
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Outlander: Lallybroch Episode 12 Recap: My Outlander Purgatory Breaks It Down!


  1. This is from an interesting article by Diana called Jamie and the Rule of Three,
    "So love has a cost, and it’s a real one. But they do rescue each other, and Claire saves not only his life but also his soul. (Yes, it is redemption and resurrection, and, yes, there’s Christ imagery all through the story—it was my first book, okay?) His soul wouldn’t have been in danger had he not been really and truly nearly destroyed by his sacrifice.
    Very interesting read about why Jamie had to go through what happened at Wentworth! I remembered it when you guys mentioned the Christ parallels.

  2. Anne Kenney tweeted last night that the "lip touching" by Tobias was not scripted. It just happened! Wow, he's so good at being creepy, it's scary!

    1. I also recall that the wiping of Jenny's face with his spit in ep2 was an ad hoc from Tobias as well. He is really into the BJR role!

  3. Sorry Tracey, you've probably seen Tobias's #whatmodestypouch by now and according to Ron's podcast it was Tobias's idea. I'm hearing he isn't at all shy about such things and has done full frontal before. It definitely made an impression but I think they did a good job of flashing glimpses without making it terribly gratuitous. If people are rewinding and freezing the screen and doing screen captures that's on them. It certainly added to BJR's menace. (shudder!)

    I'm SO glad you liked this episode so much! They had a lot of stuff they had to squeeze into this episode and I think they did a good job of it. I think they depicted Jenny as being justifiably bitchy. Jamie's been gone for 4 years with no word and Jenny and Ian were left to run Lallybroch during hard times. Then Jamie shows up and the first words out of his mouth is to accuse her of playing the whore, then he goes on to play the high and mighty Laird while having no clue as to what it takes to manage an estate like that. Then when Jenny asked Claire if she had ever run a house that size Claire was like, "Ain't no big thang, I'm a fast study" which I thought was really arrogant and belittling. I totally understand her attitude. I understand what is going on in Jamie's head, too, and I think they did a good job of showing him learning through the school of hard knocks. He was battling a lot of baggage and had some pretty desperate dreams about life at Lallybroch: Laird and his Lady, HOME, a normal life just taking care of his own people. By the end of the episode he came full circle and became more humble and respecting the fact that Ian and Jenny knew more about running Lallybroch than he did. That scene where he gave the rent money back reminded me of the scene in the Rent episode where Dougal gave the rent back to the tenants of that one village that had fallen on hard times. I figured that's where he picked that idea up. The cemetery scene kind of put the entire episode into perspective by revealing what was driving Jennie and Jamie. Loved those performances! Spot on!

    Carol, I teared up when I first saw Ian, too! He and his namesake are two of my most beloved characters in the series and I couldn't help but see a flash of his entire story in that moment.


  4. Love you ladies, you do a bang up job & drink wine. You help me remember things that I wondered about & hash them out beautifully. Love that you get the men to watch & comment. I remember over 21 yrs ago when I first read Outlander, I thought finally a woman gets the sex right. At 70, I remember sex as terrific, fulfilling, bonding, & downright fun, often started by me but my husband was a loving wonderful man who also thought regular people should enjoy great sex. Hurrah
    for Diana.

  5. P.S. I have all the books (Hardcover) & reread every year. Looking forward to the newest one in a few years because D.G. has left a lot hanging around unfinished. Love her humor & her handling of relationships. Can't wait to see who they select for BRIANNA & ROGER & IAN,wonderful characters. Thanks Ladies.

    1. Sam mentioned earlier he's met new cast members. When will Starz make these new cast announcements for Season 2??

  6. Thank you for your overview and great insight, as always! I ended up taking notes during your podcast, so excuse the ramblings to come.

    BJR and the bloody finger and the sniffing of Jenny's hair reminded me of Hannibal Lecter. I half expected BJR to mumble something about Clarice and fava beans.

    Jenny is bitchy, but that's her character. She's strong willed and it's the 18th century. Can't judge her from our tell-it-like-it-is American standard, but from a woman's viewpoint in that time period. She is shocked and insulted that Jamie would think less of her. She isn't going to grovel to him, but expects him to come to her.

    Tracey--a "shut up button for Claire" would be perfect! Send an email to the costume dept. Carol--yes, I love seeing short Jenny and tall Jamie together, for that's how Claire and Jamie are supposed to be.

    Drunk Jamie was funny and the scene seemed spot-on real, especially the drunk comments and slapping of Claire and then the passed out snoring.

    Yes, book Jamie would have been more ready with a knife when woken up from a sound sleep, and I thought that during last week's episode at his campfire by the stones, too. I don't know why Claire would feel the need to wake him up to read him the riot act, but that's Claire. She acts and then thinks.

