
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Outlander Episode 10: "By the Pricking of My Thumbs" - My Outlander Purgatory Breaks It Down!


  1. Replies
    1. LOLOL RWS!! I definitely don't get enough sleep and I'm sure Tracey will say the same. :)

  2. Thank you for another great recap. I don't agree with you on the opening scene. There needs to be foreplay before going downtown for a english muffin. The Jamie talking to Murtagh so close was distracting. All I could think of was "give that boy a mint".

    I agree that the bitch slap with Laoghaire was below Claire.

    I think they had to show Gilli neked to show she was pregnant and then cutting out the scene of how Arthur Duncan walks in on Gellis dressing and discovers she is pregnant....then Arthur dies. Also we don't find out it is Dougals until the with trial. Just thrown together for time. Lotte was so good in this episode. The book didn't come across that Dougal cared let alone loved Gellis.
    Duel was dumb but I loved the line "Merely a scratch"

    I thought E109 was much better than E110. E 110 seemed like a throw together to set up for the rest of the season. I think they were all smoking those mushrooms. Didn't like it at all.

    1. Running With Scissors, I was glad to hear someone else likes E109 - that has actually become my new favorite episode (prior to this The Way Out had been my favorite) I did like E110, though.

    2. I must be the only person on earth that disagrees with the notion that Claire's bitch slap was out of character. As I book reader: Claire is a slapper. She is a knee-jerk slapper. She slaps out of anger. She slaps frequently. She also scratches, bites and kicks men in the cajones. That scene was TOTALLY in character to me!


    3. OMG RWS - I just laughed RIGHT OUT LOUD at the mint comment. And I think you've made me realize why I liked the episode, even though it was so disjointed. I think I was able to compartmentalize the various situations a bit easier. Does that make sense? Just the way my brain works. You can see it in our videos when we're talking about Claire doing this or that...and I all the sudden mention my 4th grade birthday party. LOL. SQUIRREL!!!! :)

    4. Anon - good point. I don't think it's so much the slap that I didn't agree much as the fact that she Claire was so upset when she spoke with Laoghaire. I think I'd expect her to be more matter of fact and nonplussed about the situation - if she'd even speak to her about it at all.

    5. Argh! I have been wracking my brain to remember the exact word and finally saw it in a recap! Geillis was neddit in the forest because she was SKYCLAD for the Wiccan ritual. I was surprised to see so many people upset over the exposure in that scene.


  3. Hey gals, 1st love the vid. 2nd...May never recover from the first five EVAHH

    Re Laoghaire, remember in the books that Claire was really jealous of L? When they first got back to Leoch, there's the mention of JF's share of the rents now that he's married & then he says "oh I have some stuff to do" and automatically Claire thinks Jamie's off getting sumpin sumpin from L and oh he only married me to get that money (when really he wanted it the $ to buys Claire a wedding ring). So, I can totes see her reaction in the kitchen.

    Re Sandy.,,we never know why he's a Jacobite (in book or show). Just accept it. lol

    I didn't like the Dougal tantrum either..just weird. Clearly, he didn;t care that much about Maura, since HE WAS ALMOST NEVER WITH HER?, so why was he so upset? weird. And then he's giving Geillis the big eye at the banquet. WTF I don't get it.

    1. Hey Janis! OK so I'm with you on the Laoghaire scene. I actually LOVED LOVED LOVED that scene in the novel (I don't know why, but I love jealousy in books) and was sad they cut it out in the show. And you make a great point. But hmmm...let's look at this. (Carol's thinking cap is now on. LOL) Those are two different feelings; jealousy vs anger. She was acting all bitchy when she was jealous of the though that Jamie was with Laoghaire in the book...but she was angry when she saw the ill wish in the show. So I guess I figure she went to talk to Laoghaire because she was angry and saw the blair witch doll as a threat. YEAH. I'm going with that. Claire doesna do threats. Ahhh. I feel better! So thanks! :)

  4. Love your recaps. I thought episode 10 was brilliant. It told the story in a different way, but somehow still the same.

    1. THANKS Anon! And totally, 100% agreed. My favorite ep so far. Just absolutely loved all the twists and turns. :)

  5. I think Dougal and Gellis murdered their spouses and had to put on a show of grief. Didn't fool anyone that knew them. BTW I think each episode is brilliantly written and acted. I am more impressed with Cat and Sam with each episode

    1. Valerie, that is what I was wondering about Geillis, too! I thought, "Hmmm...are they inferring on the show that she killed Dougal's wife?? I even said that in the video. Tracey didna agree. And I have to say, I LOVE that some of these things are open-ended. Maybe Ron et al LIKE that we don't know and will ponder it. And PS - you are right; I am SO IMPRESSED with Sat, Cait, Tobias, etc etc. It's just a fabulous hour every week. :)

  6. They should just change the title to of the series to "Clair's Tits" and be done with it. I love the books and adore the series, but for heavens sake, dress poor Clair and get on with the plot. Yes, I know the love between Clair and Jamie is the basis of the story, but come on. Thus far at least 1/3 of both episodes were soft core porn and gratuitous sex. If they must do a little porn at least let us see Jamie's tushy. That man has a very fine ass! I'd take his bum over her breasts any day. Seriously, the exposure of Clair has gotten to be a bit much. Last night I was waiting for Clair's tits to make an appearance on Game of Thrones.

