserves NO sympathy and eventually Jenny is going to rip her heart out right through her thorax? Is that what you meant? Cuz if so, I'm in agreement. LOL

  23. OH Shelly - stalk away, girl! We love it! And yes, Tracey answered the question already. I'm finally answering all these comments from last week when I was avoiding them because of spoilers!! :)

  24. This is exactly why I waited so long to read this book??? And I still felt that way! I didn't want to finish and be left hanging!!!

  25. I realize I am commenting on a 4-year-old blog post, but I can't help it! Also, I am loving reading these posts because I am now at the point when I want to race through, but I am trying to keep it slowish. Despite having MOBY waiting for me as well. This would have been a good place to end the book. But wait, what about the William-Rachel-Ian triangle that I am predicting will happen soon! Seriously, I don't know any spoilers. Gailie


    This post has me on the floor with laughter. While I understand Jenny's frustration and feel for her terribly, I DO NOT feel for CouHo (love that!) - yon woman is nuts!! Twice she has basically tried to kill Jamie literally and has tried to kill Claire too. Psychopath!

    Btw can I just ask what the heck William and Dottie are up to? If William's eyes are set on Rachel Hunter (oh poor Ian - my loyalties between the two are so divided) then why send for his cousin, wishing to marry her? What is DG up to people?
