
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Season 1/Part 2 OUTLANDER STARZ Art!

LORDDDDDDDD the awesome artwork.  What a FANTASTIC concept.  Whoever thought of changing the poster (and adding Black Jack!) to reveal the evolving storyline is genius.  Gene-YUS. Seriously.  Couldn't have asked for a better or more creative surprise before part deux.  Kudos. 


  1. Replies
    1. I know, right?? I'm like, "Ewwwww" and "Yesss!" all at the same time!!

    2. I'm diein over here. I swear this is just the push I need to start reading the whole series of 8 books all over again. Ms. Gabaldon was a genius when she declined to accept anything but a consultant fee for the series. I bet she's sold a mountain of books. I started the day after the end of the 1/2 season and finished way before. Amazing author. So yes, I'm like Ewwwww and Noooooo and Yessssss!! All at the same time.....

  2. Adoro la novela épica! adoro tus historias D! Esta novela me tiene atrapada.
    Felicitaciones a todos los actores; Cait, Sam y Tobias, excelente!
