
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monarch of the Glen Update

Holy GATHERING, Batman!

I am watching Season 5 - Episode 9 of Monarch of the Glen - and they are having a MacDonald Clan Gathering!  And there's even a clan Quaich (pronounced "Quake".)

If you are not already watching this fantastic series...WHY?!


  1. Season 4 was a little shaky, Jennifer...but I am really enjoying season 5. :)

  2. So ironic you posted this now - I only just tonight finished watching Season 6 and wondered if you were still watching as the last time I asked, you seem less than thrilled. Season 7 is on its way (I actually purchase them) and honestly, despite some uneveness, I really love this series. Sure wish you had done a Monarch Purgatory - would've loved to read your reactions and opinions along the way! Anyway, glad you're still on board! :)

  3. I am just starting season 7. I'm watching it on youtube. I wish all the wacky people weren't leaving. Two of my favorites are gone!

  4. I think that's the episode that I have on deck for today!

    Mymac and Julia, are there more episodes than are available on Instant Netflix?? Please, tell me more!

  5. Cari - season 6 had 10 episodes. I assume you saw all of them? I have no idea if season 7 is available on Instant Netflix or not although I would imagine so. I live way up in the mountains of Colorado (middle of nowhere, close to 9,000 ft) and use satellite for internet connection. I pay a fortune for it and get awful service, very limited bandwith usage. So I cannot download movies, only short clips like those on Youtube. Sadly, I had to buy all the Monarchs - not cheap! But the show is so much fun, despite issues with cast changes, etc. Worth it! :)

  6. Just finished watching this series......Loved it!! Will def. watch again from the start.

    Here's a link for all you Glen-sters to watch,

  7. Jennifer J. - OMG - that link was hilarious!!! Thanks so much for sharing it - can't believe they got the real Archie to do it. Everybody who loves this show - you HAVE TO WATCH!

  8. Thanks for your response, Julia. Instant Netflix has episodes through season 6 (all 10 of them), and I thought that was going to be it. I just finished the season 5 finale, and I'll start season 6 tomorrow.

    I'm glad to know that there is more to be had on YouTube! I wonder why Netflix doesn't have them. Hmmmm...

  9. Hi! I haven't yet posted on this blog, but I check it out all the time. I love "Monarch" series, but I've only been watching it little by little (too busy catching up with the rest of the "outlander" world!) One item I thought was interesting about "Monarch" is Julian Fellowes, the author of "Gosford Park", "Downton Abby" and other screenplays and novels, is also Killwillie! Gotta love it!

  10. How weirdly coincidental... I *just* watched the season 2 MacDonald gathering. At least I think I'm on season 2. Who knows with Wii Netflix.

    Odd that I find Golly hawt?

  11. No, not odd at all, Stacey. Golly is "hawt"! ;-)

    (Remember how he got the name "Golly"??? LOL)

  12. LOL-
    I do recall it was becuse of his great "highland bagpipes", ;)


  13. Just be sure all of you who are watching, that the final episode for Season 5 was on the "extra features" section and is called The Hogmanay Special. I only just figured this out after having completed Season 6! Be sure to watch it because it has some transitional stuff in it. :)

  14. Thanks, Julia! I watched the first episode of season 6 today, and I definitely felt like I had missed something. Maybe this would help. I wonder if it's available online??

  15. I just finished Season 1 and have ordered season 2. I started watching based on your recommendation. I like it so far; don't love it (yet), but it's definitely worth watching.

  16. Season 5 finale was on the extras?? Damn it.. returned it to the library 3 days ago, late, and didn't have time to watch the extras

  17. Susan J, search for 'Monarch of the Glen Hogmanay' on YouTube. It's there in six separate segments. It definitely fills in some of the ???? that puzzled me in ep 1 of season 6. Enjoy! :-)

  18. Welcome Colleen! We're a nutty bunch...but we have a lot of fun! :)

    Ellen Mc - it definitely has twists and turns as the series goes on. And it gets a little more series and a little less silly. I don't think people expect all the silly when they first start watching the show; I know I didn't!
