
Monday, September 20, 2010

Outlander Chat Tonight

9PM Eastern - Chat tonight - Gee.... wonder what we'll talk about... hmmmmmm....

****UPDATE****  IF you have already read The Exile - absolutely NO SPOILERS will be allowed at chat!! Not even the slightest of hints or innuendo! PLEASE!! 

Thanks for your cooperation, lassies. Y'all know I'm a spoiler freak.


  1. My local Barnes & Noble sold me The Exile today!!!!! Took about an hour to read quickly.

  2. Can I ask a question? Are you going to be talking about reactions to the actual book (the story, the artwork) tonight?

    If y'all are going to talk SPOILERS from EXILE, I'm not going to come. Seriously. Let me know.


  3. Karen: Given that neither Carol or I have the book in hand yet, the answer is "no." Actually, the answer is "a big fat no." Actually, the answer is "no, and anyone attempting to do so will receive the virtual equivalent of a big punch in the nose from wee Angus's beefy fist."

    So, um, no.

  4. That said, I'm leaving work soon and hitting up the Seton Hall University bookstore (I live a few blocks away) in the hopes that some unknowing employee has already stocked the shelves. So perhaps I shall have it in hand--but certainly won't have looked...

  5. Oh, good! <relieved sigh>

    Have I mentioned lately that I just LOVE your way with words? :-)

    It's all I can do to keep the early readers on Compuserve from talking about it this evening. I'm so jealous of those who got it early! I won't have it until mid-day tomorrow, probably.

    See you tonight, then. :-)


  6. I will be on Chat...and I promise: ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS!

  7. Karen: you're too kind! And esp since my previous quip came at the end of a loooonnnng work day!

    And for anyone who cares, the Seton Hall University bookstore blows. Seriously. They have, like, textbooks and Time Traveler's Wife. If you are finished with your midterms and want something fun to read, you're plumb outta luck.

  8. Sh*t! Missed chat again. I really hope I make it next week!

    In other DG news, I may be picking up my copy of the Exile in person at her book signing on the national mall this saturday! Or, I may wait to do it at comiccon. Not sure. But either way, DG will be here this saturday! Scant miles from my house! So exciting.
