
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Channing Tatum as Jamie Fraser?

Dear Channing,

If you can do a Scottish accent, you might just be my Jamie Fraser.

PS - Please never do another movie where you don't sport a tank top through 1/2 the film. KThxBye.


  1. Hi Carol! I'm a newbie who has been following your blog...the silent one who reads but never posts! :) But this inspired me to jump in. I don't like Channing Tatum at all and if he was cast as Jamie I would probably cry! :( If the movie is finally made I'm still holding out hope that they pick some unknown Scottish actor so we all won't have any preconceived notions or feelings about him.

  2. i'm with mummyto2cuties. channing kind of leaves me cold.

  3. My ultimate Jamie Fraser would be a Scot. A very tall Scot with red hair and a long, straight nose. One who can speak the Gaelic would be nice as well. Having said that, I've only seen Channing Tatum in "Dear John" but I thought he was tremendous in it. And I know Randall Wallace (Braveheart) wrote him a letter and he considers him a mentor... so I've had it stuck in my head that Randall Wallace is interested in him for something... but who knows.

  4. Hmmm....that is interesting about Randall Wallace!

    This is sort of off topic but a friend of mine went to the Medieval Times Restaurant in Myrtle Beach last year and got her kids picture taken with one of the knights and when I saw the picture I almost fell off the chair because it was Jamie to me!! I had her send it to me so I could stare at it! :) Now the funny part is we leave for vacation to Myrtle Beach in a few days and are going there for my son's birthday. I am actually contemplating taking a copy of Outlander along and if I see this guy to slip it too him and say "Read this, you look like Jamie and when they start casting the movie you should audition!" I don't know who would think I'm crazier - my husband or the guy! LOL

  5. Mummy: which guy is it???

  6. I didn't see him. You'd know if you saw him - tall, long red hair & blue eyes! Send me a message with your email and I'll email you the picture!

    Sorry Carol - didn't mean to hijack your Channing Tatum video! :)

  7. I haven't seen dear john yet! I"m dying to see it. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised by an in-flight viewing of GI Joe. My Jamie type is still kind of a scottish redhead Gabriel Aubry type, but I am digging the Channing Tatum, Carol!

    If he can pull off the hair and the accent, I'm there! Plus, if we're bleaching Colin Farrell's hair for his role as Bonnet, why not???

    That said, I hate to repeat a previous comment, but Channing Tatum can barely master an American accent, and he's an American. I dinna hold out high hopes he can bring the Gaelic, ye ken! But looking at that torso.... sigh, one can hope! One can hope...

  8. what bout Gabriel Aubry? he's tall with a very long straight nose. lol. i could see him rockin jamie if they gave him red hair. he's got those "slanted cat eyes" too.

    carol, was dear john a good movie? i just put it on my netflix list because of the clip u posted :-)

    ...ok, now im off to read bits of snow and ashes just because....

  9. I'm liking it.
    Gabriel Aubry might be ok, but I don't feel him for it. I kinda agree with the notion of an unknown Scot though.

  10. Oh see now I LOVE all these comments. KEEP 'EM COMING!

    Mummy I forgot earlier to say WELCOME and I'm glad you came out of lurk mode. Please take photos of this guy in Myrtle Beach! In fact - if he's willing - we'll put him on the website! ;)

    Sirena and Mali - see "Dear John". I promised Jenn M I'd go and I was so glad I did. I only knew Channing Tatum (who I sometimes call Tatum Channing) did some dance movie and didn't expect much. He kindof blew me away, he was that good. His crying is awesome. (That's always a deal-breaker for me.) He's not all that humorous in the film - but it's not a very humorous story. And I've seen him in Ellen and his sense of humor is not lacking (nor are his pelvic moves. Y-O-W-S-A.)

    B Lines - yes - that would be my ultimate pick. An unknown Scot.

    Let me say here and now - I would do just about ANYTHING to be involved with Jamie Fraser casting. Just to sit there and watch as they lined up all the huge red heads and let them do their best Jamie Fraser with full-on Scots accent? My god, even thinking of it has me verklempt!

  11. I love the look of Gabriel Aubry, but wondered if he could act. I also like this Andy Whtifield.

    But in the end...I don't know if anyone would do. There always seems a little somethin', somethin lacking;-) KWIM.

  12. sirena - i agree 100%

    angela - andy whitfield is beautiful! love him in spartacus :-) he too has the slanted eyes, straight nose thing going on.....

  13. Omg, have caved and rented Dear John on ppv. I am smitten, Carol! I'm standing by SOME of my earlier assessments, but if Tatum Channing (as I have often called him too- the two last names thing is rough on me, people!) is someone's Jamie, who am I to say nae? Love it!

  14. Thanks for the welcome Carol! I have another off topic question for you! How do I change my name? That is something I use on a parenting website - not sure how it got connected to here??