    1. I like it when they're BOTH naked because it means they're getting busy!

    2. ROFLMAO Anon - I had to read this to my husband! The Game of Thrones comment was hiLARious!!!!! :)

  7. Downtowwwn! Thank you for another great recap!!! Any chance of posting your mom's chocolate frosting recipe? If you were thinking about it during that opening scene then loorrrrd it must be good ;-)

    1. I would so love the chocolate frosting recipe!

    2. YOU GOT IT!! I am going to post it on a separate post in a few minutes. Wait until you see how simple it is. When I was pregnant, I actually made it a few times and ate it like fudge. LOL!

  8. I've only watched half of your awesome recap so far but thought I'd put down some thoughts before they get too long.... First of all, I may complain about the changes to the story and have wtf moments, but all the changes keep everything so fresh and exciting for book readers. We THINK we know where things are generally headed but we still have no idea what's coming in the next fun is that?! It's like Outlander in a parallel universe where things are the same, yet different in interesting that!
    I liked Geillis' dance of the wood fairy slut, even if it was a little reminiscent of that old Whitesnake video with the girl flinging herself around the hood of that muscle car. Seriously, someone should put THAT music in the background of that scene, lol! I think it worked for me mainly because it linked back to the Druid dancers in episode one and I just loved that part! It did get a little too weird when it turned into the topless tumble...
    I didn't really understand the duel what did the duke really need Jamie for? Just to march out the steps? I didn't get it so I had to do a little research. Apparently "seconds" were chosen to keep the event honorable and even possibly make peace between both parties so the duel would be unnecessary. Boy, Jamie's 'yo momma' joke fell a little short of the mark there! And were they supposed to be seriously shooting AT each other? Didn't seem like it...
    When you were pondering whether Jamie told Claire about Leoghaire by the river (and she is MY Newman, btw) it made me think of how Jamie DIDNT tell Claire about Leoghaire in I was ready to throw the book at his head then....not exactly a "King of Men" move there, JAMMF!
    Sometimes (and I thought this in the books too) Claire seems to be channeling Lucy Ricardo...she sure makes some bonehead moves and then definitely has "some 'splainin' to do!" Basically, Jamie's last words were to stay away from Geillis. Hello? Does she ever start listening? SPOILER, not really ;) But then where would we be...watching I Love Lucy reruns? :)

  9. I have had the same wonderings (not a real word, I know) about Murtagh through the whole show. I know they are different mediums, but I also know the writers, actors, etc rely on the printed works and advice from Diana for some character motivation. So, if that is the case, what the heck has Murtagh been thinking the whole time seeing Jamie falling in love and marrying what he could vary well consider a faerie?

    1. Yes! It blew my mind in The Exile when Murtagh came so close to actually killing Claire to prevent the wedding! I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that, along with the Geillis/Kenneth stuff which would have been happening all during this time also.

  10. Hi Carol! As to your point about slapping L being beneath Claire - just saw an interview with Cait where she said she fought the writers on that a bit because she thought fighting another woman over a man is something Claire would never do. Second point - Sam has said The Exile has informed his performance of Jamie a bit. I often wondered if Duncan Lacroix has read it for his performance, as well.

  11. Carol and Tracey, I like this episode, though probably not quite as much as I liked E109. You know, I'm starting to realize something about myself and Outlander. I began the series first - and almost didn't stick with it, until Jamie and Claire (and Sam and Cait's portrayal of them) came on the screen. I remember thinking I didn't care how the story went, I just liked watching the two of them. Then after the horror and joy (promise of a wedding!) of The Garrison Commander I decided I had to know what happened and overdosed myself on the first book ;) Then I read all of the books, happily skimming through most of the parts that didn't contain J & C. Then I went back and read the books again, paying attention to ALL of the parts, not just J & C ;)

    Well, it occurred to me this weekend that the series is the pretty much the same - just in reverse order. I watch the episodes and love it all, even the additions, expansions, changes in things besides J & C (okay, I'm bothered by some of it). Until I watch a second time and realize I'm okay as long as I keep seeing Jamie & Claire/Sam & Caitriona portarying how their story builds and grows! The joy for me are the small bits that keep showing up - him kissing her hand during the opening scenes of this episode, their saturated smiles when they come late to the meal for the Duke, his putting a protective arm around her after Arthur dies, them sitting together at the table reading the letter, her name beneath his, his cajoling of her while she's stitching up his side and then that kiss on the forehead when he's leaving! And don't even get me started about when Jamie takes the baby so gently from Claire, seeing that moment on screen I thought of all that would be lost to him in years to come...

