
Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Outlander Purgatory Breaks Down Starz' Outlander Episode 8: Both Sides Now


  1. We truly in a purgatory now.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, it's really closer to six months. A commentor on TSATS suggested that it was to run the show during Emmy-push season. I suggested that Black Jack Randall is in charge of scheduling at Starz. Maybe fans being upset will make for some good press. Who knows? Definitely not me.

    All the extra Frank things in the show just keeps fueling my long-held suspicion that there is a closer Frank/BJR connection than we have been told. ***SPOILER ALERT FOR FUTURE BOOKS*** Remember, BJR is not actually his direct ancestor. Even though Frank's actual direct ancestor also looks like Frank, he is NOTHING like BJR. ***END OF SPOILER***

    I had always wondered if Frank ever came across a report or letter where BJR mentions Claire Beauchamp by name. Now, the TV series has me wondering if he could have found that sketch of her. Could time travel be involved in the BJR/Frank connection? Could a soul locked into a time loop degrade (or blacken) in a way similar to a vinyl record? Maybe there is really nothing there to unravel, maybe a banana is just a banana, but its a fun and intriguing mystery to consider. Oh yeah, and in this episode, Frank uses a "blackjack" to beat up those men!!

    1. Dolittle-

      I've always thought there was more of a connection than explained and when Diana writes Frank's book we will all be flabbergasted.

    2. That is really cool about Frank using a "blackjack" in the fight!
      -Lisa in GA

    3. As I recall, Diana supplied the showrunners with a lot of her personal notes that include in-depth character analysis and backstory that we never read in the books. Makes me wonder what effect the TV show will have on our experience of Book 9.


    4. Wow--had no idea about the whole "blackjack" thing! WAY cool!

  3. This may be y'alls best recap yet. Your "unflagging joy" is infectious.

    I loved this episode. The perfect blend of action, adventure, romance and Oh Shit!

    Some thoughts:

    1. I soooo saw BJR in Frank when he lost it in the alley with "Sally". He even pulled out a blackjack to bring out the whup ass. When he was bashing on the bad guy I could almost hear the whip. He even sniffed earlier in the episode that gave me chills. But he really went there and I think the conversation with the Rev had more weight than you mentioned. I think he told the Rev exactly where he "went to" and how he felt. If he didn't have the Rev to talk to he would have been headed down the same path as BJR. BJR didn't have anyone to talk him down off that edge.

    2. Did Frank meet the Rev because of wee Roger? Spoilerish from A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows. When does Claire meet wee Roger?

    3. Loved the stones and it was heart wrenching. I don't think they really heard each other but thought they did. You can hear birds crying when Frank first thinks he hears her and Frank's first calling out to Claire sound suspiciously like a sheep to me. Even more poignant for me that they didn't really hear each other.

    4. That shawl is still waiting there to be picked up. Nice touch.

    5. Tracey is right-these months will fly by. Almost like waiting for the show to start. New casting news, locations, production shots etc.

    6. Spot on with the new ending of the series theory Tracey

    7. Carol you should totally be listening to The Scot and the Sassenach if you aren't already. Get your writing geek on.

    Thanks again ladies for the good times and belly laughs that scare my cats.

    Kim aka ClowerCottage, or KClarkPhotography

    1. I agree that Frank's conversation with the reverend had weight. Remember, Black Jack claims that it was Scotland that changed him. This episode (also the book, IMO, if you read into it the way I have) REALLY shows how Scotland, to a degree, does the same thing to Frank. The question is: just how closely are we to see that parallel? Interesting.

  4. As for our long wait until April, frankly I could use a break. This has been a load of fun, but ever since the announcement of the TV show (over 18 months ago?), many of us have been living in a high state of excited antici....(wait for it)...pation. We can rest assured that we are in capable hands, the show is beautiful and the writing and actors are a wonder, and most of the changes that have been made have only served the visual medium very well. In fact, if the series lasts as long as we all hope, there are a couple of things in other books (namely Echo in the "Boner") that I would love to see changed (yes, I know Claire cannot help but assist someone in pain, but LJ had two perfectly healthy wrists!!). This break will be a good time for me to go and get a life :)

    1. Oh, god bless ye, Dolittle. Much as the break seems infinite right now, I gotta be honest...having a few extra hours during the week is looking MIGHTY fine right about now. I think EVERYONE will benefit from some time to decompress, listen to/watch all the great stuff that's out there re: season 1a, and, you know, go hang out with the family for a bit. Outlander will be there waiting for us!

