
Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Scottish Games FAIL!

The fact that I didn't see THIS until this afternoon hurts me to my core. THE 78 FRASER HIGHLANDERS IN CONCERT, NO LESS! I TOTALLY would have ROAD TRIPPED TO THIS!!!


  1. I am not even clicking this link, dude. I live in Maryland! I dinna want to know what I missed.
    If you guys are down to go next year I'm in!
    I feel like I remember someone on the chats mentioning this and I said I would totally go!!! And then May snuck up on me. Boo.

  2. This actually happened today, as in, just ended 47 minutes ago, while I was at the 1st Annual Gaithersburg Book Festival. Not that it wasn't fun, but you know. Scottish Festival vs. Book Fair? Hm.

  3. Maybe you could make the Celtic Fling & Highland Games at the PA Renaiscance Fair in June. It may be a bit of a hike for you. My daughter will be dancing in the Irish dance competition. It's a fun time with good entertainment.

    Then there's the Scottish-Irish Festival in September at Green Lane Park in Montgomery County, PA about 45 minutes or so north of Philly. I'd post links if I knew how, but it's all easy to google.

  4. For the first time, I'm on top of all the local Games this year! Here's the best - in July we're going to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games (NC), where we'll be camping at McRae Meadows on the side of Grandfather Mountain (which in my head will totally be Fraser's Ridge) with hundreds of people drinking ale and whisky and eating bannocks and parritch. Well, I probably can't get Himself to eat parritch, but maybe bannocks.

  5. Sirena - I feel your pain. I'm only in NJ and SO would have driven down for this.

    Erin - THANKS - I will totally look into those! And I'm originally from Chester County. I know Montgomery well! :)

    Molly - Girl - you had BETTER take pictures. I am so verra JEALOUS that you're camping near the Ridge. Do they really serve bannocks?!

  6. PS - ERIN - I used to Irish dance when I was a kid! The Slip Jig was my favorite. I used to go to a feis in Chestnut Hill every year. Gawd... memories!! Have a great time!

  7. Many kilted pictures, to be sure! I'll bet they don't SERVE bannocks (I'll bet they serve the same generic food from a truck as every other games venue), but I'll be using your bannocks recipe to bring our own!

  8. Yey Molly! I have to make some bannocks soon; havena made them in a while.

  9. Hey, Carol-

    I hear there's a trip planned by our wee group of Sassenachs to go to the Scottish Festival in NJ. Och! I wish I could go!! :(

    Jenn M
