
Monday, July 26, 2010

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight! 9PM Eastern y'all. We will be discussing the reread... and Seussical the Musical... and most importantly COMICCON and some possible meet-up ideas (one of which will most ASSUREDLY involve Jock Tamson's Bairns.)


  1. Seussical the Musical... You kill me!

  2. I have to tell this to my fellow Sassenachs. I had a visit from my elderly (89)aunt last week. I have been trying to get her to read Outlander since She and I visited my sister in England a few years ago and we spent a week driving around Scotland. Well, I got her the CDs last week and she called me today to report. Her comments were classic. She is at the point after the marriage, just at the fight on the rocks and just before the spanking. Her comments were:

    1.Boy, I really like Jamie.

    2.That Frank acted like he didn't care about Clair imagine letting her go climbing around Scotland by herself - all he cared about was his history.

    3.I really like that Jamie, he is so smart and kind. How did he get so much education.

    4. The sex with Frank was not that great, it sure improved with Jamie.

    5. That Jamie is really a good character, I hope he doesn't get killed before the end of the book.

    6. Franks ancestor was a real meanny , Frank sure had that wrong.

    7. I really like that Jamie.

    I laughed the whole time she was talking to me. I swear she could have written most of the comments on this blog. She is so hooked and she just started. I can't wait for her next update. Isn't Outlander virginity great.

  3. I love it! What a hoot! Looking forward to the chat tonight. I have 5 hours to finish homework. Ready, set , GO!

  4. L, "classic" INDEED! Love it.

  5. Oh my GOD L!!! I LOVE your aunt!! How adorable is she?!? I love that she's down with the "ahem" scenes, too! She's soooo cute! And I agree with everything she said. :)

  6. L love the quote "Outlander virginity"

  7. Wanted to join the chat tonight, but a power outrage has me internetless! It's just me, my iPhone, husband and candlelight. What's a girl to do? Have a great chat!

  8. Ps, also seussical the musical may be very inappropriate but also so accurate. I regretfully approve!

  9. Also, I really love L's aunt!!!! So cute!
