
Monday, August 16, 2010

Another Great Outlander Chat!

Thanks for another great Outlander chat, y'all!  I had a great time, even thought I didn't get there until an hour after it started! 

Love the Monday night chats - you all are so much fun to dish with.

Have a great week; we'll see you in Purgatory!!


  1. Thanks for making me feel welcome at my first chat here!

  2. They are nice like that.

    If you would like to learn to speak some Scots. Here is your first lesson.

  3. Sorry I missed it! I was doing my 1st re-read of The Bronze Horseman and could. not. put. it. down. Felt a bit like cheating on my Jamie!

  4. Erin, would you recommend The bronze horseman?

  5. 110% recommend! I finally got the 2nd book, so I needed to brush up on the 1st one bc I read it a couple of years ago. I forgot how good it was. Alexander is as close to a Jamie type male lead that I've read and the setting, 1940's Leningrad, is as fascinating as it is disturbing.

  6. Thanks for joining us Mrs. Mush (and we love your name)! And L--LOL!!
