
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Apologies!

I am SO sorry I didn't announce that chat was canceled last night! I was in a hotel yesterday and having some technical difficulties. Hopefully most of you saw Tracey's tweet!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week... and we'll see you at chat next week! :)


  1. I actually did remember (which is quite an accomplishment) that chat was canceled this week. That, however, did not stop the withdrawals from not talking to other Outlander obsessed individuals as myself! :)


  2. Don't know where else to post this.... but I went to the Celtic Woman show last night and certainly thought about J&C a lot... they had an amazing bagpiper and the music was fantastic! If the show is coming anywhere near you, I highly recommend it!

    And on another note - I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot lately. I am currently suffering from fatigue and morning sickness!!! I think the morning sickness is starting to disappear, so I should be around a bit more soon.

    And one more thing - I finally got a Kindle!!! LOVE IT!!

  3. Thanks Mrs. Mush! I'll definitely check it out! And morning sickness!! Just like Claire!!!! Just think about Claire and it willna be so bad, lass. :)
