
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Outlander on General Hospital!

While I'm not complaining... because I think it's fantastic that Herself got some recognition on a major soap... could they not have described it using something a tad more colorful than "really long"??


  1. Love, love, love it! Even though I don't watch soaps, this is AWESOME!

  2. HA! That's awesome that it got a mention, but you're right, not sure that "it's REALLY long" is going to drum up a lot of new interest! lol

  3. My first thought was "Why a soap?!" My fear is that it will push these books toward the romance & women's lit (at best)genres and they're SO MUCH MORE!

  4. Oh, nice. Very happy it's mentioned, but not sure that's the best sales pitch option!

  5. Hey, even Diana can't come up with a way to describe OUTLANDER in 25 words or less. <g>

    I think this is great publicity, anyway, and judging from her reaction on Compuserve and Twitter last night, Diana evidently thinks it's hilarious.


  6. I love General Hospital!!! Yippeee on mentioning the books!

  7. HA! I think that is so funny and that it was mentioned with a Sookie Stackhouse book too. How far apart can 2 books be. I think it's funny too b/c isn't Outlander her shortest book out of the series? Don't give the poor woman A Breath of snow and ashes! Great post, thanks.

  8. LOL--I must come to the defense of HERSELF, who has done remarkably well with 140 characters on Twitter. Sometimes her tweets even have a few characters left over... ;-)

    Verra cool re: GH mention, BTW. Have to do some digging to see if the writers are Outlander fans....

  9. Tracey I thought the same thing! There has to be a reason they'd mention Outlander!! And Sookie! I was happy Outlander was included with such a high profile series!


  10. Yeah! I love the Outlander mention. Honestly, Outlander flew totally off my radar until I discovered it after Twilight in (I think) January 2010 or so, so I'm in favor of anything that get the word out on them! Especially since my mentoring efforts havena yielded much :-)
    But I agree, not sure "it's really loooong" will hook readers until they find out that this is definitely a case of the more the merrier.

  11. GH - Luke & Laura wedding - no match for Jamie & Claire's. Too long, not long enough!