    One of the funniest parts I thought, was when Dougal was raging about the hall - did you catch the part when he said about Maura "Even a blind man would think she was bonny" (after Geillis had spoken of how homely his wife was) - and then the look on Angus' face, LOL!

  12. I think the reason for the Dougal drunken scene was to put on a show so folks didn't realize he was involved in the death of his wife. But that scene seemed a bit much to me -- interesting what they choose to spend their precious minutes on. I'd like to hear from someone who hasn't read all the books to know whether they are liking the show at this point. I'm just not sure I'd be watching if I wasn't so invested in Jamie and Claire from the books. I think we need a bit more Jamie and Claire bonding in the show that goes beyond sex (not that I mind the sex).

  13. This episode felt like a filler episode although I did enjoy the Simon Callow as the duke....fantastic casting once again! But the story lines were not believable (to me). Dougal ranting on and on about a wife we have never seen; the duke attending a duel (instead of sending someone), Claire magically getting an audience with the duke, etc...and on and on. And the worst one of all...if you knock on a door and there is no answer for a long time and you think that the people on the other side of the door may be busy, do you still keep knocking? And when the door is open and it is confirm, wouldn't you give them a minute? Geez, Claire was in naked and Jaime still had to be reeking with the "essence" of Claire. And there wasn't much room between Murtagh and Jaime's faces. Yikes!

    Although I'm a book reader, it's been fun having a book version and a TV version. And for the most part, I have been enjoying the extra bits they've been including. But not the ones in this episode. :(

  14. I thought that Dougal was putting on an act to try to convince Colum and the rest of the castle/clan that he was grief stricken over his wife's death. It was meant to throw off any suspicion that he (through witchcraft or poison given to him by Geillis) might be complicit in her death. He probably felt some guilt also which helped fuel his act.

    Later when Colum saw the looks exchanged by Dougal and Geillis after Arthur drops dead, the jig was up. Then Dougal tries to play on Colum's sympathy with the "I love her" and "She is carrying my child". Colum was so irate with Dougal for trying to fool him as much as he was angry at Dougal's stupidity in taking up with Geillis.

    That is my take on the scene. Not out of character for Dougal who thinks he is much smarter than he is. He uses histrionics and acting when it suits him. Remember his act with the rent collecting trip to raise money for the cause.

  15. I have a theory regarding Dougal's meltdown, but it contains SPOILER info so if you haven't read the books do not read below the spoiler warning! Dougal's marriage was typical for titled families of the times. You didn't marry for love, you married to solidify clan alliances and to continue the bloodline. Period. The rare exceptions were usually scandalous (ie Jamie's parents). If lucky, the marriages were cordial, kind of like a business partnership. The wife managed the household and raised the children and the husband managed the estate and clan business. Dougal's marriage was not a love match, but Jamie described it as being a reasonably happy one.

    ******** SPOILERS ************

    By the end of Book 2 we learn about the toxic nature of Dougal's relationship with Geillis. We learn over time about Geillis's rabid devotion to the Jacobite cause and her attitude toward men, children and the true purpose of the All Powerful Uterus. We also learn that Dougal wanted a LEGITIMATE son (He had only daughters with Maura). Dougal's last speech ((go back and read it - it's a doozy!) included a rather wild tirade about how women bewitch men, taking their souls and eating their manhood, leading them to their doom, yadda, yadda, yadda. I think Geillis used her body and her wiles to manipulate Dougal's frustrated aspirations and weaknesses and pretty much drove him insane in order to gain support for the Jacobite King.

    *** END SPOILAGE ***

    I think Dougal was very fond of Maura, even though he wasn't "in love" with her, and was sincerely distraught over her death and blamed himself because he thought Geillis orchestrated it. Like he said, she was homely, but she deserved better. The booze loosened him up to admit the truth. Geillis probably got her claws back into him when he sobered up and in the argument with Colum he demonstrated his obsession with her and their child. He's firmly on the path to madness in this episode. If you look back, there are signs of his gradual descent in previous episodes.


  16. I want to give thumbs up to Colum. Cripple or no, he is definitely the MacKenzie laird! I just wished they could have worked in the line, "If the brothers MacKenzie have but one cock and one brain between the two of them, then I'm glad for my half of the bargain."

