
Monday, December 6, 2010

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat - 9PM Eastern - I'm thinking we MUST discuss some of the FABULOUS casting suggestions everyone has been making since my post about Angus MacFadyen - and anything else you feel like discussing! See you there!


  1. Try Rupert Everett as the Duke of Sandringham?

    Have you all seen this blog on Scots actors.... Full of info and similar to a fansite.

  2. Oh YES! I LOVEEEE that blog! I just want to jump on in and swim around! And wow - Rupert Everett. INTERESTING. I always saw the Duke as a big blob... but I'd rather see someone who can handle the aristocratic-yet-whimsical attitude, which Rupert certainly could.

  3. Brenda Blethyn (Mrs. Bennet in 2005's "Pride and Prejudice" film) as Mrs. Fitz/Fitzgibbons?

  4. Jim Broadbent for the Duke of Sandringham!:)

  5. Broadbent is TOTALLY wrong. The Duke is a believably STRONG persona. Even Broadbent's appearance is weak. Yick!

  6. So has anyone watched Burn Notice? I think Fiona
    (Gabrielle Anwar) would make a perfect Jenny. Check her out. Jen

  7. I think Fiona would be great for Jenny.
    Now I just need to vent for a few... I am reading snow and ashes. Spoiler ahead...

    I just read when Roger told Jamie and Bree he wanted to be a minister. Am I the only one that HATES that. And I'm not sure why, I just do. But I do have faith in DG so I do believe it will be ok.
    Anyway thank you for letting me vent.

  8. Yey Molly! I love that you fill us in on where you are. I will only say this: You are smart to trust in DG; she never lets us down. VENT AWAY, GIRL! We love it!

  9. @Molly- I felt like she totally emasculated him when she made him decide to become a minister. I liked Roger when he was on his way to Bree, then after that, he just seemed goofy & feeble, esp. compared to the likes of Jamie & Ian. I know he was out of time and place and grew up with a minister and it filled a niche in the growing community on the Ridge, but I'll admit to having lost interest in Roger at that point. But Carol's right...stay tuned!

  10. At the risk of sounding corny, we all have our gifts (or curses). I had a similar reaction to Roger's announcement, but he has something to give and this seems to be the best avenue for that gift. Keep reading!

  11. Oh I am going to keep reading. Just one of my favorite people is Roger (what am I saying I love them all). He always makes me laugh. I just don't find ministers that interesting I guess. I will keep the faith though.

  12. Och, MollyK - keep reading, to be sure... But I think you'll find that you're selling Ministers short, I think. My Uncle was a Presbyterian minister, just like wee Roger is interested in and let's just say that Uncle Barrie was an extremely colorful character. Someday maybe I'll share the story of Chicken-Sh!t Lake...

    P.S. Tee-hee... "I will keep the faith though"

  13. Spoiler alert:

    I like Roger as a minister. Roger had a hard time finding his place on the ridge. Even his wife was more skilled at being a hunter and horsewoman than him. He found a place helping the widow Amy and in helping with baptisms, funerals, etc. Especially after he lost his beautiful voice, I loved that he had another "calling." One of my favorite Roger scenes (that isn't hot and steamy although I like them fine) is when the little monsters tried to drown Henri Christian and he saved the baby and shouted at the horrible little brats that Henri belonged to God. Loved that a lot!

  14. I don't find the Roger/Bree scenes very "hot and steamy". Seems like they always have onion breath or issues. Don't get me wrong, I adore the series, but I really didn't care much for the Roger/Bree side until...Leaf. (-:

  15. All good points. I haven't read much more than just Roger saying that is what he wants to do. you have all giving me hope. I will update you on how I feel about it as I go. :)

  16. adventures--I totally agree with you on the roger/bree bits! And in later books, Roger gets kind of whimpy. --Julie

  17. Has anyone else been reading the other stories in Songs of Love and Death.? ..some are a bit sci-fi for me, but most are really good! -Julie

  18. I haven't, Julie, but I want to! Any suggestions of really good ones?

  19. *possible spoilers*

    I agree that Jamie is a hard act to follow, but I grew in my Roger love in Echo when I felt the Jamie/Claire magic wasn't as strong. I wanted much more Bree/Roger than I got in Echo. Any "whimpy" personifications of Roger--to me, just makes him seem more like a real man and less like a plastic hero. I like Roger and young Ian a lot! And, I like the Roger/Bree relationship. He's more a traditional man and she's more of a modern, feminist. I think it's a cool dynamic. When they had to change roles sometimes in the 18th century, I thought it was really fascinating when it caused conflicts. Roger does man up sometimes and that is really appealing to too. *fans self* LOL

  20. carol--Songs of Love and Death update: there's one story that's so sweet..might be called Blue Boots? the different styles and "voices" in each selection were fun.

    hey arabella--yes, roger is wimpy (sp?) in the early sections in Echo. lots of boohoo, poor me, and hand wringing (and those are poor characteristics in anyone). However!, Roger does get over it and come back to his best Rogerness a the end of the novel!--Julie

  21. Ooooh thanks Julie! I hope to get some serious reading done over the holidays. I have multiple things to catch up on...but shorts are always a welcome distraction. :)