  15. hi carol
    just catching up with your posts as i,ve been on holiday/vacation.
    -for me also it has to be an unknown scot for jamie and i think an unknown for claire as well.
    -now there,s a thought, i,ve always wanted to be an actress, i,m english so no probs with the accent, my hair is brown and curly with just a hint of silver, i am in my 40,s so later on claire not a problem, good makeup can cover veins and stretchmarks from a few babies, (i,m pregnant with my no. 7 at the moment but skin not bad considering) and a personal trainer can do wonders with wobbly bits lol. ah well one can dream.
    - i have a couple more suggestions for your playlist i,ll post later when i,ve more time.
    -and enjoy the reread
    lesley :-)

  16. Can we please see the picture of this guy from Myrtle beach? I am just dying here...

    For Jamie I have ALWAYS imagined Gerard Butler. I am a huge fan of his, and he would just be perfect, imo...
    But, sadly, he won't be Jamie because he is just too old, so for a second choice, I would want to see an unknown Scot aswell. One that can do the accent properly, has red hair, and the gaelic is a must. It's such a big part of Jamie, and his heritage. It's such a difficult role to cast, though, because no matter who will be the CHOSEN ONE, tons of women around the world will not be satisfied. Hopefully, they will find someone who will live up to most of our expectations. Casting Jamie will be a very tough gig.

    Oh, and I gotta say...loved your videos...thanks for the shoutout. I was waiving back, did you see me? LOL
    Themed videos in the future is a great idea. And I am STILL waiting for thet Top 10 list...;-)

  17. Can I post the picture somehow or give it to Carol to post? I'm thinking it would be ok since you are allowed to take pictures at the place and the "knights" are posing for pictures with people. I could crop my friends kids out of it as well if that helps. The funny part of the pic is there are 2 other guys in it and when I posted it over on the compuserve board someone said the other two guys looked like Roger and Ian and I didn't even notice that! I was too focused on "Jamie" but they really could be those two as well!

  18. Ok....try this link. I posted the pic last year on the Outlander board on Facebook. If it doesn't work go to facebook and look up the group "Outlander Lovers Anonymous" and it is posted under the pictures. It's #15 (and I'm in #14 with Diana). :)

  19. Carol-good to know that I'm not alone with the whole convincing male crying thing. Gets me every time!

    And I'm still rooting for Kevin McKidd as Jamie!

  20. Thanks...Yes, he could definitely be Jamie. Is he Scottish?
    Not like I have imagined Ian and Roger, though. I assume it's Roger on the left? and Ian on the right (young Ian, I presume?)

  21. Ooh--guy on the right is WAY Fergus to me!!

    And Jamie is VERRA Jamie, lass!

  22. OMG ANGELA - honestly - Andy Whitfield's face is probably the closest to my Jamie's that I"ve ever seen. His character on Spartacus (um, that would be Spartacus) is VERY much like Jamie. Tons of honor... misses his wife... it was awesome. Really gave a feel for Jamie Fraser on film. Only problem - AW is not tall. :(

    Mali - AGREED (I'm answering these in order as you can see LOL)

    Sirena - ISN'T HE AWESOME in that??? Read another article where he said he was reading a book written by Randall Wallace about the Revolutionary War. (insert nervous giggles here)

    Lesley - welcome back! I would love to see your Claire audition! Let's put one on the blog! :)

    Jeanie - the videos... LORDDDDDD the videos! How'd you like the new "scene"?? LOL!!!

    Mummy - holy %$#@!!!! LUVS IT! I'm posting this STAT. PS - I love Roger and Ian more than Jamie! They're tremendous! MYRTLE BEACH OR BUST!!!!!

    JO - Just emailed you - Kevin McKidd is so awesome. Did you watch ROME? If not - you NEED to rent it. He's SPECTACULAR. PS - how fitting - I just accidentally typed "Kevin McKiss" LOL!

    Tracey - yeah - Im thinking Fergus is more like it. LORDDDDD FERGUS! Imagine Lamaze with this guy! ;)

  23. To be honest I can't see him as Jamie at all! His face is too "squishy" lol and his ears are rather on the large size.Not that he isn't a very handsome chap but he's no Jamie.

    I find it funny that everyone had such different idea's regarding what the characters look like even though we are all reading the same descriptions!

    In my own mind Jamie looks like a young Gerard Butler or a young Sean Bean (even though he's a bit vertically challenged at 5' 11"). Both these actors would be ideal to play Jamie in the later books but even the best make-up artists would have their work cut out for them to make these too look 23!

    I think one of the problems is that so many young actors today are far too pretty to play a big burly bloke like Jamie.

  24. Well...I'm in Myrtle Besch now and we went to Medieval Times and none of those guys were there! What a bummer!! :(

    I did see someone that I thought would make a good Stephen Bonnet though.

  25. Isn't it funny how there is always an Outlander character to be found in everything you do?! It could be the guy driving the bus on the field trip or the woman ringing you out at Shoprite. Hell I just got back from a viewing and my sister in law was there and she has always been my Bree! Have fun in Myrtle Beach, Brandy!

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