
Friday, January 30, 2015

Claire Has Her Own Stylist; Why Shouldn't You?

Have you ever noticed that Claire never seems to have to worry about clothes?  She stepped into the18th century and...people just...dressed her!  Mrs. Fitz was like her very own personal stylist in Outlander.  And don't get me started on how well she was dressed in Dragonfly in Amber...or even as far ahead in the series as MOBY (no spoilers shall I give!)

Ever wanted to be dressed by someone else...just like Claire...but you figure it's too expensive to have your own stylist?  Well kiss THAT thought goodBYE!  Lassies, I have discovered something new*...
Yes, I am obsessed.  This is the most exciting concept in clothing to come down the pike since Spanx.  All you do is fill out a style profile on the Stitch Fix website...and VOILA!  Your own personal stylist sends you five articles of clothing and/or accessories.
The shipping is FREE.  The returns are FREE. (And to a USPS box, no less.  SO easy.)  All they charge you is $20 for the monthly service of styling you (or only quarterly if you prefer)...and if you keep even just one article of clothing, the $20 goes toward the price!  How can you go wrong??  It's like Rachel Zoe - or Mrs. Fitz - showing up in your closet! 

I received my first shipment in January and have another scheduled for February.  Who doesn't want their own personal stylist???  Especially when it's FREE if you order one piece!  And another perk? They will credit you for referrals.  I'm telling you, sassenachs...this service is worth checking out.

Why should Claire have all the fun?!  :)

*From what I can tell, they only ship to the US...but keep checking their site.  Who knows what will happen in the future!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Night MOP Outlander Chat!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight - MONDAY NIGHT - at 9PM Eastern!  

Tonight - along with general Outlander discussion - we will definitely be covering the following: 

1 - Do fandoms go too far? 
2 - What did you think of the first scene preview of episode 9 on Starz?! 

Hope to see you there!! 

Happy Robert Burns Day!

I also have to throw a shout out to one of my favorite people who pays tribute to Robert Burns every year...the awesome Toddish McWong of the famous Gung Haggis Fat Choy event in Vancouver!  Check it out!

Monday, January 19, 2015

MOP Chat Cancelled

MOP Chat will be cancelled tonight in honor of the great Martin Luther King Jr., whose national holiday is being celebrated today in the US.  Have a great night and we'll see you next week.

"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes
to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."
~Martin Luther King Jr. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Check out this oldie but goodie I've posted before...but it's worth another look.  Why?  Because my friend, Hugh from Scotland is visiting Philadelphia this week...and guess what his room number is?


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy Birthday DIANA GABALDON!

This was made by my daughter, Keelin.
She is too young to read Outlander, but is
a voracious reader and just...understands.

It's always a tremendous day every year.  Remember sassenachs, Diana Gabaldon IS Jamie and Claire.  Without her, none of us would be having so much fun on Mr. Fraser's Wild Ride.

ALSO - got the following DG BIRTHDAY TWITTER info from the Outlandish Observations site.  (Thanks Karen!)
To celebrate Diana's birthday, we're going to try to send the hashtag#HappyBdayDG around the world on Twitter.  Please tag your tweets with #HappyBdayDG TODAY, January 11, from 7pm - 9pm in your local time zone. Let's see if we can get it trending!  (And feel free to use the hashtag for ALL your tweets today, if you want to.  This is just for fun, after all.)


Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Night Outlander Chat

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight - MONDAY NIGHT - at 9PM Eastern!  

9:00 - 9:30:  Spoiler-free Outlander chat!
9:30 - 10:00: The entire Outlander series will be discussed!