
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Things Ye Miss During The First Go Round

OK so I'm reading Outlander again. And I'm looking for things. Holy COW, am I looking. And I'm finding. To the point where I'm making things up in my head. Or am I?

Frank says:
"If I end as a childless stub on my family tree, it will undoubtedly be on fault of our untiring hostess out there."

Carol thinks: 
"Holy CRAP - Mrs. Baird has something to do with why Claire went through the stones!  Wait. Baird - LAIRD. It all means something!"

Frank says:
"Bodies under the foundation, though-that's where a lot of the local ghosts come from."

Carol thinks:
"JAMIE'S UNDER THE FOUNDATION! But where?! And does that mean he'll definitely die in Scotland like Diana hints at in The Outlandish Companion?!" 

I'm telling you - I am having more fun with this reread than I ever imagined possible! I'm probably overreacting - but it's a lot of fun to ponder all of this, ken?

Here's a burning question that means nothing but I pondered for a good 30 seconds:

What ever happened to the vases?!?

And I'll leave you with THIS:

Frank says:
"You've never heard that old song about what a Scotsman wears beneath his kilts?" 

Well lassies... you're in for a treat. Warning: careful at work or around the bairns.  There may be a wee bit more than you bargained for showing in a photo or two.


  1. Re bodies buried under the foundation: no, that's not Jamie. But it IS definitely foreshadowing of a much later scene. Where else have we heard about someone nearly becoming buried in the foundation of a building under construction? (Hint, the person telling this story is a certain green-eyed Irishman, who narrowly escaped being entombed himself.)


  2. Seriously, I was thinking about the vases earlier today!!! Did Frank keep them? Did they end up in Boston? Inquiring minds want to know!!

  3. Karen I should have mentioned that I knew the foundation fellow ended up to be Stephen Bonnet (or actually didn't!) But I am looking at all of this stuff with an imaginary microscope (like Claire's from the Ridge LOL) to see if any of it could mean something in Book 8 (or beyond??) I am stuck on DG saying she'd tie up the ghost storyline at the end of the series.. and canna help seeing something in everything... right down to their parritch! ;)

    Tracey really? You were thinking of the vases?? I just read that part yesterday and couldn't help thinking "WHERE ARE THE VASES??" Kindof like "Have the lambs stopped screaming, Clarice?" LOL

  4. I can't wait to start re-reading. Will be doing so today at approx. 2:30pm.

    The vases? Why doesn't that ring a bell?

  5. I've read the books 3 times and yet I have no idea what "The Vases" are! Is it time for me to read them again? :)

  6. Re: the vases--very early on in the book, Claire is doing some shopping and buys a vase that strikes her fancy--the point to the little scene is that throughout her life, she's rarely had the opportunity to own "stuff," and now that she's anticipating setting up housekeeping with Frank, she's actually experiencing this whole idea of buying things that she might want.

    It's a pretty meaningful scene in that it sets up her sort of nomatic nature and the fact that material possessions have never been that important to her--a characteristic that, as we later learn, she shares with Jamie.

  7. The vases are just a vehicle DG used so she could give a quick explanation of how Claire grew up. But she went in and she bought them. And I want to know where they ended up. Do you think Frank took them back to England all sad and dejected and looked at them from time to time? Or maybe he gave them to Mrs. Baird (who he jokingly blames for the possibility of him dying childless. Again - probably nothing. But such a juicy prospect for a future storyline. Although she must be dead by now - or near death.) It's probably because I'm looking for new Outlander anywhere I can find it... so I'm leaving no stone unturned as far as future storylines go!

  8. So I was reading Drums today (and it is KILLING me), and I got to the part where Roger is stumbling around the rhododenron hell. He finally falls asleep and wakes up feeling like he was being hanged...CAN WE SAY FORESHADOWING??!!??

  9. I loved the rhododendron hell. Wasn't it so funny? I mean - not funny for Roger - but funny! Rhododendrons! Everywhere! LOL

    Wow totally didn't pick up on the foreshadowing the first time around. I'll definitely be looking that one up. Thanks Jo!

