
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Consider this a Gathering.

Who's gotten theirs?!?

Let's hear it!!!! (But no spoilers yet as I havena gotten mine!!!!)


  1. I got mine!!! On the way home from class I picked it up!

    I tried to cancel my preorder from B&N but it didn't go thru :( SOOOO I'll give it away on my blog ;)

  2. I met a friend at the bookstore this morning and we enjoyed our books over some coffee. Had to do a bit of looking to find it though. They had just shelved it with the rest of the graphic novels.

  3. I got it and finished! Oh, it's so beautiful. I loved every second of it - the story and the artwork. Hurry up lassies and get it read so we can discuss...I have so much I want to say! :)

  4. PIcked it up at B&N at lunchtime and read half in the car already! I was not sure I even wanted it - not a fan of gn's at all. But the new story perspective - Holy Moley! Love it!!!
    Yes - everyone hurry up so we can discuss!

  5. Going out in a little while to get mine.. will update my status/comment when I arrive home with it.

  6. LOL just wrote this to Diane K--about sums it up: "I am picking mine up after work, heading home, sending John off to his supper club, pouring a glass of chardy, and settling in for the long read. I have never been so excited about anything else in my entire xx*-year-old life. ;-) "

    *Diane K knows how old I am. The rest of y'all don't need that intell. LOL.

  7. Tracey--why be ashamed of admitting/typing the number (age) 22?? :)

  8. I haven't started my first re-read of Outlander yet -- it is going to take on all new meaning now!!! And Tracey - your secret is safe with me, as long as mine is safe with you!! ;-)

  9. I have one on hold at the local bookstore. They only had 3 left when I called at 10AM. I pick it up in an hour. Can't wait!!!!!

  10. Since Gabaldon isn't very famous here, i've decided to buy The Exile on a spanish shop (hoping to increase sales here and the publishers take her seriously), so i've got to wait until 28th to have mine.

    So i'm DYING to have mine (I envy youuuuuuuu XDD)

  11. I braved the pouring rain, thunder, and lightning to get mine. I found it a little difficult to find too--and I was surprised to see that my BN only have five copies! Now with the rainy gray day, it's perfect weather to curl up on the couch and read!

  12. I don't have one yet! I wasn't sure if I should buy mine before either of the events DG will be at over the next few weeks - national book fair on the national mall in DC, or ComicCon. But I kinda don't want to wait!

  13. It's at home at my front door (per a text message)...I MUST go home right away!

  14. I kept looking on my porch! It was in my mailbox for 3 hours! It came USPS from amazon not UPS! Off to read!

  15. My copy was waiting at the door at lunchtime today! Love my UPS guy! I'm more than halfway through & oooooooooooo it's fantastic! Beautiful artwork & some juicy surprises! Back to reading.... the kids will have to fend for themselves for a while..... :-)

  16. Wasna delivered with my first UPS delivery today. I saw the truck pull up and I opened the door with a big smile and he handed me a tube, obviously not a book, something I ordered from pottery barn.
    I then went to amazon, checked delivery status, said in transit, yet I couldna wait any longer.
    Went to BandN and sat in a corner to read it. The lady who found it had to get it from the back. They did not even have it out! What blasphemy!
    My copy, per amazon, is now on the front porch.
    You willna be able to pit it down!It is unbelievable with quite a few surprises.....

  17. Well. I'm out of town...but supposedly it's arriving on Thursday. It'll be waiting when I get home!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I pre-ordered at the Decatur Book Festival so that I could get the autographed book plate. I hope it gets here soon b/c I can hardly wait

  20. Mine has gone from Lexington, KY to Leetsdale, PA. I looked up Leetsdale--it's near Pittsburg. Hello, waving wildly! I'm here in Cleveland! Why are you torturing me by circling all around? Give me my Jamie!!!

  21. I stopped at Waldenbooks as I was running errands today. It wasn't with the Outlander series, but with the other graphic/comic books.

    After picking up the kids from school, I happened to crack it open. And, lo and behold, I was halfway through it before dinner! I will, of course, go back through it with a fine-tooth comb, but plan to finish it after putting the kids to bed.

    My husband came home and said, "You're reading a comic book?" Oh yeah, honey, oh yeah. =)

    Come on girls, catch up with me. We got a lot of new material to discuss!

  22. Finally got mine and over halfway through it. However, being the only Guy I must say you ladies are well........

  23. Got it, read it. Need to go back slowly and really examine the pictues. Can't wait to chat about it...not sure how I feel

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. So... I had pre-ordered from Barnes and Noble and it WASN'T EVEN SHIPPED YET. Well, I just printed out my little receipt and marched myself down to the store and showed the manager and asked him to honor the 13.50 on-line price rather than make me pay the full 25.00 in-store price for the VERY LAST COPY ON THE SHELF (what kind of a racket is this, anyway???) and HE DID! I was so excited I bought two other books (non-Galbadon books - I know, right? do they even make such things??) and a little package of temporary Celtic tattoos!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE
    I'll be back later. Time to go meet Jamie now.

  26. I got it and read half of it when the kids got home. Had to take a kid to sports, and after the kids went to bed, I finished it. You guys have got to get it and catch up if you haven't read it already! I'm DYING to talk to someone about it!

  27. :( still waiting. I won't preorder again either.
