
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Methadone List: My Own Personal Brand of Heroine

Heroin...Heroine...get it? :)

OK... I have some questions for ya:

1) I just picked up "Green Darkness" by Anya Seton - again. I suppose the third time's the charm because I'm finding it pretty intriguing. My question is: Has anyone read this book??  There is a character who is reminding me of Frank. And I'm dying to pick someone's brain.

2) Has anyone read "The Winter Sea" by Susanna Kearsley? It's getting 5 stars on Amazon - but from only 15 who knows. It's about the 1st Jacobite rising in the early 18th century - and a woman in modern times who is writing about it. Historical Romance, y'all. Again - I'm intrigued.


  1. Sadly, I haven't read either of these books, but I just have to plug Kevin McKidd for Jamie one more time based on this information that I just learned from an old Bonnie Hunt Show interview:

    1)Kevin McKidd is from the Highlands.

    2)Before he worked professionally as an actor, he built whiskey distilleries. He also mentioned that he drank a lot of whiskey.

    3)He worked in Edinburgh on one of those historical tours.

    Isn't he just perfect? Here's the link to the youtube video:

    Shameless, I know...

  2. I like your choice of drugs!;)I haven't read Green Darkness but I did read Katherine-one of my all time faves-and The Turquoise. I can't remember what GD is about? I wish I could help. The Winter Sea sounds right up our alley-is it new?

  3. Ooh, Read the Book, I found this:

    I could see it:)

  4. Klaudia: :) Thanks! He's so my Jamie...

  5. I haven't read either, but both are on my to-read-soon list. (I have heard good things about "The Winter Sea")
    Just started reading "Devil Water" by Anya Seton this week though. It is set around the first Jacobite Rising. I love how she wraps her stories around real events and people.... "Katherine" is another great one to check out if you haven't already:)


  6. I've read Green Darkness! It's been a while, but I loved it when I read it. Are you referring to Richard or Stephen (although they're one in the same - if I remember right?)?

  7. I've read green darkness but it has been a long time... but I remember liking it! Might be time to pick it up again. I pretty much love anything by anya seton, especially Katherine.

  8. Ooh, just looked up Kevin McKidd...verra nice choice, sassenaches ;)

  9. I just finished The Winter Sea and it was so good I wish it was a series. I didn't want it to end. It's set in the time of the '08 rising and the failed King James (some would say the Pretender but we know the truth don't we ladies) So it's our Bonnie Prince's Dad doing the plotting and invading and the Jacobites behind the scenes who of course risk much if not all to restore the proper heir to the Scottish throne. Basically our modern day Heroine is a historical fiction writer and something has drawn her to our beloved Scotland but what, at first, she doesn't know. Then she starts having memories of one of her ancestors, Sophia, our 1708 Heroine. Sophia has a hard life but finds salvation in the Highlands with her kin, the castle Slains and a man named Moray. Moray is a verra different lad from our beloved Jamie, sometimes I wanted to reach in the book and shake him, but he's definitely one to add to our literary boyfriend list. The drama is real, the villians are sinister and the love is endless and obviously timeless since it's set in two different centuries. Yes there is a modern day Scot to love and he's a verra fine one as well. There isn't any salavating sex scenes but you won't ever notice. Oh and did I mention that before the books end you'll feel like your heart has been ripped out and torn to peices. I think I did the ugly cry for two straight chapters. But when it's all said and done you'll be left a very happy reader and also a little sad that there isn't isn't another book to read about more adventures with these characters. If there is a down side I would say that the language isn't as meaty as Herself's is. But hey we can't expect all authors to be able to beautifully explain a cougar encounter for two whole pages, no?

  10. I bought Green Darkness from Amazon at the same time as Outlander. (I was laid up with a broken foot and needed some reading materials.) I decided to read Outlander because I liked the idea of time travel more than the reincarnation in Anya Seton's book. This was a year and a half ago and I have still never read Green Darkness! LOL!!
    Diane in GA

  11. I really enjoyed The Winter Sea. It's head and shoulders above much in the romantic/historical fiction genre...infact I liked the subject matter so much that it led me directly to Outlander..and the rest as they say is history! Susannah Kearsley's other novels 'Marianna' and 'The Shadowy Horses' are also well worth a look too.

  12. You guys all ROCK for answering this.... thanks.


    SPOILER ALERT - do not read unless you don't mind spoilers about the first 42 pages of Green Darkness!

    Blue Moon - I don't know as I'm only on page 42. From what I can tell, Richard is the reincarnated Marsdon monk and if memory serves... yes, I think his name was Stephen. And I was talking about Richard, because I haven't gotten to the past yet. I didn't love him at ALL early on... thought he was stuffy and kindof a dick (sorry) - just like I felt about Frank. But now they're at the weekend party and the rest of the guests are just so brutal that Richard's looking like an angel. And he was just very sweet to Celia in the study... so now I'm kindof into him. Being a believer of past lives, I am totally down with this book. What is interesting to me is that Richard seems to know the truth - and doesn't want to accept it. But he is accepting it and that's why he's avoiding Celia. Yikes!


    OK that's it for the spoilers.

    Jennifer - forgive me - I only read a little of your comment as my fear of spoilers is worse than my fear of spiders. That been said, your comment looks juicy and I canna wait to go back and read it when I'm finished! :)

    Read the Book - yes, I've seen that video before and you can't help falling in love with Kevin McKidd after watching it. A true Highlander, he is. He's absolutely lovely, no? And if you haven't seen "Rome" - oh lorddddd - go rent it. He's fanTAStic. Way better than Dr. Owen on Grey's. Meh. (Not that I mind him, but I gave up Grey's last year and am still angry with Shonda Rhimes for letting it go downhill so badly. And for those of you who still watch it and still like it, god bless you; I'm jealous. It used to be my favorite show.)

  13. Regarding Kevin McKidd.....People! McKidd's too OLD now and he has a rough face. Haven't any of you seen the two-seasons mini-series "Rome"???? He'll NEVER pass for early 20s any more than G. Butler can.

    McKidd's a verra fine actor, but naturally red hair, blue eyes, and physical fitness isn't all that's required.....and BEING Scots is a plus, but NOT necessary. That's why it's called ACTING and why costuming and casting are art forms!

    Broaden your perspectives! of the several "Anonymous" commentors

  14. anonymous, I agree with you about Kevin McKidd. Although I loved him in Rome he is not right for our Jamie. He is too short! We need a_big_ guy. He need to have the stature of a Liam Neeson, but much more handsome. And of course younger.

  15. Y'know, I've said this more than once....but if you put on your 2011 Hollywood casting agent thinking cap, one name that has to come up for a "within the next two years" Jamie is Benjamin Walker. He's 27 (right age), 6'4" (right height), and engaged to Meryl Streep's daughter (right pedigree). He's justthisclose to becoming a Big Name--for the past year or so, he's had the title role in an off-Broadway musical called Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, and he actually gave up a part in the next XMen movie so he could do BBAJ on Broadway. He's just about to wrap up that role, so it will be interesting to see what's next for him. But if I were casting the movie, he'd definitely be on my radar screen.

    Check him out here:

    and here:

    and here:

  16. I can't believe it. I love Anya Seton. My favorites are Green Darkness and Katherine. I read them years ago.
