
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Go Visit Blue MOON Magnolia and Get BEHIND Jamie!!!

Get your ass over (PUN INTENDED!) to Blue Moon Magnolia and see the AMAZING pumpkin carving she made of Jamie' from Page 5 of The Exile!!!!!

(And I thought the Edward Cullen carving stencils were cool!)


  1. Shut. UP. Blue Moon, you MUST get your arse (pun intended) over to CompuServe and post this to HERSELF, or tweet her at writer_DG. This is just too excellent for her not to see.

  2. Thanks so much ladies! I have to admit...I am very confused by both CompuServe and Twitter, but I think she would get a kick out of it, so I'll try my best!

  3. Oh, this is priceless! Thanks for the link!


  4. P.S. I took the liberty of posting the link on both Compuserve and Twitter. DG will love it, I'm sure! Blue Moon, we'd love to see you on Compuserve, if you get a chance.


  5. Bluemoon, I agree with you on the Compuserve/Twitter thing. I've briefly explored both & enjoy the blog format so much more. Your pumpkin is fabulous!!! I hope he doesn't get saggy by Halloween (-;

  6. Karen- thank you so much for posting it on Compuserve, please let me know if she says anything about it!

    Adventures north- I prefer the blog format as well. I attempted to send the link to Diana G on Twitter, but I don't know if it worked...

    Thanks again for all the compliments!


  7. That looks great! I thought I was over staring at that picture but I had a sudden urge to run and get my book and stare for a wee bit.

  8. THAT IS HILLARIOUS! You rock Blue Moon!

  9. how AWESOME! Molly I did the same thing! Blue Moon Great job!
