
Monday, October 18, 2010

Awesome North Carolina Photos from Diane in GA

OK y'all - I have a special treat for you. Our bud Diane in Georgia has graciously shared some vacation photos with us... and I'll let her tell you in her own words what they are about. Trust me when I tell you; they are squee-rific!!!

They start with an old house in Salisbury, NC that was built in 1766. Kinda makes me think of J & C's house on the Ridge. Then come the pictures of Alamance. (The Fiery Cross) The sign for Tryon's camp is located 5 miles away. Next is Tryon Palace in New Bern. (DOA and Echo) Lastly, is Moore's Creek Battlefield. (ABOSAA)

My extra special thanks to Diane for taking the time to upload all of these to a separate Flickr page for me (and no worries that some are sideways, etc. It's all good!)  As someone who does a ton of uploading and photo editing, I TOTALLY appreciate it!!


  1. these are great I want to go there! Thanks for posting them.

  2. Wonderful a knitter and crocheter, I really like the spinning wheel and yarn winder. Another potential MOP field trip?

  3. From some reason all these pictures uploaded backwards (my fault not MOP :-) order to follow the description given, you'll have to look at them backwards! If anyone knows how to fix that, I would love to know!
    Diane in GA

  4. Great pictures - thanks for sharing!