  10. hmmm...this is taking me back as it has been 6 mo. or so since I have read Outlander. I am on about ch. 10 in Echo right now. If I rememver right, doesn't Jamie make a ghost like appearance on the street in front of Frank? Maybe he is burried there or somewere near. I don't really like the thought of him being burried at all...sniff!

  11. OMG lassies. Have missed so much!!! I often thought about the vases and Claire's opportunity to set up her little home... maybe that's why I mourned the loss of her house on the Ridge so horribly! It's like she never had a home - save for Jamie. And, of course I totally second Karen's mention of the foundation and good old Bonnet, but Jesus, I cannot stop thinking about the ghost outside the window and what becomes of Jamie that brings him back to that place. I can't wait to get into the re-read with you all! the details you're picking up are amaaaaaaaaaaazing. The level of detail DG brings to the first books is truly her A-game and is such a pleasure, on your first read or your tenth.

  12. Talking about the possibility of Jamie dying in Scotland, I was really frustrated that the grave stones at Lallybroch could not longer be read when Bree and family returned to their time. But, then if they could be read, maybe it would have told us too much too soon.

  13. Two words: Ian...Mohawks...*sob*

  14. Heather - is this your first read or your second? Oh god I hope you're not finding spoilers on my site! I'll feel so bad!

    Sirena - THAT'S HOW I FELT. I was like "Well if Jamie is walking the streets... does that mean he's buried nearby?? It MUST, right?? Not that he has to be buried under the foundation... but still. MMMMPPPPHHHH!!

    Jane- so true. Good point. We canna know what stones are at Lallybroch just yet.

  15. Seriously, hate to belabor a point, but Jamie's burial site and the ghost both pop up in my mind at super inappropriate moments! Canna wait to find out how that part ends... and also, never want it to end!

  16. Carol, I found your blog while reading book 5. I have been pulling posts from the blog archive as I read. I have not read any spoilers thanks to your spoiler alerts! Your blog has been a lot of fun!! Maybe I'll join in some of the chats when I get done with Echo. Then, I'll be anxiously awaiting the 8th book with the rest of you!

  17. Sirena - BELABOR AWAY Girlfriend! I love it! I am obsessed with all things spiritual where Outlander is concerned. Here's what I want to know: What are those inappropriate moments? I'm cracking up. In the bathroom? In the produce aisle? Do share. Please.

    Heather - you are very patient to do that and I thank you for it. If I had a) more time and b) a brain in my head, I'd get on the ball and pull out the links for each book and post them on my blog. I keep threatening to and now I know I really need to do it. Laura did that for me with links for A Breath of Snow and Ashes over at the Outlander Book Club, bless her heart, and do you think I've done it for my own blog? Of course not! Lazy, party of 1??? Actually make that "tired". I wish I could be one of those people who stays up until 3AM getting work done when the house is quiet. I am mental jello by midnight. ENJOY Echo and let us know when you're finished!! It's so freakin good I dinna know what to do with myself!

  18. Carol- did you know that blogspot now has tabs to help you organize your posts? You could have up to 10 tabs that when you click on the tab it brings you to the labled page. A tab for each book could maybe help your organization? :)

  19. Megs - This is you, ROCKING! I'll totally get on that. I am so bad - I don't do nearly enough to jazz this blog up. THANK YOU! :)

  20. I think your blog is amazing! You and Tracey always brighten up my day with a good laugh. I hope I don't sound like a kiss ass, but it's true! I'm glad I've found a community who has a love for Outlander like me!

  21. Megs you don't sound like a kiss ass at all. I totally know what it feels like to have fun with someone's blog. I used to LOVE Laurensbite, which was a Twilight website. This woman Lauren was so friggin funny I would cry over my cornflakes every morning (OK Cocoa Puffs; we all need a vice). She used to upload shots of the Twilight cast and put the most hilarious captions.

    And all I have to say is WATCH OUT because Tracey will be here in a few hours and the "End of Echo" video is being crafted as I TYPE! ;)