  17. Sandringham is playing both sides against the middle. I think he knows what is coming down the pike and he is ensuring that he has allies on the winning side. Love Simon Cowell in this role!

  18. Wow, you guys! I never thought of Dougal being complicit in the death of his wife! I also never got the impression that he had any feelings for Geillis, but episode 10 is really pointing that way. BTW what did you think about Claire's good-bye to Jaimie, "Come back to me James Fraser". Isn't that what Frank said to her at the train station when they parted, "Come back to me Claire Randall"

    1. Oooh HELEN - great point about Frank!!! I NEVER thought of that!!!

  19. Great episode, and funny video. Carol and Tracey...always include alcohol in the process as you two just get better with distillation. Carol...loved it when you burst into song. I hope you have a birthday celebration for Jamie in May and sing and drink and carry on as done before (actually, this would be a good excuse for a gathering, or at least a video again). The observations and comments from the MOPettes are excellent! I hadn't connected the "come back to me, Jamie Fraser" to Frank's comment, but the words really overlap. Good catch, Helen! ....Julie in Jersey

    1. LOL Julie - how funny would that be?? I reprise of our first Jamie's birthday video! I may have to speak to Tracey about that possibility! ;)

  20. Hi! I'm a relative newcomer to the wonderful world of Outlander- started watching the show after the first few episodes aired, and then tore through all 8 books, plus most of the novellas during the break- and I wanted to say I've really enjoyed your recaps. They're hilarious, and bring up some excellent points about both the books and the show.

    I definitely agree that Dougal's little tantrum was a bit out of character; I assumed he was drunk.

    About Laogharie, Claire, and the ill wish: Claire's reaction didn't surprise me at all. I remember her taking it somewhat seriously in the book and trying to find out who put it under her pillow because she and Jamie both regard it as a threat; Claire definitely doesn't believe it has any actual power.

    About Sandringham, MacDonalds, and Jacobites: I just re-read a few scenes from subsequent books that are a bit spoiler-y where this episode left off, and I don't think it's ever made clear whether Sandringham is a Jacobite or not; personally, I think he's playing both sides and seeing which one will benefit him more. BUT there were actually English Jacobites. Many old noble families had risen up in support of the Stuarts back in the 1640s, and some who believed in the divine right of monarchs, as opposed to the stronger Parliament that had been created when the Stuarts were ousted in 1690, still favored a restoration in 1743. So a powerful English duke having Jacobite sympathies isn't unexpected. Nor is his associating with members of Scotland's ruling class, like Colum and Dougal. At this point, Scotland and England had shared a monarchy for well over a century, and the upper classes had been trading back and forth and intermarrying since the middle ages. Realistically, there could be any number of reasons for a rich English duke to be visiting a powerful Highland laird in 1743, most of them having more to do with hunting or business than politics- no one thought a rising was likely at the time.

    Finally, about the duel: I definitely agree that it does very little to advance the plot, though I did find it amusing. While I question the need to include it, however, I didn't find the reason given for the duel odd at all. Eighteenth century gentlemen fought duels over sillier things than gambling debts all the time, after all, and remember, Sandringham's opponent isn't just some random crofter. If he's rich enough to be playing cards with the clearly wealthy Duke of Sandringham, he's clearly someone of some significance (though not to the story); I rather thought it was implied that he was a laird whose lands bordered Colum's.

  21. carol--besides your celebratory video, here's an idea: rent a hall for jamie's birthday celebration, invite all MOP followers, and serve your mom's birthday cake with baker's chocolate icing. also drinks, cash bar. $20 each to attend and it would be a sell out! julie in jersey

    1. I would join that! If not a birthday party for Jaimie, then some other occasion for MOP followers. Tracey and Carol, you have fans!

  22. Wow! 3 weeks ago i'd never heard of Outlander! How did I not know this was being filmed on my doorstep!
    Feel like I have a lot of reading to do.
    Not sure how popular it will be over here in UK, because its only shown on Amazon prime��
    Thanks for the blog, great fun!

  23. Wow! 3 weeks ago i'd never heard of Outlander! How did I not know this was being filmed on my doorstep!
    Feel like I have a lot of reading to do.
    Not sure how popular it will be over here in UK, because its only shown on Amazon prime��
    Thanks for the blog, great fun!

    1. OOOOH LYNN! I'm so jealous! I want to be new to Outlander again, too! Welcome and glad you're "hanging out" with us! :)

  24. I think Dougal's outburst helped reinforce why it is that Colum doesn't want Dougal to be the next laird. Dougal is too much of a loose cannon. I also think Dougal was under the influence.
