
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Loaf 'N Jug...and Outlander!

I just received this email from Lara and it totally and completely made my day.  Guaranteed it's going to make yours, as well.  I love the Outlander universe!!!!

I have the most awesomest thing to tell you. So, I don't know if you know this, but I've said a couple times, to Clay anyway, that if I ever run into some money, I'm going to rent a castle in Scotland, charter a plane and take us all there on a mega GATHERING. Anyway, I just stopped at the "Loaf n' Jug", yes, that's it's real name... our local stop and rob, and bought $20 worth of Powerball tix...because the jackpot is like $550 mil and I never gamble or buy lottery tix...but I can't not when the jackpot is that high. Anyway, again, the cashier and I were chatting and she said she never buys tix either and she should because the only thing she wants is a trip to Scotland. My mouth fell open and I was like, "OMG, ME TOO! I'm going to take my whole book club friends with me!" Then she says, "What book?!?!?! DIANA GABALDON?" It was a full on middle of nowhere South Dakota Outlander moment. Then she says, "Well Jamie is mine so back off!" I about fell out right there in the middle of the store with a bunch of cowboys watching. We giggled and laughed and practically hugged. Made my day. So long story short, when I win Powerball and we all go to Scotland, I'm taking the cashier from the Loaf n' Jug in Box Elder, South Dakota with us.


  1. LMAO! I absolutely LOVE the Loaf 'n Jug LOGO! Ah, as usual Carol, you take everything to the next level of awesome. This lady has no idea that our random encounter is forever memorialized on the internet. Thanks!

    1. I am seriously going to pray that the universe causes her to stumble upon this post.

  2. My first trip when I win will be Scotland!

  3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! (And all of us:))

  4. hey carol! hope i win and we can all go! if not, here's something in my price range, found today on amazon:

    A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows: An Outlander Novella [Kindle Edition]
    Diana Gabaldon (Author)

    Kindle Price: $1.99 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
    Sold by: Random House Digital, Inc.
    This price was set by the publisher

    kindle edition is due out on 12/3/12. --Julie in Jersey

  5. HA Priceless. I started a new job last month and I was chatting with the co-worker who was teaching me the ropes. I said something about man in plaid and she groaned Jaaamie. LOL I think the Outlander has out done the Dec 21, 2012 end of the world myth... WHOOT!!!!

    1. Oh my goshhhhhh Dragonfly! I JUST received an email from a friend with details on 12/21. Too funny!