    2. Spoiler for those who have not read the book (in case there are any on this site)

      Claire meets Roger when she first meets the Rev in Inverness. Roger was asleep in the chair. That was something that they left out of Ep 1. Not sure why, It would have been easy to include. Lyn

    3. Whoops. replied in the wrong place. My comment above was meant to reply to KClark Photography query about when Claire first saw Roger. Lyn

  5. Frank didn't just have training, but he went

    bezerk on the guy. It was beyond training but natural inclination.

  6. Thanks you guys for the break down. Great job! I look forward to seeing more during our break time. :-)

  7. I work at Nielsens during sweeps I work 5/5 after Outlander has been on for 4 weeks. Try to watch it live so its gets more credit. DVR viewing is great but it doesn't always
    during sweeps.

  8. ....and the Emmy goes to Carol and Tracey....Your recap was better than the show last night. It felt really rushed. Maybe I have to watch it again :-(

    I think I'm looking forward to more videos with Carol and Tracey...

    Carol, can you please do a video on the SQUAWS and maybe all the other questionable topics.

    You guys are great. Now I have to go watch it again because you guys are pointing out things that I didn't catch..


    1. Ok. I watched episode 8 again. It's much better the 2nd time around. It's interesting to see the investment in Frank's story being told. It's going to be interesting to see Frank's story in season 2.

      A small nit. "5 miles" on the sign to the stones???


    2. *blushing* Thanks for the kind words, Elizabeth!! LOL, wonder if we can get them to institute an Emmy for "best sitting around with a cocktail and recording our thoughts on Outlander for the world to see" category??? ;-)

    3. You've got my vote!


  9. Hi Gals!

    I'm watching your terrific re-cap while I've been canning pickled jalapenos, so I'm actually typing with my latex gloves still on. I couldn't wait to finish the job to comment. I have a zillion thoughts banging into one another in my head - I'll just blurt them out, LOL.

    Let me just put this out there...aside from some grooming issues, I've got a wee crush on Rupert. That voice and somewhat respectful yet ribald sense of humor is making me a little twinkly for him. A little. Am I the only one that pictured him as older in the books? Did you catch Dougal looking a little miserable at Jamie and Claire canoodling and having hand sex around the fire. That man is burning something fierce.

    As far as 8 episodes goes, that's all we get in an entire season for Downton Abbey, so I suppose we should be grateful. I'll keep working on my appreciation, but I don't think it's happening any time soon. ;-)

    I loved the fact that the Jamie and Claire portions of the episodes were so true to the book. I also loved the entirely new story line of what Frank was going through. And did you know that the implement that Frank was whacking the robbers with is called a Black Jack? Ooooh...

    Booya to Mrs. Graham! Atta girl! Heartbreaking to see Frank leave Claire's suitcase, but he obviously did just in case she might need it if she returns. Intriguing. I was happy when he turned the car up the road to Craig Na Dhun (sp?) If he didn't, his stock would've gone down a little with me. How great that he did! I thought their "duality" scene was fabulous!

    In the scene when BJR is questioning Claire, the bit about the duchess is new to the story. There wasn't quite so much conversation in the book. It did take place in the daytime. Corporal Hawkins (poor lad, I feel for him) found Claire half drowning in a burn trying to escape and hauled her off to BJR sopping wet. While Claire was waiting for him in his office, she was fiddling with things on his desk, using a wet leaf of a water weed to paint doodles on is papers from his inkpot and sanding much more than her doodles - including his wigs. I'm wondering if the issue of BJR's um... deficiencies... will arise later? (sorry, couldn't help myself.)

    Sigh. So much to think on for the next six months. Might be the longest six months of my television viewing life!

    Donna in SW PA

  10. Thank you ladies for the wonderful recap, you had me laughing out loud several times, and I love to hear your insights and points of view.

    I agree this was another fantastic episode, I just loved it. Jamie and Claire are HOT together and just keep getting hotter. Seeing the pain and anguish that Frank is going through makes him more human and likeable. And I appreciate seeing more of that side of Jamie that can "bring it" to a fight or situation.

    Regarding the scene with the two deserter Redcoats - Carol, I was thinking the same as you, that it went further than in the book. She shuts her eyes like she's disassociating herself, and the way the guy's head was moving just made me think it was actually happening for a few seconds until she stabbed him. Hard to know for sure but that was my take on it.

    Now to get through the LONG wait for the second half of the season!!

    -Lisa in GA

  11. Spoiler!

    Was that Roger and Bree zooming by on the motorcycle?

