
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Great Chat!

Great chat last night lads and lassies.  I was even keeping up pretty well for a while there!

For those who weren't able to attend...we elaborated on a current discussion over at Compuserve.  Apparently people have been pondering the 19th century Fraser and Mackenzie tombstones at Lallybroch.  We also discussed people we are not fond of...and this is always fun because people disagree vehemently.  We had lots of simultaneous love and dislike for Roger...and lots of both lovin and hatin' on Jenny.  Lorddddd there's always plenty of lovin' and hatin' on Jenny!

All in all a fun time was had by all (I hope!)  See you next week!!


  1. 19th century? Hmmm... I'd love to hear more about this.

  2. I was sick. And sick that I missed it. I love mondays! I just listened to where Jenny left the baby to help find Jamie. I do like her in Outlander although I think she is alittle strange. Then about Roger. I didn't so much care for him until later. But I was listening to when J and C were at Lallybroch for the first time and caught myself wondering how Bree and Roger were in the 20th century. I really miss Roger.


  3. Oh No! I left too early. Dislike for Roger??? Boo! Put me in the Love Roger camp. I seriously love him. Jenny, I canna decide. I loved her. Then I hated her. Now I think I might start loving her again, if DG ever finishes the next book! ;)

  4. I'm with Hildy! How could you dislike Roger? Poor guy. He got dealt a hell of a hand and played it pretty well. Good husband, good dad, has a pretty intimidating wife and father-in-law. JENNY on the other hand - loved her, but the character really spiraled off in the later part of her storyline into a really unlikeable one - almost doesn't jibe with the early Jenny. She has been through a lot though.
    And, I came home from work too late for chat :-( Sigh. Will I ever chat again?

  5. I knew I had to share these as soon as I saw them!

  6. Read the Book: LOVE LOVE AND MORE LOVE!!!!! Thanks for posting. Both awesome articles.

  7. Love Roger! Love that he had to prove himself so many times. Love that he is "family" several times over. Love that he, along with Claire and Brianna, changed his life forever by walking through the stones. Not so love that he lost his voice - but this was a "symbolic" rape in his case (as opposed to Jamie, Claire and Brianna). Love that patience and faith won out in the issue of Jem's paternity.
    Jenny - well, that's a more complex issue. She is a tough person to love, but DG has made it verra clear that Jenny had to shoulder so much responsibility at such a young age. Plus, she was a woman of the 18th century, unlike Bree and Claire, and as such, she is a reflection of that period and the harsh life so many women were born into.Hope to be able to "chat" one of these days!

  8. I love Roger, and im supper sad that i have missed chat two weeks in a row!!! As for Jenny, i liked her in the beginning, but then really hated her in Voyager. I hope to be back to chat soon, im really sick of all these tornados

  9. You'll have to post on the tombstone conversation for those of us who have missed it. I need to refresh my memory, but seems like I had some questions about all that too.

    I thought Roger was pretty much a drag until Leaf. Loved him in that!
