
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pride and Prejudice

Just had to share.  It's a rainy day here in NJ...and even though I have lot more to accomplish today, I can't help but sit here and watch this scene from Pride and Prejudice.

Major SPOILER scene.  Don't watch if you're not familiar with the book/film.

The slow walk in the mist makes me giddy with glee.  Imagine a scene like this in Outlander?  le sigh...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

If I Had to Choose Today...

Now, tomorrow is another day.  But if I HAD to choose today... Yeah.  He would be my choice.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outlander Impatience

Do you ever have moments of O. I. ?  Otherwise known as Outlander Impatience?  All of the sudden, in the middle of the day, you think to yourself "I can't WAIT a moment longer for Book 8 to come out!"  or "WHEN will it be NOVEMBER 29th already so I can get my hands on some NEW JAMIE?!" my's OI came in the form of film dreaming.  This is the email I just sent total exasperation:


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Scottish Prisoner, Y'all!!!!


Thanks to Diane K for alerting me to the fact that this juicy piece of deliciousness is now showing up on Amazon.  November 29th, y'all.  Pure, unadulterated JAMES ALEXANDER MALCOLM MACKENZIE FRASER!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Love Quotes from Jamie and Claire

If you can watch this - and listen to this - and not shed a are a better sassenach than me. 

Awesome Outlander Wine Charms (and More!)

Having an Outlander (lorddddddd the) GATHERING soon?  How cute are these wine charms from MaryFaithPeace over at Etsy?  LOVE!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jack Taylor's OUTLANDER Series Reviews

This guy is so awesome I don't know what to do with myself.  I can only hope he'll go on to review Voyager and the rest!  Thanks to Cari for sending this to me!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Kilted Driller

Thanks to Dru over at the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, via (Darling) Nikki over at Voyages of the Artemis (Diana Gabaldon's Youtube channel) we now have   
The Kilted Driller!

WATCH while he takes...out his power tool!  :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Diana Gabaldon's Explanation of Book 8's Title

FASCINATING explanation (aren't they all?!) from Diana Gabaldon about how/why she chose the title for the infamous-but-yet-to-be-finished "Book 8".


Which do YOU like better? 

Personally I like "own heart's blood".  But what the heck do I know?  Rippin ribbon!  Exactly! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Special Tuesday Night Outlander Chat

Just a reminder...

Our regular Monday night Outlander chat has been rescheduled for tomorrow night - Tuesday, September 6th at 9PM Eastern.

Hope to see you there!

PS - If you have read A Song in the Daylight from Paullina Simons and feel like discussing, I'll be around at 8:45!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Song in the Daylight

I have a non-Outlander question for y'all:

Has anyone read "A Song in the Daylight" by Paullina Simons (The Bronze Horseman)?  I finished two days ago and - no matter how hard I try - I cannot begin to kick these characters out of my brain. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Scottish Dream Tours on Facebook

If you are on Facebook, run, don't walk to the Scottish Dream Tours page.  "Like" the page and then feast your eyes on the beautiful photos of Culloden Battle Field that have recently been posted. 

AND - Bonus - they have two spots that have recently reopened on their fall Highlands and Islands tour...check it out!