    1. Not unless they were adults in the 1940's.

    2. Time travel makes just about anything possible and they felt significant to me for some reason.

    3. I've read all the books, and Rodger and Bree never time traveled to the 40's, but who knows.

    4. I was being whimsical, mostly. They've got plenty of time to head back/forward to the 40's. I guess we'll just have to see if it happens. I do tend to look for easter eggs in the books like a kid with a big basket. One day I might find one ; )

  12. Great job on your recaps. Found your video on you tube by accident and now am totally addicted. You guys are a must watch after every episode.. Thanks for bringing so much fun to each and every show.

  13. Have to say up front, I have never been Team Frank. I could not care less about him, and because of it, I thought there was way too much Frank in this episode. I would have much rather see more scenes of Jamie and Claire together, falling in love, and spending time together. My favorite part of the book is those 3 days after their wedding, and them exploring each other, and getting to know each other. Imo, it would have been better if they had cut half of the scene swith Frank out Yes, it was good to see that he was frantically looking for her, but the scene with "Sally in the Alley" was a waste, I think. That could have been replaced with a Jamie and Claire-scene.
    Also the waterweed-scene after the raid...I missed it :(
    Something I keep thinking about, and especially after you guys commented on how cold they were. Doesn't this par tof the book take place in the summer or late summer? I remember them lying around in the heather naked, and her exploring his body..."You have me at a disadvantage, Madam", and the end part of the book at Wentworth (not to get too spoilery), I remember snow in the "rescue"-scene. Am I wrong?
    The deserter-redcoats...I don't think there was penetration, and there definitely wasn't in the book, but I wish Jamie had asked her after when she kept saying she was going into shock, if she was hurt, or ok, or something like that, so non-book readers would know (like I know), that he did not in fact get to the raping-part.

    1. Hi Anon--you're absolutely right about the time of year. Ron Moore has said a number of times that they flopped the time of year--since they were filming in autumn/winter in Scotland, it would be really hard to portray it as spring/summer, so they just chose to change the time period. It does make one wonder if *spoiler!*

      Claire's b-day will be changed for the show!

    2. I actually went back and looked in my book, and when Claire goes through the stones it's Beltane, which is between Spring and Summer. No wonder I remembered them lying around naked in the heather. Sigh...

      And something completely else that I read on Facebook today...The 2nd part of season 2 will have Jamie voiceovers!!! I am SO friggin' excited about that, I cannot even tell you! According to Diana we're gonna hear a lot more from him, and they'll flesh out his character more, which is something they need, imo.

  14. I have to re-watch before comments as I was tweeting so much because you two were so d*** funny! I can answer the Emmy process if needed...
    BUT!!! I was a little surprised that they showed (at least I felt it) that Claire totally believed that Jamie and crew would always protect her, yet she had to kill the soldier herself. Was there a little hesitancy - loss of faith in her shock and urged her to the Stones to get out the century, as Jamie proved, he couldn't really protect her??? Just mulling that one over...don't remember it from the book - read only a couple and a long time ago.

    1. I think Claire was still reeling from the shock of what had happened and trying to deal with just how out of control she felt. She hasn't been with Jamie for very long, and his promise to always protect her probably felt more like a platitude since she has recently experienced first-hand the reality of how hard it can be to keep a promise like that. It would be so very human of her to react to seeing Craigh Na Dun at that point by running to the relative safety and security of her own time. I think it was more instinct than intellect driving her.

  15. Did Claire change her boots? When she ran up to the stones, she was wearing knee high black boots and when bjr pulled up her dress she had cream color ankle boots.

    1. And was it just me, or did Claire's hair seem to be two different lengths during the BJR scene? Just watched it again--there was one part where it seemed REALLY long!

    2. Yes, I noticed that too.

    3. I noticed her hair was longer when she was in BJR office. Guess a few hair extensions were tried out. It did look good.

    4. That final scene with Black Jack and Claire was filmed out of sequence by a different director from the rest of the episode because of the location.


  16. Tracy and Carol, I love watching you. I don't know anyone else who has read the books or is watching the show. I've been wanting someone to talk to about the show and the books. So I'm so glad I found you to listen to.

    I would have rather seen more of Claire and Jamie's honeymoon period on the show. But seeing Frank so sad about Claire's disappearance did make me see that he loved her. It also helped to show why she was so conflicted by her developing relationship with Jamie. She loved Frank, and the series showed at that time he was worthy of her love too. As far as the scene where the British deserters attached her and Jamie, I think it took Claire out of her honeymoon haze so she would have the desire to try to get back to Frank and her own time period. Also when she took the chance to escape, I think she felt if she didn't try to go back now, then she would never leave as she was falling quickly in love with Jamie.

