
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Outlander Newbies

So yesterday I'm at school pick up... and I see Jenn M talking to my friend Lorraine. And Jenn looks like the cat that swallowed the canary. And Lorraine sees me and says: "Carol, I've tried reading this Outlander book... because I know you all said it's so good... but I just don't know" to which, I reply: "Well where are you?" and she says "I'm about 50 pages in or so... she's on a horse with this guy". At this point Jenn can no longer contain her amusement at the humor in this situation and says "yeah... she's with SOME GUY... you know... the guy she HELPED!" OK so now I'm dying... and I'm being a wiseguy and going "I think I remember that guy..." and Jenn and I are giggling together...and saying "YEAH - SOME GUY!!!!" in unison. And Lorraine's like "OK then... I should keep reading..." And we're like "Um, yeah. You should keep reading." And then she walked away and we just laughed our arses off. And Shannon's behind Jenn, talking to someone else... but listening to us and laughing her arse off. I tell you - it was two scoops of yummy newbie goodness. There's nothing better than the innocent stage of early Outlander reading. We've all been there.

OK off to a grad party... and I am thrilled to report that it's a good hour+ away from my house... and I'm really excited to get a good chunk of Outlander in... especially since I left off at like page 2 or something. I remember kindof skimming through the skirmish between Jamie putting Claire on his horse the first time... and them getting to Leoch. I'm also so excited because I now know where Jamie was coming from and what he had been through leading up to that trip. It's all so much fun the 2nd time around!! No worries! No pressure! Just pure, unadulterated FUN with the SCOTS!


  1. Ah, the "50 page" rule. Outlander should come with a disclaimer that you're gonna need to push through the first 50 pages but that the push will be worth it.... ;-)

  2. The first time I read Outlander, I remember reading those first 40-50 pages thinking, " when is she gonna meet this Jamie person? What's all this nonsense about herring and sacrifices on the doorsteps"?
    Then Claire stepped through the stones and all hell broke loose. A pure thrill from thast point on.

    And yes, Carol. Knowing where Jamie was coming from when Claire met him, made the second read so much better. You really feel like you understand Jamie much better, and you understand why he does things the way he does.

  3. My mom was the one who gave me the gift of Outlander and Jaime Fraser. Before I read it my mom was trying to explain to me what the book was about. I was like, “she marries and falls in love with another guy even though she's already married?!” The scandal!! She also had to help me push through those first 50 pages. Now I can't believe where I would be if I hadn't pushed on!!

  4. The first 50 pages are KEY in understanding why Claire could, and did, stay with Jamie in 1700's Scotland. DG has to let us in on Frank's character - intellectual, a bit of "cold fish" I think someone else said. Notice how many times Claire is just left sitting there while Frank goes into one of his history fact induced diatribes with the locals and the Reverend. Jamie is intelligent, but in a much earthier way, more like Claire. He seems to awaken that in her. We have to see the contrast between the two men in order to understand that dynamic, so yes, we must endure the first 50 pages, lassies.

  5. Oh, totally agree, Pam. It's just that you as the reader don't know that the first time you're getting through those 50 pages. You're just thinking, "What is [insert name of crazed Outlander friend] talking about? I feel like I'm trapped in a Merchant/Ivory movie!!"

    And like clockwork, at some point--maybe around page 500--you're like, holy crap those first 50 pp are important--and you go back and reread them right then. ;-)

  6. So true Pam. I don't think I've ever admitted that out loud (or on the computer?) Frank didn't treat Claire that well to begin with. Everything was about him - and Claire was his little wifey who had to mold her life around his. (I know it was the 40s and times were different; I get that). But it was their honeymoon! She shouldn't have been left alone so much in the first place. I never had any sympathy for Frank. Well - actually that's not true. I sympathized while she was away (marrying Jamie LOL) but once she came home, he was the same old guy she left; Mr Stuffy.

  7. I saw the whole thing go down with Lorraine!! It was hilarious. Oh how I wish I were her! But yes Carol, the second time around is amazing. I even enjoy reading the first 100 pages. There's so much to read into, it drives me insane! BTW I'm almost done with ABOSA. So freaky! A Breadth of Snow and Asses is right!

  8. Totally agree on getting the true impact the second (and third) time around reading Outlander. So hard to explain to newbies! Love hearing everybody's viewpoint, especially Carol now that she has a new "perspective" on Outlander! Keep your insights coming - I'm enjoying it. I just finished Outlander (for the third time), listening to it with Davina Porter reading - truly a sublime experience. I got lost in the story!

  9. Mercedes have you REread Outlander already?? Tracey reread it before she finished the series, too. I can't even imagine stopping to reread. I was too spazzy about what was coming up around the bend!

  10. Carol, I had to take a break after fiery cross because I waS mentallyand emotionally exhausted. But I had to supplement my addiction a little. I figured rereading OutlAnder was not really cheating, but boy was I wrong!! It was unbelievable!

  11. I started the series with Dragonfly. Talk about pushing through the beginning! Claire researching and Bree whining while Pure Roger is giving her the eye. I don't really like flashbacks, either, and the whole book was one big flashback. Glad I was persistent!

  12. Terry--you went back and read the first one right???

  13. Tracey--I read 2-6 and almost didn't go back to Outlander. I knew everything that happened, aye? A post on another message board convinced me it was worth it and she was right. I'm reading it the 3rd time along with Carol.

  14. I agree the reread is great! I feel like a born again virgin.

  15. I know Shannon! I'm getting a little annoyed that the weather is so GOOD! How am I going to sit in my car and read?? LOL!!
