
Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Purgatory Videos (Hooker!)


  1. This is my first comment, and I have to say you guys are really funny!! Thanks for such a great Outlander blog!

    Carol, you really need to blog your re-read of DIA and Voyager!! I'd love to hear your thoughts as you go through them the 2nd time.

  2. Hi C and T, I'm on my 3rd reread of Dragonfly. When Roger first meets Claire and Brianna, it's Claire's beauty that he goes on and on about (at least 3 different times)! Then all of a sudden he is just crazy for Bree. (Guess he doesn't want the couger, but the cub--the huge one!)

  3. Yay for more videos! You two need a talk show (that would devolve into talking about JAMMF every day, lol).

    I loved the discussion of Jamie/Claire's separation and who had it harder. It never occurred to me how hard it would have been for Claire to become Randall again. I was always, "of course, she's Frank's wife, Claire Randall, whatever." But in her heart she was a Fraser, not to mention she knew what BJR was and did and now had his name. ICK! Having said that, she did have one psychological benefit over Jamie during the separation--certainty. Claire "knew" Jamie was dead and she knew Brianna was all right. Jamie had to hope that Claire had gotten back, hope that she and the child were all right (kills me everytime he says that prayer "Lord, that they may be safe."), hope that Frank had some shred of honor, etc. I'm not trying to say one or the other had it harder, I just wanted to say that there was one other difference for them during that separation.

    I expect daily (or hourly) updates from ComiCon for those of us who canna be there with ye.

  4. Yey Rochelle! Welcome! Glad you liked the videos. Lordddddd I was a bit scary. It's such a cruel joke that someone with hair like mine lives in the humid capital of the world from May - Sept. LOL I will definitely be blogging about the rest of the books as I read them. It's amazing how see things different the 2nd (and 3rd, 4th, 5th) time around.

    Julie - RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT! I was in shock! I thought he'd gone nuts over Bree but he said she was "moderate attractive" and I was like "Wha?? I dinna remember this!" He was all up in Claire's bizznazz when he first met them! White linen and sherry eyes..

    Stephanie - we would so not shun a talk show. LOL Tracey and I are alllll about the entertainment factor and will do pretty much anything for a laugh. LOL

    And yes - definite videos from ComicCon! That's a given!!

  5. Fab videos! I needed some JAMMF this morning. When I started Dragonfly I too just burst out crying when Claire knocked on Roger's door.

    I wonder if Roger started liking Bree when she was wiping the spilt whiskey from his shoes and pants. I cracked me up when he had to think about crashes on the motorway.

  6. You were asking about Jerry Mac and Claire's parents...well, I'm just curious about the Death Eater in Breath [Roger's first funeral]. I just re-read it over the summer and caught the Claire connection to this crumpled, broken man. Who is he? Claire's dad? Jerry Mac? His age fits, right? The way Herself describes him, I'm thinking it might be Jerry[he had been a big man]...but he's all caved in on one side, you know, like from a car accident. I don't know. What do you think?

  7. I'm so tickled that you read my comment and you're blogging Dragonfly the Reread and Tracey ran for the bracelet. Love the videos and can't wait to go to ComicCon thru you.

  8. did you two have headaches the next day? lol :) I just got an email from maryfaithpeace that my bracelet is ready! YEA! I wish she would have had a white sow. I am going to look for one. looking forward to the next chat. I'm obsessed!

  9. You ladies are so adorable, love the videos! In video 2, what is the bit about the French girl and Jamie maybe not doing enough for her? *potential spoiler* Are you talking about when he goes out with the Prince and the prostitute gets up on him (and Claire finds the scratches when she's giving him a bath)?
    I am going to DragonCon in Atlanta this weekend solely because Diana G is going to be there. I am going to be so out of place (considering I haven't even seen a single Star Trek episode) but I keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it if I get to meet DG!!! I'll post pics and any juicy news I hear during her panel on my blog :)

  10. I remember feeling sick when Claire introduced herself as Claire Randall. I agree, I think she had to think about Jamie every time she signed her name. And she was a doctor so she was doing it all the time, and as a side note I hate Frank anyway just for his name.

    And I think is kinda Roger's personality not to admit right away that he likes Bree. But when he does he is all in.
    Anyway I love the videos!
    I guess there is more than one Molly (usually not a problem for me) and since I can't take credit for the great you-tube stuff I will try to remember to sign my name
    Molly Kincaide

  11. Another great set of videos! I wish I could get my sister to read the books, but she just can't get past the time travel.

    Tracey...I would so love to chat about the musical. I love it, but there are some parts that I think need to be sent back to the drawing board. I've played it so much, I caught my kids singing along.

    I'm looking forward to comic-con!! Can't wait to meet you both. Any thoughts on a meeting place?

