
Monday, February 28, 2011

AYE can...

OMG. Check this out.

Verra cool, Sassenachs. I love it!!!

And dinna forget to click on the map and listen to all the Scots speak!

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander chat tonight y'all! 9PM Eastern.

There is an ever so slight chance Tracey and I might be a few minutes late... but I doubt it. If we are - please start without us and we will arrive post haste!

See you then!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Wee Scottish Secret

The following is a big, ol' bunch of speculation...and will most likely be shot down by this evening.... but it's too much fun not to share. :)

OK so thanks to Carla... I have come across an article about a film being scheduled for this summer in the Scottish Highlands.

Apparently, everyone up there thinks it's a remake of Highlander... and they think Kevin McKidd is starring in it.

COMMA mother-blanking HOWEVER....

....that doesn't sound quite right to me.

Here's what we know: Ann Peacock - writer of the Kit Kittredge screenplay and the original Chronicles of Narnia screenplay - is writing the screenplay for Outlander. We knew this wayyyyyy back in early October when Diana "Herself" Gabaldon confirmed it at ComicCon in NYC.

Here's what else we know:  Melissa Rosenberg - writer of the Twilight series screenplays -  has agreed - or is still in negotiations - to write the screenplay for a Highlander remake (I know, Christopher, I know... THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! Shhhh... there now...poor dear)  and it's rumored that Kevin McKidd will star.

What I find interesting about all of this is that I searched all over IMDB and am not finding much about a Highlander remake... but that's neither here nor there.

What IS here AND there is that there is possibly a finished OUTLANDER screenplay... and only a planned HIGHLANDER screenplay.

I don't want to be a Hysteric or an Alarmist or a flat-out Gossip Monger here...

But you do the math.

What is REALLY going on in the Highlands? They are talking about an August/September shoot in Scotland (Claire traveling... Leoch...Lallybroch) and an October/November shoot in Europe - aka somewhere cold with possible snow ( Wentworth! Wentworth! Wenworth!  Oh and that other place, what's that called...oh yeah FRANCE... as in the Abbey. Need I speculate more?)

So that's where Tracey and I are this afternoon. In speculation heaven.

Stay tuned...

My Twilight AND Outlander Purgatory!

Before watching this video, I have a few disclaimers:

1) It is for entertainment purposes only...aka it's supposed to make y'all giggle and I don't mean to step on any toes and I credited everyone at the end.

2) I am a total video amateur and it shows. But I couldna help it, Sassenachs. I just... had to make it.

3) I hope you like it. :)

Interesting Scottish Links

OK so I saw Karen's post on Outlandish Observations this AM which contains a really cool video of a redheided Scot putting on a kilt and demonstrating 18th century weaponry.... and realized I am SO BEHIND on posting links.

THIS is very cool... it's the Kinnaird Lighthouse and Castle that was built for the Fraser family in the 16th century. Thanks to Marci for the link!

THIS is a page on a Celtic Traditions website that talks about Inbolc - the Feast of Bride. Also sent in by Marci who reminded me that Jamie "always prays to Bride".

THIS is a fun post over at Blue Moon Magnolia that talks about casting for Jamie Fraser. Thanks to Carla for sending it in!

THIS is a wonderful article about Alexander McCall Smith who has joined the campaign for a visitor centre to commemorate the Battle of Prestonpans. Make SURE you view the gorgeous tapestry. You may just shed a tear.

And lastly - check out the Red Hot Chilli Pipers - sent in by Kathy (and Shannon has mentioned them too!)  They rock. Watch their video... it's verra cool because you can hear them talk. And lordddddd we love to hear them talk.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Tracey and I want to throw a big THANK YOU out there to Lesley who sent us beautiful book marks she MADE - all the way from the UK.

Let me tell you... everyone likes getting a little giftie now and then... and Tracey and I are no different!  What a surprise! And look at the DRAGONFLY! SO pretty!! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Second Life

Check out what Tracey just found! 

I actually just posted on their Facebook page and asked if it's supposed to be Jamie. They'll probably laugh at me, lassies... but who cares, right?!

OK so the woman is in a red evening dress and wearing a tiara... but still. Maybe Claire wore it to a USO function in the 40s?! (I know, I know.. it's a stretch. LOL) 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Outlander CHAT tonight!

Outlander chat tonight y'all!  9PM Eastern - Hope to see you there!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Deal in the My Outlander Purgatory Shop!

17% off all MOP SHOP orders over $35.00 until March 8th!

(Enter coupon code CAD17OFF at checkout)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Je Suis Prest iPhone Cover

 So Tracey and I just got iPhones.... after waiting forEVAH for Verizon to start working with Apple. And they, in a word... rock.

