
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Paoli Massacre

Just came across this video and wanted to share it with all of you.  This is the battlefield where the "Paoli Massacre" (which is mentioned in "An Echo in the Bone") took place.  It is special to Tracey and myself because we grew up in Paoli; it is our hometown.  


  1. How neat to see your hometown mentioned in one of DG's books! :-)

    I have a vague memory of Paoli being mentioned in ECHO -- mostly because you talked about it here during your ECHO reading :-) -- but I don't remember the context. Can you help with a chapter reference or something?

    BTW, check out the OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary contest I posted on my blog today. Please pass the word to anyone else who might be interested. Thanks!


  2. Very moving. Thank you for sharing.
