
Friday, August 6, 2010

The Third Sister Finishes Outlander!

Just got this from my sister, Jill, who just finished Outlander and couldn't figure out how to leave a comment in the comments section. (Don't ask.) Enjoy!!

OK, so I decided to just give you my comments and you can post them if you like.  It will be so much easier.  Here goes:

1.  I don't consider myself a slow reader.  I'm an efficient reader.  Besides, it took me awhile to get used to all those dinnas and cannas and dunnas and ye's etc.  I was half way through the book before I realized "ken" meant "know".

2.  Yes, I meant Jenny.  Ellen is my pregnant grade partner with twin boys and I was reading about a woman with 2 fathers of her baby, I got confused.

3.  The page before the preview said, "And look for the NEXT installment of the acclaimed Outlander series.... Read on for a preview..."  I do what I'm told.

4.  Tell Karen it's actually the other way around.  How have I been able to hold out this long with my sisters being so addicted.  I've considered an intervention.

5.  Tracey, don't line up for any Academy award.  I knew in Carol's kitchen that I was in for a lot more violence.  How did I know?  FROM YOUR REACTION!

6.  Carol, don't profess to know whose name I call out in my sleep.  Just last night I took Jamie, I mean Howie, to our hot spring, I mean hot tub, but my breasts wouldn't float.

7.  No, I'm not a changeling, but that was a REALLY good movie years ago! 

8.  Now, I was a bit disappointed in my hero, Jamie, towards the end.  How many times did he come riding in on his white horse to save Claire?  My fictional heroes need to continue that no matter what happens.  But when he's dying he starts giving up and wants her to go back home.  Boohoo so you've been beaten, flogged, done up the ass, hand smashed and nailed to a table, blah blah blah.  Man up and be my hero without needing opium to do it!!  Reminds me a bit of Edward when he wussed out while Bella was pregnant.  Did I hit a nerve??

9.  After regaining consciousness at the suggestion of Jared Padelecki being Jamie, (great picture btw!  Carol, can you get me a poster of that pic for the ceiling above my bed?)  Anyway, Jared will always be my Sam Winchester and no one else.  Besides, he doesn't have red hair.  In my opinion, we haven't seen Jamie yet.  He should be a total unknown.

10.  Thank you for the opportunity to get all that off my chest.  Third sister, signing out.


  1. OMG, I am CRYING I am laughing so hard. Number 6 might be the funniest thing ever written on this blog. Seriously.

    I am a little disappointed that Jill didn't post this herself, seeing as I actually set up a Google account for her. (She is a wee bit, ahem, technology challenged.)

  2. HAHA
    I love her comments. All very true, except for the end about Jamie not being brave enough. Jamie has unlimited bravery in my mind.

    I can't wait for her to read Dragonfly in Amber, my kindred spirit Madison and I decided that that was our favorite book. France is like candy in my mouth!!

    Carol, I just sent you the story, and I know for a FACT that it worked this time. I can't say anything about being technologically chalenged because I myself am slightly on the slow side.

    Oh well, I blame Apple!! haha.

  3. Hahah! You go 3rd sister! Love all your points


  4. Third sister, YOU ROCK! I love to talk to first timers. You will LOVE the next book!!!!

  5. Isn't she hilarious? I wish she'd keep reading... but the vastness of the series scares her, which I find completely amusing in and of itself. When *I* finished Book 1, I was like "oh thank you lord that there are 6 more where THIS one came from!!!"

  6. I have a friend that I finally convinced to read (well she listened to it) Outlander and she "liked" it but thought "I just don't think I can read the next one yet". HUH? I don't get it but to each their own. :)

  7. Tell the Third Sister, I don't think OUTLANDER-addiction is curable. :-) Therefore, there's no point in trying an intervention.

    Loved her comments!


  8. I did it! I think. I guess I'll know when I try to go back and see if my comment is really there. The only way I'll read the next one is if there's not as much violence and Carol buys me the book like she did the first one. Then I feel compelled to read it since she spent her money. Now remember, Anonymous, I said FICTIONAL hero. If Jamie were real he would have given up on Claire halfway through the book. He probably would have thought "too much trouble, I'm gonna get flogged again, let her burn." and then there wouldn't be any more books and none of us would be having these conversations. Gotta love fiction! Carol, if you put me on YouTube I will drive to your house and nail BOTH your hands to the computer table. LULU, third sister.

  9. Jewel: Carol's the wrong sister to be talking to about YouTube. Just sayin...

    Oh and you need a picture here. I will add one.

  10. Then Tracey, consider yourself warned, too...

  11. Jill--re: Dragonfly:

    1. There is not as much violence. (This is so making me think of "what's all this fuss about violins on television???)

    2. You may have my wee copy of Dragonfly, since I upgraded to the big version recently.

    No excuses. NO EXCUSES!!

  12. Not a big fan of the picture you chose. Can we say "humid head?"

  13. Then send me a better one. Or...oh, I know--learn how to do it on your own! :-)

  14. Holy cow - when the heck are the two of you doing all this commenting? How'd I miss it?

    I think I smell an Outlander-only chat on Monday. Jill are you available??

  15. Tracey is that you holding pocket Jamie? Love it!

  16. Christie--it is indeed! Swiped it off Pocket Jamie's FB page. He definitely showed us lasses a fun night out!

  17. So glad Jill is finally on here! So many sisters, so many points of view!

  18. Diane--so when will we be seeing Charles on here??? I guess he has to get through the remaining books first....

  19. No doubts now that she is not a changeling! TOO funny!

  20. About comment #2 I wonder if you really meant Lizzie not Jenny. (If this comment is from the Echo Excerpt.)

  21. OMG, you ladies are HI-larious!

  22. Great comments, so I the only one who goes back and reads the good parts over and over?

    "I don't mind if you don't mind I AM a virgin."

    "Don't be afraid there's two of us now."

    "I don't think I can be gentle about it."

    "You've only given me my life, my manhood and my right hand..."

    Before I start a new Outlander book, I skim it for all the dialogue first. Then, I start reading it page by page.

  23. Paula I just finished my latest "easy read" book and plan to do just that soon. With the Kindle you can SEARCH the good parts! It's awesome!

  24. Carol, I just figured out what my hubby can get me for Christmas. Heck, in all the good parts, he calls her "Claire" as opposed to "Sassenach." And, you can always search "cockstand" too. LOL

  25. Paula - I will admit to you now - in front of all of these people - that I have searched "cockstand". LOL!!! There are a ton of search words that are sure to get you to the good parts. Ooooh I think I have to blog about this. ;)

  26. Yes, please give us the "key" search words! I can't spell it, but when he calls her "my brown one" in Gaelic...that should be a pretty good search word/phrase too.
