
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You Know You Miss Jamie When...

You KNOW you're going through Jamie Fraser withdrawal when catching sight of THIS GUY in your basement makes you stop in your tracks. Is there no hope for me, lassies?!

Got any silly Jamie moments of your very own? Lets hear 'em!


  1. That looks very much like young Jem to me, actually. :-)

    And yes, face it, you're hopelessly addicted just like so many of us. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that, I hasten to add!

    I enjoyed the chat last night. That was my first time chatting with y'all and it was a lot of fun.


  2. LOL Karen! That does look like wee Jem!

  3. Ok I have one...
    My husband and I are in the drive through window at Walgreen's pharmacy (I am in passenger seat, my window is down). There is a second drive through line to my right. A vehicle pulls up. Walgreen's lady says through the speaker to the other driver, --"Your name please" -- He replies "Fraser"--. My ears immediately pick up on that one. But I do not look (yet). -- "First name" she says. -- He replies, "James". -- Oh yes, I definately looked then! But alas he was about 80 years old, grey hair, HUGE ears -- might have even been a little hair growing out of them and he was NOT what I was hoping for!...But quite an experience just the same.

  4. LOL, Karen, Jennifer - my ears would perk up at the name, too! My silly "Jamie moment" happened about 3 weeks ago, on a train to NYC. The train stopped at a station to pick up more passengers, and a verry tall, long red-haired, neatly bearded dude wearing jeans and a white hoodie walked in and stopped suddenly, looking around for seats. I couldn't tell what color his eyes were, because he turned right then to go the other way. (I admit it, I was disappointed-and impressed with his fine way of walking) My DS (who knows just enough about the story to recognize characters) met my eyes and mouthed "Jamie"...and later said, "Mom, he even _walked_ like a Highlander" :)

  5. Karen I was so excited to see you when I logged on to the chat last night! We really do have a lot of fun on Monday nights. :)

    Jennifer - I would have died. And what would have killed me is that I'd have had to enjoy it alone. My hubby thinks this is all amusing at times, but if that happened and I mentioned it, he'd be like "ugh whatEVER". He gives me funny suggestions for videos though... so he's not totally hating my OL Obsession...

    NE Mom - oh wow. There is NOTHING HOTTER than a good saunter. Seriously. And a Highland saunter? Sigh. I love when Ian saunters into any scene in the book. I can SEE him do it, with those long, lean legs. I have come to love Ian almost as much as Jamie. ALMOST. ;)

  6. Karen, Jennifer, Nemom- ROFL!! I'm jealous.I've never had a Jamie moment. Those are awesome!

  7. About a year and a half ago is when I read the whole Outlander series for the first time. I was, of coarse, totally obsessed with Jaime (and still am). I was in a one of my marketing classes and there was this hot, buff guy who I thought totally had the "Fraser cat eyes". I thought that if he had red hair, he could be Jaime!! Hahaha, hopefully I didn't stare at him... Too much...

  8. I first read Outlander when there was only Outlander and DIA published and was living in Dallas at the time. There was a Highland Festival and I went for the day and hung around the Fraser booth almost the entire day. No one showed up that looked remotely like Jamie, but I got a few handouts on their motto "Je suis prest." Btw, most scottish folk that I saw looked like they had dark coloring - not fair and red, but what do I know??

  9. I had a Jamie moment (more of an Outlander moment actually) today! I was reading the news about the new British Prime Minister, David Cameron. I looked him up on Wikipedia because of his last name and read that David is a descendant of the Cameron's of Scotland... "The Cameron family were originally from the Inverness area of the Scottish Highlands". How cool is that! Maybe he knows Jocasta :)

  10. I was just checking out my cousin's FB page, and she has a friend named Jamie Fraser! I had to check him out - he's a Scot (well, they all are in Nova Scotia) and has at least one photo posted wearing the kilt! So now I'm stalking real people, too.

  11. I had a passenger on my flight that looked like a young David Wenham (aka Faramir from Lord of the Rings aka Jamie Fraser contender). I was nervous to talk to him...but really wanted to ask him if he knew who Jamie Fraser was. ;)

  12. I haven't had a real jamie moment either! Jennifer's drive-thru jamie fraser is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. If I have one, I"m posting it here!

  13. I WISH I had a Jamie moment - for now I live vicariously through the William Lawson commercials, some pretty great Jamie contenders in them! Gotta love men in kilts...sigh! Check them out! I'll attempt to post a link...

    William Lawson

  14. I love to hear all these Jamie stories, just so I know I am not the only one who is a wee bit obsessed.
    Our club had a member guest golf tourney a few weeks ago, and word was a young scot was playing in his kilt. I waited and waited, much to my husband's chagrin, to see this guy, but alas, he never made it to the bar. I was intent on buying him a dram.
    If you do miss Jamie and Claire, I urge you all to re-read, or as some may say, re-kilt the entire series. I am reading Drums of Autumn for a second time and I am loving it. The connections you can make upon a second or even third read are amazing. They are definitely better the second, third, fourth time around. Hey we have at least two years to kill, aye?

  15. Oh, I've totally stalked all the James Frasers I can find on Facebook! So, so sad:-)

  16. Pam, it's funny, my husband's cousins are from Paisley and they are really pale and have very light hair. They got very burned one day when I was there one year in July. I got the feeling they didn't expect the sun to shine as much as it did. And my husband was annoyed because we were in St. Andrews at the British Open and he WANTED rain and clouds. He was like "Sun?! That's not authentic!!"

    You are all CRACKING ME UP with these stories. I love them.

    Sally - no WAY about the new PM! I have to look that up.

    Molly - I would have flipped if "Jamie Fraser" just casually popped up on someone's FB page.

    Sassy - just looked up David Wenham. He's got a look. Definitely.


    Angi - I totally would have waiting for that guy and my husband would have been totally annoyed. I've done that at concerts before. He waits while I run up front. (OK it's only happened twice; I'm not a huge concert-goer. LOL But when I do... look out!)

    Erin - yes. I've done that. Not sad. We're all in this together. ;)

  17. I need a Jaime substitute in a new book. Does anyone have a recommendation that could fill the void? I miss him so much
