
Monday, August 18, 2014

My Outlander Purgatory OUTLANDER Starz Episode 2 Recap!


  1. Ron Moore explains a lot in his podcast about Claire leaving in 5 days with the tinker

  2. Is there any way you two can transition/recreate your video into a podcast? I would be verra interested to listen to you while I'm trudging away on the treadmill.

  3. Can't believe you didn't comment on Leticia chunking the bannock at Claire during dinner. What was up with that anyway?

    1. Agree! What was up with that? For the most part it's like we know these characters but I am surprised by how some are being interpreted. Never would I have thought that would happen (the chucking of the bannock, that is.).

  4. That was Murtagh talking to Jamie right before he took Laoghaire’s punishment. He says something about not trusting Jamie’s uncle, or that he thinks his uncle’s up to something .

    When Claire was explaining her brassiere, I thought of the Coneheads: “We come from France.” When something’s strange or alien, just blame it on France!

    1. It was also Murtagh that gives Jamie a helping hand from the floor, and walks him out of the hall.
      MM in MN

  5. Btw, LOVED the Cartman reference :-)

  6. Carol, maybe what you couldn't remember in the stable scene was when Jamie crouched down next to Claire and his kilt flew up around his knees!! Lol

    Also, I understood something a little better seeing it in the show: the reason there's so much tension between Jamie, Dougal, and Colum is because the brothers perceive Jamie as a threat. If Colum dies, Jamie could challenge Dougal for the Laird of McKenzie position because he is Ellen's son. I never really picked up on the family politics as clearly in the book. Also, they're probably ticked that they had to help harbor Jamie as a wanted man out of loyalty to their sister, who didn't really show the family much loyalty at one time.

    I really like your videos - thanks! And keep it up!

    1. You know, I just re-read book one to go with the new series and I still didn't get the tension as being about Dougal and Colum. I thought it was because Claire was English and within the walls of their home. At least that is the impression I got with both reads. However, I agree that in the series they are playing the tension up more between the brothers and Jamie and for the reasons you mentioned.

  7. OMG! Loved your recap, goils! Episode 2 was amazing!

    A few specific comments:

    Murtaugh: that was Murtaugh (Mrs Fitz's grandson) that she ragged on about being so smelly and he grabbed her an said "gi' me a kiss!"

    Jamie's back scars: Remember, we haven't yet seen the Ft William flogging yet, only the Lallybroch lashing, which is No Big Deal in comparison. I'm going to have to watch the lashing scenes through my fingers!

    Mrs. Fitz dressing Claire: I read on Meril's website that it was RON'S idea to film the whole dressing scene!

    Colum's comment about Randall being an officer and a gentleman. Did anyone else scream BULLSH!T on that one???

    Stable scene: OMG! I don't believe you guys didn't do a major SQEEEE about the famous kilt squat scene! It almost gave me whiplash!

    Claire's mentioning Toulouse-Lautrec dying at such a young age: He died from alcohol and syphilis!

    Hamish: I remember from the book that Dougal was known as "Colum's legs and his c*ock", so I think most folks knew Hamish was Dougal's, they just never talked about it.

    Leticia not recognizing the name McTavish: we all have to remember that Jamie had just gotten off the boat from France and they were returning him to Leoch for the first time. Also, he was keeping a low profile because of the bounty on his haid.

    Claire getting her biotch on: Claire, Claire, Claire. Alcohol + big mouth = danger! I liked how she flashed back to Frank telling her how to keep as close to the truth as possible during an interrogation... then she walks in, guzzles a bunch of wine, and tells a big whopper!

    Geillis: I sensed that Geillis KNEW and was kind of dropping little hints fishing for a reaction.

    Hall: OMG! The non-verbal conversation between Jamie, Rupert and Dougal was AWESOME! After hearing Sam talk about it during one of the panels I was kinda disappointed we didn't get to see Mrs. Fitz putting the black licorice leeches on Jamie's eye.

