
Friday, May 7, 2010

A Musical Gift For My Sassenach Friends

SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless you have read chapter 82 in AN ECHO IN THE BONE. 

Ho. Ly. Crapola. I just heard THIS SONG on the radio and went "IAN IAN IAN!!!" Take a listen and think of Ian and Rachel. Now remember, y'all, I'm only starting chapter 83 (I have decided to finish the book - insane asylum or not) so I dinna know WHAT happens with Ian and Rachel going forward.

All I know is he's in Scotland missing her... and she is in American keeping Rollo safe for him.

And I am in New Jersey freaking out for both of them.


  1. Carol ~ I think I'm going to get my copy of ECHO out and read these final pages _with_ you. So glad you decided to continue!

  2. Dinna know this song...will have to listen when I get home.

    You know, it's so weird--for some reason, playlist additions were not coming to my mind as I read Echo. I have exactly one song in my Echo playlist: "Momma Look Sharp" from the musical 1776, which is appropriate for any of the battlefield scenes at Saratoga.

    I REALLY need to get myself some Ken Burns sountracks and maybe Aaron Copeland stuff. And the soundtrack from The Patriot.

  3. Tracey seriously? SERIOUSLY? You grew up in a house with our sister JILL-THE-70S-FREAK and you dinna remember that song? LOL! Either way - it almost made me cry. It's such Ian/Rachel perfection I can hardly contain myself. I ran right into the house and blogged it so you could all share in my Ian glow. I have NOT gotten him off my mind all day. And the fact that I have a perfect Ian in my mind makes it even better. Joe Mazzello. He could not be more perfect. I just wish I could see him with long hair and tattooed dots on his face.

    LAURA!!! Get out that book, GIRLFRIEND! Jenn M and I are reading this weekend. My goal is to be finished by Monday night chat. I am leaving my house RIGHT NOW to go pick up my daughter at school. It's ridiculously early but I can park it and READ! Squeeee!

  4. I'm ready. I've got the book out and I'm going to go read Chapter 83 right now. You need to let me know how much to read, though, and keep me posted on your progress. I don't want to get ahead of you.

  5. OK, I'm in--I'll do it too. Starting at chapter 83.

  6. Can someone text me as you move onto the next chapter?

  7. Carol should text both of us, as she's driving this crazy train... ;-)

    Is your contact info on OBC?

  8. I'll send my # in a PM on OBC. Merci!

  9. ***SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless you have read chapter 84 in AN ECHO IN THE BONE!***

    Ladies I read chapters 83 and 84 in the car at school and cried my ever loving eyes out. Ian... poor Ian. God you dinna realize how attached to that man you are until he's gone. I'll blog. I'm still pretty surprised/hurt/uncomfortable with the fact that young Ian left his father's death bed. For Rachel? Someone you a) hardly know and b) don't know if she may be with someone else when you get there??? Insanity. I'm going to blog right now.

    Laura I'll be reading on and off over the weekend but I don't know exactly when. Maybe a bit right now. Maybe a bit tonight when we get home from the neighbors. Definitely some at some points tomorrow and definitely Sunday AM. I sometimes have to steal time to read and I don't want to read any of this with the kids around. Jenn M is starting tonight and I feel SO BAD because she saw me at school and I had to try really hard to act like I hadn't just been blubbering in my car. THREE TISSUES. God it was bad. I never expected to care that much when Ian died. :(

  10. Get yourself some reading alone time, Carol. There be cliffs ahead and ye'll be hangit.

  11. Re: the song...yeah, I do know it. By the time the chorus comes along, you recognize it. Good choice.

  12. Carol, honey I appreciate the sentiment of the words of this song, but I just can't get over the fact that it reeks of the 70's. I was a teenager in the 70's and thus am emotionally scarred by all things of that decade - especially 1 hit wonder songs that once heard, will not be purged from my head! I think you have to take it off the list to preserve my sanity...

  13. LOLOL Jane Ellen! I canna HELP it though! I heard it the other day and went "OH WOW I haven't heard this in FOREVER!!" And then I listened to it and it just screamed IAN to me! Wait - there are MORE, too! It really has been 70s week for me!!!