    Thank you for your weekly reviews. I just love them. I started reading Outlander again. I love it just as much the second time around.

  17. Tracey, I LOVE your theory about the final scene in the last episode of the season. That would be so mind-blowing and epic. I can totally see how Ron Moore and the writers would like to mess with us and leave everyone dangling until the 1st episode of Season 2!

    1. I hope they don't follow the 2nd book timeline for season 2. I think it would be better to keep going chronologically where they left off the first book in France, Bony Prince Charlie, the rising battles in Scotland again until she goes back to the stones just before Colloden. Then jump ahead 20 years and do flashbacks as necessary. Even though it worked in the book, I think starting 20 years in the future and then flashing back for 2 years of adventure before she goes back to the 20th Century would be too confusing for a TV show. Thoughts?

  18. Tracy and Carol - thanks so much for your break down episode videos. I thoroughly enjoy them and they are now a part of my Outlander viewing! Your delight in the show and the books is contagious!

    Just want to say that I love the production and the actors are nothing less than fabulous. I've generally enjoyed the changes made in the tv adaptation. However, that being said I was a wee bit disappointed in the Both Sides Now episode, in part because for me there was just a little too much Frank story and not quite enough relationship-building between Jamie and Claire. I certainly felt for Frank and what he is going through but I missed seeing Jamie and Claire growing closer together. I can only hope that some of these missing pieces will be brought to the forefront early in the second part of the season. Thanks again for all your great posts!

    1. Hi Cheryl!

      I really think they don't want us to forget Frank! Like seriously. They don't want us to forget. LOL

    2. I'm starting to feel a bit impatient with the slooooow character arc for Jamie. They've been sacrificing time for all of the scenes/lines that show WHO JAMIE IS for all of this time they are spending on Frank - who is really a non-entity at this point. At this point, Jamie is being depicted as a young, naïve virgin beefsteak - when he is SO much more! I feel like they are hitting me over the head with Frank repeatedly and I'm starting to get a headache from it.


    3. I agree about series not taking time to build up the character of Jamie. Jamie has really had limited time on screen. Claire is of course in every scene since it's her point of view. CB has certainly earned whatever they are paying her. Sam Heughan is sometimes hardly in the show. I don't think we needed that much of a Frank story on the final episode. I would have rather have seen the relationship between Claire and Jamie deepen.

    4. ValGal, I totally agree with you!! I hope they show more of Jamie's many great qualities in future episodes (and less of Frank).

      -Lisa in GA

  19. Great job, peeps! This was THE BEST epsidode to date. I know I said the same about Garrison but this one was insanely great.

    Oh and yes, Jamie and Claire would get it in every chance they got in the book. It was so that there wouldn't be any doubt that they were truly married.

    Anyway, I loved the transitions and how they weaved back and forth between present and past. We do know that Frank looked for Claire for a while, however, in the books he wasn't as obsessed with "the Highlander" nor did he get a great look at him. LOL but it was cool all the same.

    They really did great on this episode. Absolutely everything was on point. Le sigh...

    ON ANOTHER NOTE: I ran into this post on and thought I would share on here. I think this has to be the best response I've seen from Diana Gabaldon to any of her readers. Again, it's the best one I'VE ran into. Any way she's replying to a new male reader of Outlander. He asked why put Jamie through the whole Wentworth saga. The last one. You know... the brutal, shaking in my pants, rip my heart out saga.


  20. Another great episode, especially the first half. When Claire and Frank a l m o s t reunited at the stones, however, I had a horrible revelation. In the series it makes perfect sense for Claire to want to go back to Frank! He is handsome, sexy, good in bed, madly in love with his wife, as much of a modern day warrior as Jamie is, etc etc... At this point he seems somehow more vital to the show than Jamie! Why should Claire want to stay with him in this world, where she was nearly raped (f o u r times!), held prisoner, assaulted physically, forced to marry someone she was not in love with? I have read quite a few comments to this effect, that people actually wanted Claire to go back to Frank...

    I want to s e e that they are soulmates and in the series they are given so little screen time together:(

    1. Oh, come on. You really can't blame
      Jamie for all the attempted rapes.

    2. I don't blame him for any of the rapes, they are just part and parcel of living in Jamie's time. And I am team Jamie all the way. I am just saying between Frank and BJR Jamie's character is getting too little screen time. Maybe this will change in the second half of the season and we will see more of the red-hair warrior (to quote Anonymous September 29, 2014 at 4:35 PM, this is such a lovely phrase!). I will surely watch because I am seriously hooked.