    And did we get a big payoff on Episode 1's downtown scene OR WHAT!

    Book vs TV series: I saw a comment that Diana wrote recently on CompuServ that if you watch this series with the book in your lap you are not going to like either one. I totally agree. After Episode 1 aired I picked up the book and didn't make it very far before putting it away - I found it very jarring how the differences kept reaching off the page and slapping me across the face.

    AGAIN: The stable squat scene... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    As always, GREAT JOB!


    1. Long live the stable squat!!

    2. Oh yeah! I have a new background image on my PC to wake up to every morning!


    3. Does anyone know where I can get photo of stable squat online?

  8. Thanks again ladies for the videos!

  9. Enjoyed the recap and comments! Will make sure I do this every week! Will check out Ron's podcast too...thanks!

  10. Re: Claire thinking Hamish was Dougals kid.
    The rumor in town is that Hamish is Jamie's kid (at least Gellie thinks he might be)
    Claire knows Hamish can't be Colums because of TLS
    She figures out that Hamish is Dougals.. because he treats him more as a son than as a nephew.
    However, book Claire never said any of that out loud.. until either in the cave with Dougal, when he proposes marriage, or when they run into him in Paris in Dragonfly. It's the conversation when Dougal calls Letitia a cold fish. It's not layed out in the book the so directly, nor anywhere close to this soon after arriving at Leoch

    The brothers however add this to the list of "reasons we think Claire is a witch" How else could she know Hamishes true parentage if she were not a witch? It also adds to the dialogue of Colum saying she has knowledge and he isn't sure yet if she is a threat to his clan.

    MM in MN

    1. MM in MN you are spot on about Hamish and Dougal. I don't know if Claire actually figures it out until she is talking with Dougal in the cave. She mentions that all the fortune telling on the road has heightened her ability to read faces. When she voices this suspicion she see the truth of it in Dougal's face. (I hope I'm remembering this correctly.) But the big mistake, in my opinion, is when Hamish falls off the horse when jumping fences. She says to Colum, "You love him as if he were your own son." Or something similar to that. It is alluded to that Geillis wants to marry Dougal and that she would have no reservations about attempting to blackmail Colum by telling that Hamish is Dougal's son. To top that off she is also carrying Dougal's child. So Colum arranges for witch trial to rid himself of the problem of Geillis. Claire was an accidental bonus. Colum could be rid of her too, after all it seemed that she knew the secret too.

      I am having a very difficult time remembering that to the non-readers with whom I'm watching the episodes, have no idea about any of these under-currents. Jamie being in danger from the MacKenzie because he is a threat to the Hamish claim to be the Laird of clan MacKenzie. That Geillis is a psychopathic, scheming, time-traveler. Or that they haven't even scratched the surface of depravity of Black Jack.

      So when the episode is over and they ask me, so when is something exciting gonna' happen? I have to tell them just wait, it's coming.

    2. Spoiler for those who haven't read Outlander.
      I recall when Claire meets Colum (not sure if it is the first time in his tower or subsequently when they are watching Hamish from the window and something happens to H as they watch), she mentions that Hamish isn't his son ( because she knows that TLS makes him incapable of siring a child - apparently). Colum is shocked. That was not a good move by Claire, given what happens later in the Village and may have been the reason why she isn't saved. Can't say more due to spoilers. Claire often does impetutous things, or ignores good advice (often Jamie's) because she thinks she knows better and gets into scrapes accordingly - but this is a device I suppose to create much of the drama and plot. Lyn

  11. You two make it even more fun watching Outlander!

  12. Did anyone notice in the previews for the upcoming episodes that it looks as though Claire tells MS. Fitz where she came from, or am I hallucinating???

    1. That happens a lot in previews, pretty much all shows do it. They put mixed scenes in clips, then you watch the show and what you thought was happening is totally different than it was in the previews. I think that's what they've done here. I'm sure she tells Jamie, not Mrs. Fitz.

