
Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Night MOP CHAT!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight - MONDAY NIGHT - at 9PM Eastern!  

We'll be discussing what we should ask the Outlander cast members on the red carpet on Wednesday night!  So COME PREPARED!  :)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Outlander on Etsy: Gift Box Sale

Make sure you check out the awesome Outlander Gift Box Sale on Etsy over at SincerelylEunice!

They are selling a fantastic assortment of Outlander-related goodies for only $55 for the whole box!!

What a deal! :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Droughtlander Reads?

THANKFULLY, Droughtlander comes to a close next Saturday, April 4th...but in the meantime, I've been looking for a book to read in its absence.

I am currently reading The Secret (Highlands' Lairds Book 1)  from Julie Garwood, on advisement from those awesome Book Bosses, Hildy and JJ.  I just started...but I have high hopes since The Book Bosses always hit the mark.

So what about you?  What has been keeping you busy until Jamie and Claire grace our presence with THEIR presence on Starz next week???  

NO MOP Outlander Chat Tonight

We're taking the night off from MOP CHAT tonight y'all...but we'll be back next week to discuss YOUR predictions about the upcoming 9TH EPISODE of Outlander on Starz!!  Have a great week!

Today on HYPABLE: 'Outlander' Superfans Sound Off

Loved this article, 'Outlander' superfans sound off from Laura Byrne-Cristiano over at!

Laura interviewed Outlander fan site owners - including Tracey and myself - about our feelings on the Outlander series on Starz...and whether it's measuring up to the books.

Want to know what we thought?  Go check out the article!  I'll wait!  :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Sad Day in MOPville: New Jersey's Sergeantsville Inn, Host to President George Washington, Destroyed in Fire

I canna TELL you how sad I am to hear this.

Tracey and I went to the Sergeantsville Inn last year and had the greatest experience with our family.

The bar was SO aged (and awesome) and the doorways were all so low from back in the 18th century when George Washington's height was certainly not the norm.  You could feel the presence from centuries ago.

It was the quintessential Revolutionary wartime tavern.  I hope they are able to rebuild.  :(

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Droughtlander Methadone

"I've read Outlander...NOW WHAT am I going to read?!?"

I'll tell you what... THE BRONZE HORSEMAN by Paullina Simons.  THAT'S what.  Trust me.  Have I ever steered you wrong???

AND - not only is it a PHENOMINAL series, but the Kindle version is only $3.00 right now on Amazon!

Shura is waiting...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"Towering in Gallant Fame, Scotland my Mountain Hame..."

My friend Hugh's view this AM from his house in Scotland.  Stunning!!

New Season 1/Part 2 OUTLANDER STARZ Art!

LORDDDDDDDD the awesome artwork.  What a FANTASTIC concept.  Whoever thought of changing the poster (and adding Black Jack!) to reveal the evolving storyline is genius.  Gene-YUS. Seriously.  Couldn't have asked for a better or more creative surprise before part deux.  Kudos.