
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I am a Scot!!!

Everyone on Facebook get your arses over to the "I am a Scot" page and click "like" (after you check out that tall, grey-haired cutie pie in the profile pic). You can post anything you want about being Scottish or wishing you were on their wall!

THEN - get over to their Visit Scotland Website and join the "Great Scottish Adventure" sweepstakes where you can win a trip for two to SCOTLAND, y'all!!! (Residents of US and Canada only.)


  1. Thanx, Carol!!!! How wonderful if one of us "Outlander" fans becomes a voyager courtesy of the sweeps!


  2. Thanks! Have done. :)

  3. i,m not able to enter the sweepstakes as it,s only for residents of the us and canada :-(
    mind you it,s only just over 200 miles to edinburgh from here so only a trip up the motorway :-)
    -bit of family history is that my great grandfather was a soldier in the gordon highlanders during the boer war.
    we,re still trying to find out whether the family is scottish, but it,s a slow process via censuses and drawing up a family tree..

  4. Booo... sorry Lesley... didn't see that blurb about the US and Canada. But WOW about your ggrandfather!! Keep digging! :)

  5. *Clicked and entered.*
    Hoping my ancesteral Williams' and Hamiltons' will put in a good word for me to win and come visit the source!

  6. Nothing says I'm a Scot like these cute highlander boots people. Oh my gosh. I need $175 stat!
