
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Outlander to Air on Starz

Tremendous announcement today that Outlander will be developed by Starz!  I am thrilled.  I watched both the "Pillars of the Earth" miniseries and the "Camelot" series on Starz and thought they were both done beautifully and extremely well cast.

And speaking of casting...I find it interesting that two people near the top of my short list for Jamie an Claire were on both of the aforementioned shows.  Hayley Atwell was in Pillars and Philip Winchester was in Camelot.  So at least I know Starz appreciates solid acting.

Holy CASTING, Batman.  Do you know what this means?? STARZ has already been's only a matter of time before we find out about actors.  (insert nervous giggling here)

Here is a scene from the Starz series, "The Pillars of the Earth".  If Outlander is anything like this, I will be beside myself.  (And I will use any excuse to post this Eddie Redmaye clip.  I'm so shameless.)


  1. I'm excited to see it onscreen - I hope it's good!

  2. Love it! That was a great example of a big book made into a great miniseries - fantastic casting. And Hayley Atwell is still young enough to play Claire :-) This has great potential and I'm joining the ranks of the cautiously optimistic!

  3. I like both of the above for Jamie and Claire. Still not sure if I want to share Outlander with the other people in the world who haven't read it yet. It's mine, all mine. :)