  21. (*Obviously, I mean Claire and Jamie. I want to see that they are soulmates)

  22. Tracy and Carol: Yes PLEASE give us some interim recaps to tide us over until April (groan!) In the meantime, I'm going back to Diana's post about how to write sex(y) scenes.

  23. Great job gals. Carol, want to see a panoramic picture of your kitchen. Looks great.!

  24. Was able to sneak in another watch. I think what moved me the most, what was not in the book. The Stones scenes where Claire and Frank were calling to each other and their voices were passing each other, but could not be heard. I definitely felt such sadness for both of them. And I'm not that much of a Frank/BJR fan. I think he acts really well, he just does not resonate with me at all - but he did in this scene.
    I hope he left the suitcase behind in case she comes back....
    I also felt that Jamie was the warrior, but he showed his humanness that he believed what he had - clan, family, himself to protect her, yet they met a situation where he couldn't.
    I agree over the series - has made Jamie seen as the nephew who is unimportant that they can foist any duty on him and he takes it. There has been so much footage of flashbacks and Frank that he has not been able to establish his character as the red headed warrior as he is positioned in the book. Hopefully season 1B will allow him to flourish as a character. But, I have read enough that Frank will still be in the picture, along with, as we know, a fair amount of BJR.
    I know the content portion of the woman luring Frank for the reward was to show the BJR dark side and anger, but I just felt it was too, too obvious. They might have selected another portion of the script to show that side.
    It was a well done episode, but I strangely still like "Gathering" the best. I thought the character definition was strong for everyone (except Frank) and the scenes with Geordie, and Dougal thanking Claire were particularly well done.
    I have to say though, with this episode, the scoring was outstanding. Bear did a wonderful job.
    Just as an aside since I read only a few of the books a long, long time ago, is it a spoiler to tell how Jamie's mother died?

  25. Don't miss the way hilarious blog by atomicflea:

    tons of eye candy pics to tide you over until April. Freakin' genius!!

  26. The Frank point of view was interesting. But how will non-readers come to the conclusion that Jamie is the King of Men? So far his most gallant act is to marry Claire. And the J+C relationship has been flirtation. I don't know that non-readers are going to get the magnitude of events in the second part of season 1 if they don't get that Jamie is the better man for Claire - and his adversarial relationship with Black Jack I don't think either of these topics have been developed to the level needed to make the same point as was done in the book. This feels like a very different story - especially episode 108.

  27. First time commenting here although I've been enjoying your video recaps for each of the first 8 episodes, ladies! By way of introduction, let me say I am a book reader (have read all 8 and am now working my way back through all of them), but I am not one of those book readers who refuse to accept any deviation from the storyline Diana wrote. Moving outside the box can be good at times and lords knows the Starz series is brilliantly capable of pushing the boundaries without losing the essence of the book. However, I hated the mid season finale...absolutely hated it! Spending so much time on what poor Frank was going through back in 1945 eroded yet again the time they need to spend (and haven't done adequately yet) on showing the audience the strength and depth of Jamie and Claire's connection - even now in the early days of it. I resent that, much as I find myself resenting the amount of screen time they are allotting to Frank and BJR. Did Tobias Menzies have a clause in his contract that called for x amount of screen time??? Almost feels that way to me. Yes, he is an amazing actor, but the way the showrunners have chosen to focus so much time on his two characters while giving Sam short shrift in showing us who Jamie Fraser is as a man undermines the absolute bedrock foundation of the Outlander story. Claire and Frank were never some epic love story - seriously, after so many years of separation during the War they go on a "second honeymoon" which consists of sex and Frank spending countless hours with Rev. Wakefield discussing genealogy??? I'm digressing here I fear and not making my point well enough...without showing the audience more of who Jamie and Claire are together I feel they are changing the soul, as it were, of the story. True, we get brief (very brief) glimpses of it here and there, but not in the way they need to establish that connection to make it believable. Instead, we get yet another Emmy reel for Tobias and this idiotic deviation that somehow Claire and Frank Randall were a love story for the ages. No...just no. Guess while I'm on a tear here I'll also admit that while artfully shot and visually stunning, the running to the stones and calling out for each other was in my opinion hokey melodrama. There are important scenes between Jamie and Claire that are being ignored and I'm not saying this a "pouty" book's the truth! If they continue to deviate and push the storyline further and further out, perhaps they should also change the opening credits from "based on the books by Diana Gabaldon" to "VERY loosely based on a concept by Diana Gabaldon". Sorry my first post here makes me sound like such a grumpus, but when they start messing with the story to this degree (and god knows how much further out they intend to push it), it upsets me. On a brighter note, I LOVED seeing our first glimpse of wee Roger - what a cutie!