And Tracey emails me the other day and tells me one of the Staceys over at TalkSupe led her to this amazing little piece of paraphernalia... and I must say, it ROCKS. LOOK at it! I am SO ORDERING THIS!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Apologies!

I am SO sorry I didn't announce that chat was canceled last night! I was in a hotel yesterday and having some technical difficulties. Hopefully most of you saw Tracey's tweet!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week... and we'll see you at chat next week! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dear Jamie

SPOILER ALERT - Dinna read unless you have read "Dragonfly in Amber". 

Dear Jamie,

I really don't appreciate you acting like such a neanderthal regarding Claire's request to work at L'Hôpital des Anges. What do you think this is, the 18th century? Wait... nevermind.

And so she waxed her legs and pits. Is it really such a big deal? I'm thinking "No" and that you should be happy to have such a forward-thinking lady by your side. YOU wanted her to stand out, did you not? Well... boyfriend... she followed orders and is now standing out and hanging with the Paris elite. So deal.

OH and furthermore, I need you to be cool with her working at L'Hôpital because "Hullo, wee dog" is one of my favorite scenes in the whole bloody series, mmmmkayyyy?  So please hurry up and get there. Well, I suppose I need to hurry up and hurry up and get there. Um... yeah.

Sooooo...thank you for your time and consideration (and gorgeous mass of red hair.)

Respectfully yours,
PS - Wait until you meet Mother Hildegarde. She reminds me of Sister Rafael from Archbishop John Carroll High School for Girls back in the 80s. I still have nightmares. " a RHOMBUS??"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A (Claire Fraser) Life Made in Miniature

OK y'all - so get over to and check out this article about Sandra Monk. Ms. Monk apparently makes miniature models... and recently made one based on OUTLANDER!!

Working on a 1:12 scale model of a medieval mill, Ms Monk said it is influenced by Diana Gabaldon's historical romance Cross Stitch in which the heroine journeys back in time from her 1943 life as a nurse, to the early 18th century, where her skill and knowledge brings help and comfort to those in need. 

In this medieval mill the two floors reflect the miller's two personas. Upstairs is the "switched-on" woman of 1943; downstairs, the 1743 apothecarist's dispensary.

I am DYING to see this. Dying. And it's in New Zealand. And I live in New Jersey. And do you know where that is? That is one heckuva long way from New Zealand...I'll tell you that.

For all of you New Zealanders, it's going to be on display in April... the info is in the article!

Sooooo.... since I canna see it in person, I emailed the website that hosted the article and asked if they took any photos (doubt it because they'd most likely be shown) or if they could give me contact info for Ms. Monk so I could contact her myself and beg to see some photos and maybe - with her gracious permission - put them on the site.

Cross your fingers, Sassenachs!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Books for Valentine's Day

Ooooh - check out this article at regarding what to read for Valentine's Day. Our very own Outlander is mentioned... but also a book I am now considering reading. Check out what Jesse Coffey has to say about Beyond the Highland Mist by Karen Marie Moning:

"the first of a series of Highlander tales with a little Celtic mythology thrown in for good measure. And with anything Scottish born in the highlands being really hot right now, you can't go wrong with this one. The main character of Hawk is being urged to marry but no woman has ever tickled his fancy--until Adrienne is whisked out of her time and drops in his world. Definitely a page turner. And if you can't find that one specifically, try one of the other six in the series. They're all romantically spectacular!"

We were just talking about "what romance to read next" last night in chat... so I'm happy to have the suggestion!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Greetings from Purgatory

A few things....

1) Great Outlander chat tonight - thanks to everyone who came out!  Especially Lesley from the UK who came at 2:30 AM!!!

2) Chat will be canceled next week - Monday, February 14th.

3) A bunch of us were discussing Twilight tonight... and I came across one of the more amusing posts from MyTwilightPurgatory. If you are a Twilight fan and you saw the Eclipse film, you may find yourself having a little giggle. This blog post is based on commentary from Tracey, our cousin Jenn D and myself... on our way home from seeing Eclipse (for the 2nd or 3rd time)... and I just laughed heartily out loud whilst re-reading it.

4) God bless Jamie Fraser. (Just had to add that.) 

Outlander Chat Tonight

Yo Yo! Outlander chat tonight - 9PM Eastern - Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


My Outlander Purgatory friend, Jackie, sent in this fabulous song - "Pog aon oidhche earraich" - by a band named Runrig from Scotland. It's absolutely beautiful. Make sure you head on over to youtube and listen to more of their songs, too!