
Monday, October 13, 2014

MOBY: Find Your Way Back

SPOILER ALERT:  I am *almost* finished Written in My Own Heart's Blood (and am verra sad about that fact.  The shakes are already starting to set in.  I went as slowly as I could...but it's been really hard to delay gratification over the last quarter or so of this book.)

Why am I so behind on blogging about MOBY?  Well, this little thing called STARZ got in the way , and although I've been reading, I haven't been keeping up with my commentary.  My spare time has gone to making videos and updating MOP Facebook and blogging about all things Outlander Book 1.  (Oh yeah, and raising two kids...but I digress.)

I just wanted to let you all know I will be catching up now that the show is on hiatus until 2019 (kidding...April 4, 2015 can't come fast enough!)  I am going to have to backtrack like a mofo (thank GOD for Kindle's highlight feature) and do some spot-rereading to remind myself of all the things I've been wanting to wax on about for months regarding this book.  (Freehold, much?  Old Tennent Church?  Claire getting SHOT?!?  Um, yeah.  Those things.  Along with "what the devil" Percy is up to...and multiple weddings...and Rollo and Henry Christian.  Lordddddddd the tears.  I can't even GO there right now.)

So...I ask that you please forgive me...and know that in the upcoming weeks I will try to give you some food for thought while you wait for Outlander to be back in the spring.  Maybe it's better that I did it this way!  (The only person who will disagree with that logic is MOP bud, Christie.  Come to MOP Chat on Mondays and watch her abuse me for taking my time about it, aye?)

And now...I leave you with this:

Could I be ANY FREAKIN' HAPPIER that Jamie and Claire are back on the Ridge?  No, no I could not.  As much as I enjoyed them traipsing around my back yard in Monmouth County...I feel like I can breathe - just like Claire - now that they're home.

Oh and Post Scriptum?

That willna stop me from posting things like this. :)


  1. OMG, I can't even IMAGINE how FREAKIN' HAPPY-ERRRR you're gonna be when you get to the END!!!!

  2. I cried like a baby of Rollo and Henri Christian..

  3. Tears, tears, tears, throughout the book. Sad, happy, heartbroken, thrilled. You are so going to love the end!!!

  4. Carol, in appreciation for all the work you do to keep me entertained--- I made something for you and Tracey. Do you have an email address, its a screenshot art :)


    1. Awww Elizabeth - that's awesome! Thanks! :) Here are our email addresses:

  5. love your writing/voice so much! i am looking forward to what you have to say about the i the ONLY person who was angry?!?!

    1. Oooh, now that is an interesting comment Kathy! Now I can't wait to hear your take on the ending:)

    2. I was angry because it was the end.

    3. No, you're not the only one who was really ticked at the ending of this novel. In fact, I was livid and had myself a good little rant over it. Not my favorite book in this series by a long, long way.

  6. Thank you.... MIssed your great comments:-) Enjoy finishing the book (and feel sad "now the end is near" (hear frank sinatra...)

  7. Christie (aka MOP chat bud...)October 20, 2014 at 8:10 PM

    This is what I have to say about how long it has taken you to finish this...

    (Remember Snow White, the Disney version? OK, now, have her in your head when you read this joke...)

    What does the tired Princess say?

    (hehehehehe... spoiler space.....)

    "Someday my Prince will come....!"

  8. LOVE your blog!! I don't blame you for wanting to take your time with MOBY...I'm new to Outlander care of STARZ, and I've pretty much inhaled the books (all 8 in 7 weeks). I've loved your read-through posts and I'm going back to read sections I enjoyed.

    Haven't watched your videos yet, but I'm looking forward to it! Not sure if you've seen this video - my husband showed it to me (he's now a big fan too). It's Sam teaching you how to say mo nighean donn properly and I melt every.damn.time. Enjoy!!

  9. I'm reading MOBY right now and I am wondering, are there a lot of Ian and Rachel scenes? I felt as though their getting together was rushed...I felt like he asked her to look after William and then he would mention in a sentence from time to time that he would like to see her. Then he kisses her and tells her he loves her...I feel like there were a lot of build up scenes that didn't make the cut. So that being said, do we get to see more of their interactions in MOBY?