    2. This was pretty disturbing and I was thinking, this can't be right. Then I found this post from Herself.

      "Just...don't worry about the Mrs. Fitz bit. That's all I can tell you, but really, don't fret about it. -- Diana"

      Some people have thought that perhaps these scenes took place in Claire's mind. For example if she were hypothesizing what might happen if she did tell Mrs. Fitz that she had fallen through time.

      If you think about it, that could easily fit into the story. It would then impress upon Claire that she shouldn't tell anyone of her experience on the fairy hill.

      Might not be how it happens, but something to think about.

    3. My thoughts exactly!! If Claire tells Mrs. Fitz, it changes the story drastically! If Diana says not to worry, I wilna worry.
      I could see the theory that those scenes take place in Claire's mind, that would make sense to me. Claire confiding in Mrs. Fitz who is so obviously Colum and Dougal's woman, would not. I am excited for episode 3 either way!!!
      Dana in Dallas :)

  13. I was hoping that is what happened. That would be a fairly dramatic change from the book. Especially when they show Mrs. Fitz screaming witch.

  14. I went back to The Exile because I remembered that there was something about off-stage Geillis, and she actually suggested to Kenneth that Claire might be a time traveller before she had met her for the first time. And in the novel there is this scene where Geillis interrogates Claire via hypnosis and tries to find out where she came from and why she came. So I guess that Geillis knew quite early that Claire was a time traveller.

    PS: GO Stable Squat!!!

  15. As someone else mentioned, Geillis had her in her chamber, and through hypnosis, was tying to find out who she really is. However, in the book, her suspicions are confirmed at the witch trial. Claire was stripped FIRST, and that's when Geillis sees her smallpox scar. In the same paragraph, Claire makes the connection as well, that Geillis saw her scar first.

    Loving y'all's videos!

    1. Right.. for all we know.. the bit in the room at Gellies house and the opium.. all could have been at Dougals request. Not that Gellie knew Claire was from the future, rather just that she had a secret and she was going to figure it out.
      MM in MN

  16. WHAT? You haven't seen BRAVEHEART????? Oh my god.

  17. Knowing that the book is all told from Claire's point of view. I have been watching for anything that isn't shown that way. Not that it would be a bad thing. It's just a little game. I sometime play with myself.
    In the first episode, Frank seeing the ghost is the only one I noticed. Not saying I would change it at all.
    In the second episode, reverend Wakefield and Frank at the abandoned car near Crag na Dun was another. Then Mr. Moore pointed out that scene could be what was actually happening in 1945 or it could just be what Claire was imagining was happening. So I don't get a point for that one. :(

    1. In the post above, pleas ignore the period after "game". I typed this on my iPhone and it added it for me.

    2. One difference that I noticed (in both Episode 1 and Episode 2), seeing this from a neutral view rather than from Claire's POV was that Claire was able to talk over Frank (ie. during the convo after Frank saw the ghost), BUT when she tries to get sassy and talk over the 18th Century men (especially Dougal) she gets her mouth down but good. The look on her face when this happens is priceless - she's receiving a rather humbling education.


    3. Oops, lost a word! should have read - she gets her mouth SHUT down but good

  18. I'm too cheap to get cable, but have started re-reading the books (again) along with watching the Starz 1st episode. Listening to you guys keeps me in the loop until it is available on Netflix. I think that reading along with the book embroiders the flick and vice versa. Isn't it delicious to have the whole story in front of us again!

    ps - Real men "dinna hold with rape" - only weaklings need to force a woman. A man's honor is everything!

  19. Netflix is not such a bad option. Having to wait a week between episodes is difficult. Like pulling off a bandaid verra slowly.

  20. Speaking of other similar time travel books, I recommend Sarah Woodbury's
    Cilmeri series - similar idea as Outlander, but in Wales. Often cheap/free at Barnes and Noble for Nook. I know - so many books, so little time!!