    I was disappointed with the "I love you" scene at the end of the episode. The scene seemed flat and without much emotion. C and J have been through so much together, and yet this scene seemed sort of meh, when it should have been loaded with emotion--like the cigarette lighting scene and the line about the moon and stars with Bette Davis in "Now, Voyager."

    No tears have been shed by me, either during the books of tv series, so maybe I need to try those yoga moves. However, the ending of "West Side Story" gets me every time. --Julie in Jersey

    1. Auntie Lamb here -

      "Now, Voyager" is one of my five favorite all-time movies (Did you know that Bette Davis always said she hoped that Charlotte Vale would ditch sappy Jerry Durrance in favor of Dr, Jacquith, once she got her confidence going?).

    2. I find that the scenes that are so strong in the book fall flat in the TV show. The last scene that I really like was the the fight after J rescues C. I was really expecting something major when she finds him after deciding not to go back to her time period but nothing happened. And the I love you's...same thing. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way.

    3. Auntie Lamb: yes, that fight between J and C (after the rescue from BJR) was intense and very realistic. I liked how C put her angry face so close to J's and really let him have it--it really showed their matching strengths, but also their vulnerability.

      And, Charlotte Vale could have ended up with Dr. J, but then we would have missed that "moon and stars" scene.

      My other crying movie: "The Joy Luck Club," when the mom leaves her baby twins under and tree and walks away. Throw in a few Maxwell House coffee and Hallmark card commercials, and I'm a goner. Julie in Jersey

  7. How the heck could Tobias Menzies hands be so gorgeous as Frank and so unbelievably horrible as Black Jack?

  8. You MUST check out Ron's Podcast. Ann K (the writer) states that was Tobias interpretation of a couple of her words in the script of the scene. Tobias did it, totally unexpected, they loved it, kept it. The higher powers did not react negatively (censorship wise) and we get it. Kuddo's to Tobias and his commitment to the character.

    1. Auntie Again -

      Yeah, full marks to Tobias for being creepy and all; but if he wins an Emmy, people will always say he got it for pulling out his junk (that was NO prosthetic)!

    2. Could you please post a link to Ron's podcast?
      Thank you!
      Lisa D.


      Avec plaisir!

      Love, Auntie

  9. It's Auntie Lamb (who loves DrunkJamie with a passion) again -

    With a report from the Internets ....

    Much love/hate for the Outlander "I love you" scene. So. Many. Feels. Many already felt cheated by "inadequate" coverage of the "Stones" and "I'm Staying" scenes from the previous week. Now add dudgeon over the "failure" to replicate various components of the ILY scenes from the books. Me: I thought they were fine; although I'd love to have seen Jamie's "I prayed all the way up that hill" speech.

    We've been talking "Creepy" in relation to Tobias/BJR. Some Fantrolls have that waaaay beat... There are actually people out there trying to figure out what Sam's, shall we say, "water-chilled" size might be, based on the size of his hands (they ARE big) as they cover himself in the mill pond. THEN trying to extrapolate that to a room-temperature, unaroused measurement, and then ... d'ya ken???? EEEWWW!! It's out there.

    I thought I was doing well to notice the scar in Jamie's right side from last week's fight with the McDonalds, amidst all that other impressive musculature, as he was thrashing about in the millpond.

    What with all Jamie's sundry scars, whose numbers are growing exponentially, and now with Ian's wooden leg issues, there's no way the make-up/prosthetics folks would have had time to do a "rig" for BJR!! You're on your own, Pervert-Boy!

    1. It's Auntie replying to myself - just roll with me, please - I'll be brief ...

      Of course, Jamie's fresh McDonalds scar is on his LEFT side, not his right (bad, Auntie, bad...)

  10. Thank you for another wonderful recap. You always help me see things I missed and I love to hear you hash things out with differing viewpoints. And you are hilarious!

    Lots of amazing acting in this episode. I’m having such a hard time with this episode though – I really did not like so many things about it. Jamie is headstrong but he is NOT a rude, spoiled brat! I just hated the way he was portrayed. He showed no graciousness to Jenny and Ian for keeping the estate going – he KICKED THEM OUT OF THEIR BEDROOM – he didn’t want Claire to embarrass him in front of the “servants”. Ugh, no. I just felt like it wasn’t true to his character AT ALL.

    Kudos to Tobias Menzies for his performance in this episode – ultra creepy… terrifying. Laura Donnelly was excellent as Jenny (although again I didn’t expect the downright hostility to Claire). Maybe portraying that hostility helps set the stage for future events with Leg-hair.