    1. Gail - I am SO with you! (though I suppose we should wait for the full series until we go all "poutlander" ) Can't hurt to express our opinions.

      Also, we should all put the Starz series on our Amazon/Netflix wish lists in hopes of getting them to PLEASE get cracking on series 3 to infinity and CD's etc for purchase: makes a great Samhain gift!!


  28. Did anyone else notice the hand-written notes on the "wanted" flyer of ghost Jamie? I paused it and it said, Jacobite Brooch, Possibly Eighteenth Century with a pretty accurate drawing of the brooch that Jamie hands to Murtagh in Ep. 7 Geez Frank, I know you worked intelligence in the war, but DAMN...didn't think you got that good of a look! The poster also lists very specific details about the highlander, like his height, eye color, and that he was unshaven! Remind me never to show up to the morning school drop-off car line at the same time as Frank, even ten cars away...."yes, I believe she was wearing yoga pants with a small hole in the left a@# cheek, flip flops, and possibly, no bra..." Yikes!!

  29. Have not commented before but after reading what Gail wrote I had to! Read the first book the year it came out and have been in love with the series ever since! I love the video recaps and am so excited to be watching these books I have loved for so long .. But Gail I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said!


  30. And btw Carol I'm over by Valley Forge!


  31. Starz "dinna need to be skairt..." that, during the looong wait for April, we fans will forget our Jamie and Claire (and the lads. OK, Dougal too - how about bringing in Sean Connery as his current time double, maybe to give Frank a talking to!) . We'll just be knitting about a dozen 'Claire Cowl' scarfs and other knit-bits in the meantime. We all want you to keep using the love and care in bringing our dream world to life, and that takes time, ye ken.


  32. Okay I just want to comment on the "Sally" scene...I felt that Frank's DNA was totally channeling his ancestor BJR and that he was able to rise above BJ's sinister character hence the conversation later with the Pastor...listen to that one again!

  33. OMG!! I thought I was the only one who heard Marty McFly in that scene! SCARY! Tracy I have liked both of your possible cliff hanger endings for season 1. I was wondering if they would skip the whole opening of book 2 and just go straight into Paris, but in terms of a show, a cliff hanger of some sort seems a better option.

    I love the show, and am so torn by all the Fank vs Jamie discussion! I think a lot us feel the "underdevelopment" of Jamie, but in other aspects they have been so true to the books that I have to keep faith that missing conversations and such will still be forthcoming, just not where we expected them. As we've heard Jamie will get voice overs in the second half of the season, I think there is going to be a shift from Frank to Jamie in focus of the show (kind of like Claire's emotions). I think Frank will no longer be seen in his own time, but rather in flashbacks in Claire's memory, and our beloved JAMMF will be taking center stage all around.

  34. After watching this again, I want to agree with Carol concerning the final scene. I too thought it occurred during the day. Jamie had to sneak around and then they cut the flag and went over the stockade. Being an American, I think of stockades as tall plank fences all around log buildings. Its always a surprise to see these huge stone buildings and fortifications.

  35. Hi guys.
    Just getting around to watching the wrap ups. As always - you guys have so much fun - we have it with you.
    I have to say that, the first time I watched this, I was disgusted with Frank. It felt like all he cared about was that Claire wasn't with another man. Even the scene at the stones didn't move me. I thank that's partly because I just finished reading Dragonfly. Maybe.
    But then I watched it again. And I was transformed! He is in such anguish. And when he's weeping at the stones, my heart broke for him.
    I too will welcome kick-ass Jamie and I think this is the natural turning point for that.
    I haven't really cried in the series but I remember crying so hard in the book that I couldn't see the pages. It was when Claire was walking back and forth on Craig na Dun - that's all I'll say - you know what I'm talking about. WOW.
    Ok, gotta run, do some writing of my own. Back to 1775 for me. Y'all rock and I look forward to watching more.

  36. Ok, dunno if anyone has mentioned this yet, but the shawl came back! It was still there at the stones! All dirty and wet and wrapped around the center stone. I have a feeling that it may come back again sometime . . .