  21. Hi gals,
    commented on FB today already but I am just so thrilled with what you're doing and have just discovered your blog. So good job.
    Anyway, has no one ever wondered in the books and on screen why Claire is so open to sexual behavior? Just remember she is a woman of the 40ies which was way years before the sexual revolution in the late 1960ies.
    She actually reminds me a lot of my German grandmother who would have been a little older than Claire but who was far more open about sex than my British mother. My grandma had an affair during the war and the result was my father. I never got to know my real German grandfather because of that. So my grandmother told me that during the time of war people because of the stressful situation very often felt lonely or detached to life. So in order to feel anything especially in times of sorrow or pain some turned to another human being for sex or comfort. So maybe that is why Claire is more open after her encounter with WWII.
    My grandma also told me that a lot of women had to look after themselves and their children without having a husband around and it made them stronger against hardship and how to deal with objectives. A lot times humor was a tool to avoid pain and get on with your life and to survive.
    I can totally relate to that.

  22. Hi gals,
    commented on FB today already but I am just so thrilled with what you're doing and have just discovered your blog. So good job.
    Anyway, has no one ever wondered in the books and on screen why Claire is so open to sexual behavior? Just remember she is a woman of the 40ies which was way years before the sexual revolution in the late 1960ies.
    She actually reminds me a lot of my German grandmother who would have been a little older than Claire but who was far more open about sex than my British mother. My grandma had an affair during the war and the result was my father. I never got to know my real German grandfather because of that. So my grandmother told me that during the time of war people because of the stressful situation very often felt lonely or detached to life. So in order to feel anything especially in times of sorrow or pain some turned to another human being for sex or comfort. So maybe that is why Claire is more open after her encounter with WWII.
    My grandma also told me that a lot of women had to look after themselves and their children without having a husband around and it made them stronger against hardship and how to deal with objectives. A lot times humor was a tool to avoid pain and get on with your life and to survive.
    I can totally relate to that.

  23. This is a re-post from Youtube. As promised I'm posting on here.

    LOL you guys don't remember it because it didn't happen like that in the book! I'm re-reading it now and they've made a lot of changes including lines being switched. I like the show and I'm trying to figure out where this is all going to lead!
    1. She was never told that she was to leave within a weeks time. She kept wanting to find a way to leave. Tinker didn't happen.
    2. Jaime never stiffened. He said he didn't flinch with her because she had nursed him so often now that it was like whatever at that point. She had seen his back at the house when he had the dislocated shoulder.
    3. She was never followed in the books but often mentioned that she was being watched. People were always about and would take notice where she was going or where she had come from.
    4. Colum's legs! Awesome!!!! I was wondering how they were going to do it visually and they did awesome!
    5. Dougal had said he does not do with rape in one of the first scenes when they find Claire. (in the book) So, I think it was ok for some and not for others.
    6. I agree with Carol, totally, about Jaime getting annoyed and laughing at the wrong times. (Only because it was the opposite in the books and it's so fresh in my mind.)
    7. You don't really get the sense that Geillis figures it out. I felt that she was spying on her the whole time. I definitely felt that Geillis was up to something the entire time.
    8. Beating- he didn't smile in the book. Nor did the whole Dougal thing, however I LIKED IT.
    9. LOVING the flashbacks and how they are intermingling the memories of the future with the present/past. LOVE IT.
    10. Agree with Tracey about the month thing because in the books it was about a month when they first left Leoch and she tries to you know but six months until the other opportunity.

    This is long but I've been dying to talk/chat/whatevs with someone and I know you all are die hard fans and would discuss. HA! AND I'll repost on the blog. Chao! 


    I want to just say after thinking about it a lot... I don't know when Geilis figured out the whole thing about Claire. I swear I didn't like Geilis in the book or on Starz. She gives me the creeps. OH OH OH! I love Geilis' husbands acting! The gas! Good Lord!! Hilarious!