  12. This was great! I honestly wish I had known about your blog last year when I first read the series! I found out about it maybe a month ago when I started my reread!

    Let me just say, Carol you're not the only one who has that opinion about the musical. I think the music is amazing and the lyrics, and I honestly am a big fan of musicals, I just don't think a musical is the right medium for Outlander. But who knows, maybe I'll love it if I ever get the chance to see it.

    Secondly, I am so excited to hear that other people are going to Comic Con! I go to school in the city and was honestly just gonna go there by myself haha, because at my age I feel like there's not so many Outlander fans. I can't wait to meet you all! But I wish I had known that you guys we're at Bonnie Brae (I just came across that post) We could've met up there! My band competes there every year (I play the snare drum in a pipeband)

    Oh and I guess I'm the other Molly haha (something which I'm not used to either lol) I'll keep my username as mcferns21 to avoid confusion though and sign as Molly Ferns

  13. I enjoyed these quite a lot. Thanks!


  14. Yay! You lassies ROCK!
    Can't believe you really read and discussed my request of the reunion in voyager.
    I'm anonymous nr. 1 *g*

  15. I need an Outlander calendar ASAP!!!!
    They should sell the calendar with "pictures" from the exile....Then I can look at Jamie every day at work (even if it is just a cartoon picture)!!!

  16. You guys are awesome!! Thanks for answering my question. :).
    I wish I could convince one of my sisters or sis in laws to read... still working on them. My mother in law read the first book and loved it, but she is not obsessed like me, so it's not as fun. She is reading Dragonfly though, so maybe there is hope!! I loved the evening setting with the pool in the backyard.Also, I felt the same way, Carol. I was in love with Edward, until I met Jamie!!!!!! Can't believe you went to Scotland and your husband is part Scottish!!! Wow. So cool!

  17. Look at Carols guns in the 3rd video at 3:08! Work it guuurl!

    Good form with pointing out Claire going back to the last name Randall! Such a good point! That would totally suck! What a way to really relive your past eh? I would almost think though (for the most part at least) that Claire would almost become detached from her last name being Randall, at the end of 20 years perhaps. I'm sure it still got to her (ESPECIALLY in the beginning) but, she probably detached herself from thinking about it too much I would bet. Thats just my thought about it.

    Alessandra, I LOVE your comment re: an Exile calandar! Haha! That would be sae awesome!!

  18. Tuwanda - that is WAY interesting about the death eater. I'll have to whip out my ABOSAA and look that up!

    Sanderson - no headache! I am a firm believer in not drinking unless you have something in your stomach - and drinking water intermittently throughout the evening. Works like a charm every time. ;)

    BlueMoon - HAVE AN AWESOME TIME this weekend! The French girl comment was about Echo. Just a little bit of commentary from Jamie... but it's verra intriguing!

    Molly - you can be Molly K. WOW you just made me realize something. I was just sick that Claire had to NOT refer to herself as Claire Fraser. But I never even thought about the name Randall having so many horrendous connotations!!!

    Erin - not sure what's what for ComicCon but we will definitely let you know! I know there will be a visit to Jock Tamson's Bairns at some point - and another to St. Andrews. And we will all meet up at the Javitz Center at Diana's appearance!

    mcferns21 - You will be Molly F - and we love Outlander fans of all ages! That's so cool that you play in a pipe band! I think I have some footage I can upload from friends of mine who are, too.

    Anonymous - I have to clarify that my hub is Scottish-American and wasn't born in Scotland or anything! Lordddddd how cool THAT would be! But he is the reason I went to Scotland; we stopped to visit his relatives in Paisley after visiting London and on our way to Ireland. I was like "yeah - whatever - I'll go see your famiy" and meanwhile it was the best part of my trip. There's something in the air in Scotland whether you're on a busy city street or high up in the mountains. (Lorddddd don't get me started!) :)

    Megs - I love you because I have missed soooo much yoga this summer and I feel like mush. And that's not even mentioning all the cheeseburgers. Lorddddd the cheeseburgers! LOL Next week - back to the routine! I have to wonder if Claire thought "Fraser" in her head every time she said "Claire Randall". It would have been more tolerable if she could have called herself "Claire Fraser Randall" and called Bree "Bree Fraser" but that wouldn't have been possible. Can you IMAGINE Bree, learning about what went on wit her mother all those years ago? It gives me chills.

  19. ya'll were sooo funny. I really enjoyed watching these!

  20. You should have been with us in the video, Shannon! ComicCon NYC here we come!!

  21. Carol I have a question about ComicCon. Do you know Diana's schedule? Are you gonna buy a one day ticket? Or a weekend ticket? Because from the looks of DG's tour it says Oct 8-10, so is she going to be doing things all weekend?
    -Molly F
