
Monday, October 24, 2011

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!  (If you are a fan of Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati, we'll be having a brief Into the Wilderness Chat from 8:45 - 9:00.  Come join us!)


  1. Carol, please help! It won't let me post on the Wilderness page. The profile thing won't select for me, I don't know what to do!

  2. YIKES Brandy - what happened? I'll make a link directly to the Into the Wilderness site.

  3. I'm not sure Carol, it's still won't work. I don't know why it is ok on this page but not the other. It looks different for me over there - at least the way you post. Here it has me type in that security word. Over there it says to select a profile but nothing happens when I click on the drop arrow.

  4. I'll check these settings side by side with those and see how they look. It's nuts, isn't it?!
