
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gabriel Aubry Scuffle: Please! Not the Face!

So a while ago, Diana Gabaldon posted on her blog that she thought Gabriel Aubry "did in fact have a strong resemblance to Mr. Fraser, in terms of facial physiognomy".

Apparently Mr. Aubry had a scuffle with Oliver Martinez the other day and has a pretty beaten up face.

Now...normally I pay little attention to this type of Page 6 celebudrama...but after coming across the photos, I couldn't help thinking that this is what Jamie Fraser would look like after a fight!

All roads lead to Outlander folks...all roads lead to Outlander.


  1. The exact same thoughts came to my mind when I read about this in the Daily News - Oh God, not his face! and hmmm, might be a good model for a beaten up Jamie Fraser. Good call, Carol!

    1. I was like "Is this too icky to post?" But I couldna help it! It's just too Outlanderesque! :)

  2. Add some red flashes in the hair and that is how I pictured Jamie to look after fighting for me, ah um, I mean Claire, after fighting for Claire ;)

    1. LOL Menatra!! So true! It's taking everything I have not to superimpose his head on the body of someone from the 18th century. Hmmm...not a bad idea! ;)

    2. Sounds good to me! Then can you superimpose my head on someone's body standing beside Jamie!! LOL!

    3. You guys are cracking me up!
      My first reaction when I heard the news on the radio was, "Oh crap! Don't hurt the pretty!"

      When I first read Outlander, I was having a really hard time picturing Jamie as being good looking. I had just finished The Bronze Horseman and Shura is a freakin' GOD, so I just couldn't see Jamie as hot. Then I saw a pic of Gabriel Aubry and I was like, "Uh huh. Now I've got it!"

    4. Did someone say, Shura? LOL. We have one track minds, my love.

    5. Wow Hildy - you read Outlander after The Bronze Horseman? I am trying to picture it going in that order in my mind. Shura...then Jamie. Hmmm...

      PS - LOL MENATRA!!!

  3. Ok, so apparently I live under a rock. Oooooooooooooooo boy! This is delish. Googling him all day long has been a bloody joy. Thank YOU Google Images. OMy. Lovely.

    I'm sure G was mighty proud of his war wound. I'm equally sure his agent had a coronary, lol.

    1. OMG can you imagine?? Great point re: agent. What I don't get is... OM says that he was defending himself against GA. So why does GA have a busted up face and broken rib...and OM only has a cut hand? I think we kindof can see who was on the receiving end of the beating.

  4. Oh poor Jamie.....I mean Gabriel...Where's Claire with the leeches?

  5. Ooh! Specifically after he took Laoghaire's beating for her and Claire had to tend his face... Poor Jamie. Let me just kiss him, make him feel better...
