
Monday, September 29, 2014

MOP Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  BE THERE!!!  :)

OUTLANDER on Starz Season 1 / Part 2 TRAILER!

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.  This new trailer for Outlander's 2nd half of its maiden season on Starz makes me weep with _______ (insert appropriate adjective here; "fear", "rage", "joy"...they'll all do nicely.)

They had me at that haunting, ethereal voice.  And this got me thinking about the fact that I need to fill up my iPad with it - and similar voices - STAT.

Suggestions??  Anyone??  I'd love to hear some!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Villain Guessing with Tobias Menzies

Now that we have 7 months to wait for new Outlander on Starz, you MUST check out this hilarity with Tobias Menzies. LOVE HIM!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014


The Battle of Paoli, September 20, 1777

 "Rest well, Paoli's heroes brave
 You did your part this land to save
 And as the centuries roll by
 Ever we'll sound your battle cry

 ~Henry Pleasants Jr.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A young and adorable Tobias Menzies in HBO's "Rome." 

Monday, September 15, 2014

MOP Outlander CHAT Tonight!!!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  We will be discussing Episode 6: The Garrison Commander.  Please NO MOBY spoilers until 9:45.  Thank you!! 

THANKS to Jax from "Outlander Stuff!"

Have to throw a HUGE THANK YOU out to MOP pal, JAX from Revive1775 (tremendous website that is chock full of info from the Revolutionary war and the happenings of 1775!)

Jax sent Tracey and myself these truly awesome bracelets...that she made!!  And where can you get one?  At her Etsy site, OutlanderStuff!!!  She also sells celtic knot bracelets and key rings with other quotes from the Outlander series; tons of awesome goodies!  Go check her out!

 I canna tell you how much we appreciate these wee gifties.  We are truly touched!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Going Through the Stones!

This is MOP friend, Kris, going through the stones today! Jealous, party of MOP?! GO KRIS!! Tell Claire and Jamie we said Hi! And JE SUIS PREST!!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Tobias Menzies as "Black Jack Randall" in episode 6 of OUTLANDER on Starz

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Tobias Menzies and Genevieve O'Reilly in "Forget Me Not"

Monday, September 1, 2014

No MOP Chat Tonight

MOP Chat is cancelled tonight in honor of the Labor Day holiday here in the United States.  We'll see you next week!