
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tracey was a Barnes and Noble Prisoner! (VIDEO)

Watch Tracey as she skulks around B&N, looking for HER Scottish Prisoner!



  1. LOL, "Look at the pages!" LOL

  2. Tracey, I just loved the whole "breaking things down" part at the end!!

  3. I remember watching your videos with Carol before I ever ventured into MOP chat, or knew there even WAS an MOP chat and thinking "wow, they look like they are having fun!" and now that I feel I sort of know you, it's even more fun to watch. BTW, I am NOT taking a picture of myself reading it on my Nook.

  4. LOL Clay. I didn't take one of myself, either. I am way more interested in seeing everyone else! :)

    PS - How about Georgie?! :)

  5. At least they HAD THE BOOK OUT! My B a M couldn't even bother to look in the back for any copies! Thank God for Target is all I have to say. I am shocked B n N didn't have a "Shrine"! Seriously, these booksellers need to get on the DG train and recognize the glory of her books. Or maybe I'm just partial?

  6. That is awesome! Makes me want to go to B and N and visit the book in physical form! I love the videoing of " gettin giddy in the Gabaldon section". You rock, Tracey!

  7. You're so awesome, Tracey! Now I feel like a total coward for not taking my own picture in Costco. ;-)

    Clay, you're among friends here - let's see it!

  8. "Look at the pretty pages" LOL you crack me up.
    I never have listened to an audio book but as there are 2 men doing it, you have perked my interest. I may have to get my Hardcover of course (to match all pretty like on my shelf) but I'd like to get the audio to listen as well.

  9. Loved your video - thanks for making that!! I always look forward to new videos from you and Carol. Haven't received my copy yet from Amazon, although they claim they shipped it. Let us know how you like it!

  10. LOL, funny VIDEO!!
    Is it weird that I kept waiting for you to "smell" your book? My name is Jennifer and I sniff new books.

  11. Love this video. I was disappointed at our Buffalo, NY B&N representation too.I wanted a shrine, but my friend Donna and I were shocked that it was relegated to the bottom shelf of the front display below Lady Gaga and The History of the World in 100 Objects. Seriously? We rearranged the display. Lol. I didn't think to check the Gabaldon section but would not have been surprised to find it equally lacking. :(

  12. I like the "soundtrack" part of this video. Nice work! =)

  13. TRuff!!! BELOW Lady Gaga?! Isn't that INFURIATING?!? ugh!!!

  14. OK I am still LOL that JJ was waiting for Tracey to smell her book.

    That. Is. Awesome!
