
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blue Moon Magnolia

SPOILER ALERT: DINNA read unless you have read A Breath of Snow and Ashes.

Writing this blog is a ton of fun. And because we are Outlander-obsessed, we get a lot of email from die hard Outlander fans, just like us. And sometimes, because life is hectic, I drop the ball.

HO. LY. CRAP did I drop the ball with MOP bud, Blue Moon Magnolia.  BMM emailed me before The Exile came out and told me about a painting that Diana Gabaldon based the from-behind, er, em, well, BEHIND shot of Jamie in The Exile.  It's called An Académie. BMM confirmed this with DG - and I completely forgot to blog about it. My apologies to BMM! GO CHECK OUT HER BLOG. It ROCKS.

OK - so here's ANOTHER thing BMM just told us and I must post this, too. So she's going to the same beach in North Carolina for 28 years (38th Street Beach in Ocean City, New Jersey much, Tracey???)and just recently realizes it's the same beach Josiah Martin fled from to get to the HMS Cruizer in A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Um HELLO??? How cool is THAT??? That is one of my favorite storylines from all of the books. Claire and her transcriptions... Jamie coming quietly in the mist to rescue her... it's just so poignant.

OK - SO - make sure you visit Blue Moon Magnolia's blog, which can now be found in the My Outlander Purgatory links.


  1. Yay Yay Yay!!! Oh, you've made me a very happy girl! Thank you :)

    Jamie Fraser fans unite!

  2. Seriously cool Josiah Martin & Ridge pics. And the one you posted is just fine, too (-;

  3. About the series...What is it with the Bugs???? And I don't mean bedbugs for chrissakes! Arch and Murdina Bug, the greedy little buggers. What did they expect she was going to kill Jamie.

  4. I'm so excited I can't sit still. How are we gonna make it to this summer (2014?!??!?) I just saw the excerpt trailer on the OUTLANDER SERIES set to debut on STARZZ this summer..woohoooooo!!! It's finally happening. And I must say I'm pleased [so far] with all the Cast!! Check it out------->