    Have a great week ladies!
    Lisa D.

    1. I agree, his behavior threw me off the first time I watched it. I read an interview where Sam said he was portraying him as a "brat" in this episode. It didn't really fit for me either, but if you think about it as a 23 year old young man coming home for the first time in 4 years, I can see him (okay, not our Jamie, but the average guy) jumping right into the role he left behind, until he gets his footing. Siblings can do that to you! I think they are just trying to draw an obvious character arc (maybe too obvious) so we can follow the growth and maturation of the character. That wasn't MY Jamie either though, but I'll take what I can get cuz I'm lovin every minute!

  11. My closed caption showed the word Jamie used in the show as Cack he also said it in the bedroom when he was drunk and sat down. In Gaelic it means sh** looked it up in a Gaelic dictionary. Maybe it means something else but that is what I looked up.

    1. Thank you for looking that up. I was wondering!
      Lisa D.

  12. OMG, those glasses!! I have been lusting after them since they first appeared in Castle Leoch. They're, as far as I can tell, only available as very expensive antiques from the 18th century, or from the guys who made the glasses for the Outlander They have several styles but one comparable glass will cost you at the least $70USD. And that's not including tax and shipping. Too rich for me. The Outlander Starz people need to make a cheap version of these, instead of those silly glasses they sell with the Outlander logo printed on them.

    1. OMG THANKS aamadis!!! I will post about them! I LOVED them. You are right; a bit hopefully someone will get on the KNOCK OFF wagon STAT! ;)

  13. Is it normal to be able to watch a show earlier than its slotted time? I've never been such a rabid fan of a TV show before so I've never paid attention. Not that I'm complaining! I actually get to watch it Friday nights at 10 since I am in the Mountain Time Zone and it's awesome! Just wondering why Starz is doing it. I would think it makes it difficult for a lot of fans to even be ON the Internet on Saturdays for fear of spoilers. Why wouldn't Starz just wait til the minute it airs on Saturday nights to make it available On Demand and Play. Maybe just to create a stir?

    1. Auntie Here -

      Add me to the list of maniacs who watch the show (on Starz Play) as soon as I can get it on Friday nite. For me that's about 12:15 AM here in the Eastern time zone. I discovered the access for Black Sails, and found that Starz had continued it for Outlander. BTW - It's also available on my cable co's (Comcast - the Evil Empire) On Demand service around 12:30AM.

  14. Things I loved the sets wow. The tension and then resolution between Jamie and Jenny. Jamie sharing with Claire things he has never shared with anyone about his father's death and black Jack they are becoming the keeper's of each other's secret's deep bonding. I loved the vase actually cried when she got it my husband who is not a book reader just looked at me like really. lol Drunk Jamie what a sweet drunk Jamie is looking forward to season 2. Loved Ian and Claire Ian is just a sweetheart he is a needed buffer. Loved Jenny once she and Jamie buried their demons and guilt made mu husband realize why he was so drawn to Claire. Loved Jamie showing kinks in his armor as they say he is trying so hard we all revert back in judgement and age when we return home perfectly expected. He is over that and we will see grow in him towards our Jamie. Looking forward to next week.

    Both of you are just so enjoyable and loved all the sharing makes me smile and laugh so hard and cry! Thank you for doing it.

    1. You are quite welcome, Anon. We make those videos in hopes you guys will feel like we're all hanging out, dishing Outlander together. :)

  15. Weakest episode so far. Except for a few moments, I found it tedious. Probably because I already knew all the exposition from the books, and thus this episode was SLOOOWWWW moving.

    1. Funny I didn't experience this ep that way. After The Devil's Mark I appreciate the lull before the coming storm, a respite before we go off on another wild adventure. Always interesting to compare notes- thank you.

  16. I am so happy with the casting of Jenny and Ian, and I thought the Jenny/Jamie interplay was great. Jenny is like this little firecracker. I LOVED drunk Jamie in this episode, and was annoyed by pompous Jamie (though I see the reason for it). Tobias Menzies was amazing...just so creepy! Made me really nervous for Wentworth. Thought the scene at the mill was great for some levity. My husband actually laughed out loud at "Blessed Michael Defend Us!" and the line about his cock snapping off. Just going to slightly disagree with some commenters, though about the "I love you" scene, which is a mash-up of two different scenes in the book... I actually found in the book, when Claire started throwing crap at Jamie because he remarked about her rock solid head, etc... to be a little much. I'm glad they didn't do that in the show, because I think it's a total over-reaction. She maybe could have feigned being offended a little more (on the show), but that's about it. When I read the passage in the book, I thought Claire WAY over-reacted. Final thought: I'm ok with changes from the book when they make more sense for a tv audience, but I'm a little puzzled about the whole inviting the Watch to stay in the house, like they are showing in the previews. Maybe I'll see the point of it once the episode airs.

    1. Who the heck is Michael? Is he from the bible? After my initial feelings of disappointment over the ILY scene, I am finally going to not compare the book & the tv scenes/lines anymore. I am generally happy, over the moon with this adaptation. I loved Jamie's ye weighed as much as a draft horse. But, honestly, that wouldn't be as funny on tv, I think. Besides I am really appreciating Ron D Moore the husband whose love for Terry is being interwoven into Outlander lines spoken by Jamie. So thx for talking outloud, clarifying some of my ideas & issues. Would somebody tell us how to find Blake's website, and, Tracy, are you the older sibling? Till next time, thank you!


    3. St. Michael the Archangel, defender of the Catholic Church, assists souls at the hour of death

    4. Thank you both. There's so much to Diana's work that every bit of new info & insights help to increase my understanding & appreciation of her brilliant story telling.

  17. I loved seeing Brian Fraser. He was exactly as I had imagined, big strapping solid man. I noticed him standing way back in the second episode during the flogging scene and checked the credits to see his name listed. I thought it was one more super job of casting. I loved Jamie wearing his dads leather coat at Lallybroch. A son would so do that! Also, for the first time EVER, Jamie reminded me a tad of (should I say spoiler?) William. In the books, I have always searched to find some Jamie in William....and when I watched events unfold for 22 yr old Jamie, on tv Outlander, I think I spotted a bit of William.

    1. Ohmigosh, thank you for saying that about William! I had a hard time liking William and chalked up his spoiled brat nature to his privileged upbringing, by you are so right! I DO see it! Nature vs. Nurture...very interesting! I'm appreciating this episode much more now that I can make that comparison. Thanks, Susan!

    2. Yes!! Definitely shades of William!!

  18. Did the vase also contain forget-me-nots the very flower Claire was picking when she went through the stones. I may be incorrect but that is what some of the flowers looked like. :)

    1. I didn't think so from the top of my head, altho there are some larger light blue colored flowers. The vase itself plays a bigger significance for Claire, as it symbolizes staying put long enough to have a vase.

  19. Has anyone else seen the cover of the Emmy Magazine? Sam and Cat on the cover. Oh my god!!!!!

  20. I saw it. They were both smokin'!

  21. Just watched the Vlog and I just wanted to chime in and say the, imo, Jamie ABSOLUTELY deserved the tongue lashing or, as I called it, the "Come to Jesus" moment. From the moment Jamie walked through the gates of Lallybroch he turned into Douchey-McDoucherson for 2/3 of the episode. It finally became clear to me the whole problem was Jamie trying to assume his role as Laird but in his FATHER'S image rather than finding his own path. It was so beautifully illustrated in the way Brian's coat didn't fit perfectly. That leather coat on Brian sat perfectly on his shoulders and was stretched across his chest. Once Jamie started wearing it we could see that Jamie's shoulders weren't quite as broad or his chest wasn't as deep, which was totally symbolic to me that BRIAN'S way didn't fit Jamie, it was an uncomfortable fit.

    So, Claire smacking him upside the head and saying "SNAP OUT OF IT" seemed totally justified to me. It took someone outside the Fraser circle to see it and say it to him.

  22. KristinDSantos shared this from eonline a while back did they take a scene out she was able to see. I miss more development of affection between Jamie and Claire not sex scenes just affection maybe it is just me. ... s-and-more

    Francesca1132: Outlander!! I could watch Caitriona, Tobias and Sam playing "Ne'er Have I E'er" until the end of time! Was so amazing…did they spill any scoop *after the Paley panel?
    If they did, that would have been the whiskey talking so I'd never repeat! However, I have seen the next 5 episodes, and in the spirit of the drinking game, I can tell you that Jamie would have to drink at: "Ne'er Have I E'er been completely naked standing up out of a river, with my hands serving as a wee bitty sports cup." And also "Ne'er Have I E'er passed out drunk and then been taken to task by my ladylove." And yes, I am talking about things that happened ON THE SHOW, in upcoming episodes, just to be perfectly clear! The next five episodes are FANTASTIC.

    Did I miss something maybe we were suppose to imagine it.

  23. Someone explained to me lol. Taken to task means something totally different in my part of the world! Enjoy tonight's episode!

  24. "Take to task" means to scold or criticize so maybe they mean when Claire gives Jamie the "talking too" the following day? She didn't give Drunk Jamie much of a scolding, but I guess there was some criticism, i.e. Telling him he reeks, comparing him to an elephant...
